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22 mar.SiPearl
Castelldefels, ES
Spontaneous application
SiPearl · Castelldefels, ES
SiPearl is building Rhea, the high-performance, low-power European microprocessor dedicated to supercomputing and AI inference.
This new generation of microprocessors will first target EuroHPC Joint Undertaking ecosystem, which is deploying world-class supercomputing infrastructures in Europe for solving major challenges in medical research, artificial intelligence, security, energy management and climate with a reduced carbon footprint.
SiPearl is working in close collaboration with its 30 partners from the European Processor Initiative (EPI) consortium - leading names from the scientific community, supercomputing centers and industry - which are its stakeholders, future clients and end-users.
SiPearl Employs More Than 200 People In
- France (Maisons-Laffitte, Grenoble, Massy, Sophia Antipolis),
- Germany (Duisburg)
- Spain (Barcelona)
- and Italy (Bologna)
At SiPearl, we are constantly looking for new talent!
If you are passionate about your profession and wish to grow in a stimulating environment, don’t hesitate to send us your spontaneous application.
We are open to all applications and will carefully consider each profile.
Join us to help create Rhea, the "Made in Europe" microprocessor that will be the technological heart of European supercomputers, and develop your skills within a fast-growing company.
Who are we?
Founded in 2019 with the support of the European Union , SiPearl embodies Europe's dream of mastering the technological heart of its supercomputers: the microprocessor.
SiPearl is developing Rhea, the high-performance, low-power European microprocessor dedicated to supercomputing and AI.
This new generation of microprocessors will initially target the EuroHPC ecosystem, which is deploying world-class high-performance computing infrastructures in Europe to tackle major challenges in medical research, artificial intelligence, security, energy management, and climate with a reduced carbon footprint.
SiPearl works closely with its 30 partners from the European Processor Initiative (EPI) consortium – major names from the scientific community, high-performance computing centers, and industry – who are its stakeholders, future clients, and end users.
SiPearl Employs Over 190 People In
France (Maisons-Laffitte, Grenoble, Massy, Sophia Antipolis),
Germany (Duisburg),
Spain (Barcelona),
Italy (Bologna).
SiPearl is part of the 2024 cohort of the French Tech Next 120 program.
Are you curious to learn more about us?
- Follow us on LinkedIn to stay informed about our latest news
- Stay updated on our recruitment activities: SiPearlCareers
- Discover our culture: Welcome to the Jungle