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14 de febr.Livensa Living
Pamplona/Iruña, ES
Livensa Living · Pamplona/Iruña, ES
Our Receptionists are key ingredients we use to deliver an exceptional customer experience; they put the customer centre-stage and strive for customer retention and recommendation.
A team player, enthusiastic, curious, and dedicated team members, our receptionist is the heartbeat of our customer service.
Key tasks:
-Manage the day-to-day running of the reception, being the first point of contact for any student queries or complaints. This includes meeting, greeting and attending to the needs of guests, ensuring they receive an exceptional customer service experience.
-To build a good rapport with all residents and resolve and complaints/ issues quickly.
-Ensuring a smooth check-in and check-out of students.
-Ensuring all documents and payments have been received before student's arrival and that rooms are ready.
-Ensuring welcome pack documents are completed on check-in.
-Thereafter that the correct charges are levied to student accounts on check-out.
-Effective trafficking of work to maintenance and housekeeping departments as reported to the front desk.
-Assist the Residence Manager as directed with in-house administration.
-Demonstrating company product knowledge and ensuring that the core values of the company are reflected through outstanding customer service.
-Undertake general office duties, including correspondence, emails, filing, answering telephones and to ensure the smooth running of the reception area.
-Responsible for the signing in and out of guests, and where relevant, keys. Assisting with general building security by monitoring who enters and leaves building and to report anything suspicious to the Assistant Manager or Residence Manager.
-Responsible for accepting mail and parcels for residents & staff and distributing them correctly and efficiently using in-house system.
-Process all in-house related requests including Extension of Tenancy, Room moves, Transfer of Tenancy.
-Key to the handling of Sales Enquiries and the Letting Process, as well as property viewing where and as requested.
-Complying with policies and procedures to ensure any changes are understood and carried out.
-Liaising with all departments, including Maintenance, Housekeeping, Finance and Sales on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Schedule: Monday to Sunday / Shifts / 40 weekly hours.
Start date: September
Type of contract: permanent
We are waiting for you :)
Livensa Living tratará tus datos personales para la gestión de tu candidatura en el proceso de selección, así como, sólo con tu consentimiento, para la conservación de tus datos personales y, en su caso, ponerse en contacto contigo para otras ofertas de empleo que puedan ajustarse a tu perfil en el futuro. Puedes retirar tu consentimiento, ejercer tus derechos y obtener más información sobre el tratamiento de tus datos aquí.