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0UVE Valoraciones
Tarragona, ES
Tasador/A Externo/A En Comarcas Anoia, Alt Penedés Y Baix Llobregat
UVE Valoraciones · Tarragona, ES
Oferta de empleo: Tasador/a Externo/a en zonas de Anoia, Alt Penedés y Baix Llobregat (Barcelona)UVE VALORACIONES, S.A., sociedad de tasación homologada por el Banco de España, necesita incorporar a su red, un tasador o tasadora en Barcelona.Valoraremos aquellas candidaturas que tengan algún curso o máster en valoraciones o tasaciones inmobiliarias.La experiencia que se requiere es mínima de uno o dos años en sociedades de tasación.Las funciones a desarrollar son las propias de un/a tasador/a externo/a.Se ofrece contrato mercantil.Los interesados pueden enviar el Currículum Vitae a la atención de Beatriz García (******).INFORMACIÓN BÁSICA SOBRE PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS:Responsable del tratamiento: UVE VALORACIONES, S.A. Finalidad: Realizar los procesos de selección de personal.
Legitimación: Tratamiento necesario para la aplicación de medidas precontractuales a petición del interesado; .
Destinatarios: No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal.
Derechos: Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, indicados en la información adicional, que puede ejercer enviando un correo electrónico a nuestra dirección electrónica: ******.
Procedencia: El propio interesado.
Información adicional: Puede consultar información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos enviando un email a la dirección: ******
Tarragona, ES
Research Projects and International Collaborations Technician (Ref: MGMT 2025-04)
ICIQ · Tarragona, ES
The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is seeking a Research Projects and International Collaborations Technician.
ICIQ is committed to performing excellent research at the frontier of knowledge in the broad area of chemistry (Catalysis, Artificial Photosynthesis, Activation of Small Molecules, Photovoltaics, Functional Molecular Assemblies and Chemical Biology, from either theoretical or experimental perspectives). The institute also aims at training the future generation of scientists by offering high-quality educational programmes to master, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers (Full details on http://www.iciq.org/).
Our mission is to lead, from the vantage point of molecular science, cross-strategies for solving major social and economic challenges, such as climate change and sustainable supply of energetic and raw materials, thereby contributing to the establishment of a knowledge-based economy and improving citizens’ quality of life in our influence area.
The RPIC Unit (Research Projects and International Collaborations) was created in 2014 along with the start of the European Horizon 2020 framework program, with the main objective of increasing the Institute's participation in competitive calls and the number of research projects granted.
The main tasks of the unit are the following: 1. Identification and monitoring of financing opportunities; 2. Support in the preparation of proposals for the different calls; 3. Tasks of coordination and management of the granted projects; 4. Participation in different national and European platforms and scientific policy activities; 5. Active communication with other Research and Innovation actors and search for collaborators.
- Funding: Identify new funding opportunities for the research lines at ICIQ.
- Project preparation: Support the definition of research projects, advising on project partners, preparation of budget, support on proposal writing and submission.
- Project Coordination: Monitor the progress of work, anticipate possible problems and maintain excellent communication with the Principal Investigator and with the Project Officer or equivalent from funding agencies. Organize and participate in consortium meetings, teleconferences, reviews and other events. Prepare and submit high-quality periodic reports on time (collect and review consortium information).
- Science policy: Analysis and participation in the definition of roadmaps and strategic documents and agendas.
- Others: Collaborate to improve the operation of the different units involved in the research projects implementation by sharing best practices and liaising between research group leaders and other ICIQ support areas for the daily running of the projects.
- University Degree (Chemistry related degrees might be an advantage).
- Research experience or PhD.
- Excellent communication (both oral and written) and networking skills.
- Advanced level of English and Catalan (written and spoken) is required.
- Team work and collaborative skills.
- Critical thinking and attention to detail.
- Used to working under pressure with strict deadlines.
- Availability for travelling in Europe.
- Previous experience, at least two years, in research project management.
- Advanced user of Sharepoint or other collaborative platforms.
- Good knowledge/awareness of European research funding programmes.
- Awareness of scientific career development.
- Good knowledge of CERCA centres and the Catalan and Spanish research system.
- A full-time permanent contract
- Annual salary split into 12 monthly payments.
- Remuneration according to the candidate’s qualifications/experience
- Incorporation: Immediately
A Cover Letter with a statement of interest in English, including two contacts for further references - Applications without this document will not be considered
A full CV in English including contact details
ICIQ is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion of people with disabilities, according to article 59 of the Royal Decree 1/2015, of 30 of October.
- Structural position resulting from the ordinary reposition quota for 2025.
ICIQ follows the principles of Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers as established by the European Commission.
ICIQ follows in its selection process a gender equality opportunity policy and a non-discrimination policy on the basis of age, ethnic or social origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, language and disability.
ICIQ is committed to promoting a work-life balance for its employees and, as such, offers flexible working hours.
Selection Process
ICIQ’s Selection Process Usually Entails The Following Phases
- Pre-selection: The pre-selection process will be based on qualifications and expertise as reflected on the candidates’ CVs. This phase is merit-based.
- Interview: Preselected candidates will be interviewed by the Hiring Manager of the position and the appointed Selection Committee.
- Offer Letter: Once the successful candidate is selected, the People Unit will extend a Job Offer, specifying the start day, salary and overall job conditions.