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0Supply Planning Manager
18 feb.Michael Page
Girona, ES
Supply Planning Manager
Michael Page · Girona, ES
- Empresa de Alimentación
- Supply Planning Manager
¿Dónde vas a trabajar?
Food company located in the province of Girona
Service Organization:
- Ensure the good organization of the service: task versatility, smooth communication flow, service reactivity, absence management.
- Supervise the daily activities of the service: ongoing orders, schedule management, raw material sourcing, raw material stock.
- Ensure fluid communication with other services.
- Deploy and supervise the service performance indicators (KPIs).
- Lead continuous improvement in services. Oversee the action plan.
- Manage internal storage and logistics. Manage external storage providers.
Relationship with the Production Department:
- Create production plans.
- Supervise the daily execution of the production plan.
- Measure the degree of compliance with the production plan. Propose an improvement plan for its execution.
- Measure productivity and create production time ranges (according to the site).
- Formalize and supervise product scheduling standards.
Relationship with the Purchasing Department:
- Manage material orders to suppliers. Act as an interface with the Purchasing Department.
- Lead S&OP meetings with involved services.
- Coordinate the sourcing plan for materials.
- Supervise inventory depreciation: waste, stock, quality, etc.
Relationship with the Sales Department:
- Ensure customer satisfaction with compliant products, in the right quantities and within the agreed timelines. Measure service levels and lead action plans to address discrepancies.
- Decide, in collaboration with the sales department, the reserve stocks to be implemented to ensure good service levels and optimal factory organization. Manage customer contracts for these reserve stocks.
- Anticipate high-demand periods (holiday products, summer products) and summer holiday periods by obtaining customer forecasts.
Relationship with the Quality Department:
- Manage non-compliant products: stock supervision, recycling, values, etc.
- Stock Management (Internal and External)
- Conduct material inventories.
- Ensure sufficient stock levels of ingredients for production and manage Finished Goods stocks.
- Monitor the financial stock supervision of the company.
Transportation Management:
- Ensure proper transportation management: orders, terms of conditions, satisfaction tracking, joint monitoring.
- Measure and supervise our satisfaction level with transport providers.
¿A quién buscamos (H/M/D)?
- Higher education (Business Administration/Economics/Engineering or similar).
- AdditionaltraininginSupplyChain/Logistics/Operationsis a plus.
- MinimumEnglishlevel: FirstCertificate (language test will be conducted).
- KnowledgeofFrenchis a plus.
- An interest in data management
- Previous experience in supply chain management.
- Experienceinmanagingdirectteams.
- AccustomedtoworkinginanFMCGenvironment.
¿Cuáles son tus beneficios?
Oportunidades de carrera y desarrollo profesional.
SAP Consultant
17 feb.HAYS
Girona, ES
SAP Consultant
HAYS · Girona, ES
Hays Technology colabora con una empresa familiar ubicada en la provincia de Girona.
Buscamos un Consultor/a de SAP para liderar las mejoras del ERP de SAP Business One, automatizar procesos e impulsar el desarrollo tecnológico de una empresa del sector industrial.
Grado Universitario o CFGS en Informática, Ingeniería, Economía, ADE, HR o similar.
Experiencia +3 años como SAP Consultant con experiencia en proyectos.
Fuerte funcional y técnico del proceso de negocio del sistema.
Castellano y catalán nativo.
Promover ideas para la mejora de los procesos industriales de SAP B1.
Liderar proyectos de SAP B1, toma de requerimientos internas, mejoras y migraciones.
Gestión de los stakeholders para brindar soluciones técnicas a negocio.
Asegurar el mantenimiento del sistema y la optimización de los módulos.
Gestión y control de las diferentes soluciones a todas las incidencias.
Beneficios y condiciones:
Ambiente familiar en una empresa de 100 trabajadores
Modelo presencial de trabajo
Aprendizaje continuo y plan de carrera
Salario entre 45.000€ - 60.000€ BA