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Santa Cruz de Tenerife
26 de marçAVANTE | La Agencia de Medios que Suma
AVANTE | La Agencia de Medios que Suma · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Teletreball Excel
¡Ampliamos nuestro departamento financiero!
Abrimos una vacante para un/a Contable en nuestra oficina de Las Rozas.La persona elegida será la responsable del ciclo contable completo, llevando a cabo las tareas contables y financieras que se le asignen.Tus funciones serán:Contabilización de facturas recibidas y emitidas (SII)Conciliación bancariaCálculo y presentación de impuestos (tributación mensual/trimestral/anual)Contabilización e imputación de nóminas y pago embargosPeriodificación gastosGestión y registro gastos tarjetas bancariasInformes costes por etiquetasRevisión y auditoría interna y colaboración con externaControl de cuentas del GrupoRelación con entidades públicasTareas de clientes/facturaciónRequisitosCapacidad de análisis, resolución de problemas y toma de decisionesOrganización, planificación y gestión del tiempoAtención al detalle y precisión en el trabajoExperiencia mínima de más de 3 años realizando las funciones descritasHabilidades de comunicación y trabajo en equipoDominio de herramientas informáticas (Excel, software contable)¿Qué ofrecemos?Formar parte de una agencia nacional en pleno crecimientoDesarrollo y evolución constanteTeletrabajoJornada continua en veranoSi cumples los requisitos para el puesto y quieres unirte a la familia AVANTE... Envía tu CV actualizado a ******¡Estamos deseando conocerte!
Contable Financiero
22 de marçCrowe Spain
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Contable Financiero
Crowe Spain · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Crowe Legal y Tributario Andalucía busca ampliar su Departamento económico financiero – contable de la oficina de Sevilla con un candidato con 4 a 6 años de experiencia.Funciones del puesto ofertadoLa persona que se incorpore participará activamente en el desarrollo de las funciones asignadas al departamento, tales como:-
Asesoramiento económico y contable a los clientes de la firma-
Llevanza de contabilidades y direcciones contables-
Confección de las obligaciones fiscales-
Elaboración de los cierres y CCAA-
Otras tareas de contabilidad analítica, elaboración de reporte económico financiero e interpretación y asesoramiento en general de cuantas necesidades en el área se materialicen.Las cualidades deseadas para la posición son:Experiencia demostrable de 4 a 6 años con funciones similares en otros despachos de profesionales.Grado en ADE.Capacidad analítica, proactividad y capacidad de trabajo en equipo.Dominio de software de contabilidad A3Asesor o similares.Experiencia previa en presentación de modelos tributarios como IVA, IS e IRPF y en trabajar con plazos de entrega.Dominio de herramientas Office.Imprescindible haber trabajado en Asesorías o Despachos.Valorable nivel de inglés B2 o superior.Valorable Máster en contabilidad y auditoría de cuentas¿Qué ofrecemos?Integración en una firma internacional, participando desde el principio en proyectos y asuntos relevantesDesarrollo y proyección profesional con formación continuadaContrato laboral indefinidoExcelente ambiente de trabajoRango salarial 20.000-22.000 € brutos/añoLos interesados pueden enviar su CV al correo electrónico ******
19 de marçThe Ritz-Carlton, Abama
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
The Ritz-Carlton, Abama · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Job Summary
Supports the day-to-day execution of general ledger impacted processes, including support to clients/departments as they work with and understand these processes. Performs accounting functions specifically in the areas of account balancing, ledger reconciliation, reporting and discrepancy resolution. Works with other Finance and Accounting employees in areas relating to general ledgers, subsidiary ledgers and related reporting.
Education And Experience
- 4-year bachelor's degree in Finance and Accounting or related major; no work experience required.
Managing Work, Projects, and Policies
- Coordinates and implements accounting work and projects as assigned.
- Coordinates, implements and follows up on Accounting SOP audits for all areas of the property.
- Complies with Federal and State laws applying to fraud and collection procedures.
- Generates and provides accurate and timely results in the form of reports, presentations, etc.
- Analyzes information and evaluates results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
- Compiles, codes, categorizes, calculates, tabulates, audits, or verifies information or data.
- Balances credit card ledgers.
- Verifies contracts for groups and performs credit reference checks for direct billed groups if necessary.
- Achieves and exceeds goals including performance goals, budget goals, team goals, etc.
- Develops specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work.
- Submits reports in a timely manner, ensuring delivery deadlines.
- Ensures profits and losses are documented accurately.
- Monitors all taxes that apply, ensuring that taxes are current, collected and/or accrued.
- Maintains a strong accounting and operational control environment to safeguard assets.
- Completes period end function each period.
- Provide direction and assistance to other organizational units regarding accounting and budgeting policies and procedures, and efficient control and utilization of financial resources.
- Demonstrates knowledge of job-relevant issues, products, systems, and processes.
- Demonstrates knowledge of return check procedures.
- Demonstrates knowledge of the Gross Revenue Report.
- Demonstrates knowledge and proficiency with write off procedures.
- Demonstrates knowledge and proficiency with consolidated deposit procedures.
- Keeps up-to-date technically and applying new knowledge to your job.
- Uses computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information.
- Uses relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.
- Provides information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.
- Demonstrates personal integrity.
- Uses effective listening skills.
- Demonstrates self confidence, energy and enthusiasm.
- Manages group or interpersonal conflict effectively.
- Informs and/or updates the executives, the peers and the subordinates on relevant information in a timely manner.
- Manages time well and possesses strong organizational skills.
- Presents ideas, expectations and information in a concise well organized way.
- Uses problem solving methodology for decision making and follow up.
- Makes collections calls if necessary.
At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate.
Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests.
Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with.
In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you.
16 de marçMarriott International
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Marriott International · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Additional Information
Job Number 25045345
Job Category Finance & Accounting
Location The Ritz-Carlton Tenerife Abama, Calle Maria Zambrano 2, Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 38687VIEW ON MAP
Schedule Full Time
Located Remotely? N
Position Type Management
Marriott International 是履行平等工作機會的僱主。我們深信應招聘多元化員工並秉持包容、以人為本的文化。我們致力於不歧視任何受到保障的群體,例如殘障和退伍軍人身分,或是任何其他適行法律所涵蓋的任何其他群體。
在全球百餘家備受認可的麗思卡 爾頓酒店中,每 位員工都力爭為賓客締造歷 久彌新的非凡體驗-恆久雋永,難以忘懷。全球各地的飯店英才在此匯聚,匠心呈獻終生難忘的珍貴時光,我們深信,創意靈感、貼心關懷和將心比心是我們走向成功的核心所在。
您的職責是始終以優雅風度用心提供周到服務,踐行麗思卡 爾頓「黃金標準」。黃金準則是麗思卡 爾頓的品牌根基,指引我們一步步 走向更好。正是這一品牌根基和文化理念使麗思卡 爾頓一步步 邁向成功,贏得了全球豪華飯店品牌佼佼者的聲譽。加入麗思卡 爾頓團隊,學習我們的員工承諾、信條和服務準則,實踐黃金雕準,磨練您的技能。我們在此承諾,每 一位員工都將為選擇這份事業和擁有出色同事感到自豪。
加入麗思卡 爾頓,便是加入萬豪國際集團的非凡品牌組合。從這裡 揚帆啟程,發揮個人價值,追求 人生目標,加入 卓越國際團隊,展現 真我風采。
16 de marçMarriott International
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Marriott International · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Additional Information
Job Number 25045345
Job Category Finance & Accounting
Location The Ritz-Carlton Tenerife Abama, Calle Maria Zambrano 2, Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 38687VIEW ON MAP
Schedule Full Time
Located Remotely? N
Position Type Management
加入丽思卡尔顿,便是加入万豪国际集团的非凡品牌组合。从这里扬帆起航 ,发挥个人价值,追求 人生目标,融入 卓越国际团队,展现 真我风采。
15 de marçMarriott International
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Marriott International · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Additional Information
Job Number 25045345
Job Category Finance & Accounting
Location The Ritz-Carlton Tenerife Abama, Calle Maria Zambrano 2, Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 38687VIEW ON MAP
Schedule Full Time
Located Remotely? N
Position Type Management
메리어트는 기회 균등 고용주입니다. 저희는 다양한 직원을 고용하고 포괄적인 문화를 유지하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 장애인 및 퇴역 군인과 같이 보호를 받는 상태 또는 해당 법률에 의해 보호를 받는 기타 상태로 인해 차별하지 않을 것을 약속합니다.
전 세계 100개 이상의 수상 경력에 빛나는 리츠칼튼은 고객이 머무른 후에도 오래도록 기억에 남을 특별한 경험을 선사합니다. 리츠칼튼은 우리를 찾는 고객들이 평생 좋은 추억을 간직할 수 있도록 세계 최고의 호스피탈리티 전문가들을 영입하고 있으며, 창의적이고, 사려 깊고, 열정적인 태도를 지닌 사람이라면 모두가 성공할 수 있다고 믿습니다.
하루도 빠짐 없이 희소성과 특별함이 있는 럭셔리 서비스의 기준을 세우고 전 세계 고객에게 보살핌과 편안함을 드리기 위해 탁월한 서비스를 제공하는 것에 자부심을 느끼고 있습니다.
여러분의 역할은리츠칼튼의 '골드 스탠다드(Gold Standards)'를 고객에게 매일 우아하고 사려 깊게 전달하는 것입니다. 골드 스탠다드는 리츠칼튼의 근간이며, 매일 우리가 지난 날보다 더 나은 사람이 되도록 인도하는 역할이 되어줍니다. 리츠칼튼을 성공적으로 이끈 문화, 즉 고객 서비스에 대한 토대와 신념을 통해 럭셔리 호스피탈리티 분야의 글로벌 브랜드 리더로서의 명성을 얻었습니다. 우리 팀의 일원으로서 여러분은 직원 약속, 신조 및 서비스 가치와 같은 골드 스탠다드에 대해 배우고 모범을 보일 것입니다. 리츠칼튼은 여러분이 하는 일과 여러분이 함께 일하는 사람들에 대해 자부심을 기회를 약속 드립니다.
리츠칼튼에 입사하면 메리어트 인터내셔널의 브랜드 포트폴리오에 합류하게 됩니다. 최선 을 다해 일하고, 목표 를 향해 달리며, 훌륭한 글로벌 팀의 일원으 로 최고의 나를 만들고 싶다면 리츠칼튼의 문을 두드리세요.
15 de marçMarriott International
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Marriott International · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Additional Information
Job Number 25045345
Job Category Finance & Accounting
Location The Ritz-Carlton Tenerife Abama, Calle Maria Zambrano 2, Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 38687VIEW ON MAP
Schedule Full Time
Located Remotely? N
Position Type Management
A Marriott International é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades iguais de trabalho. Temos como princípios a contratação de mão de obra diversificada e a manutenção de uma cultura inclusiva e voltada para as pessoas.Repudiamos qualquer forma de discriminação, seja ela por deficiência, idade ou qualquer outra forma disposta na lei.
Com mais de 100 hotéis premiados pelo mundo, o Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen cria experiências excepcionais que acompanham os hóspedes muito após a estadia. Atraindo os melhores profissionais de hotelaria do mundo, que selecionam memórias duradouras, acreditamos que todo mundo alcança o sucesso quando tem a possibilidade de exercer criatividade, gentileza e compaixão.
Todos os dias, estabelecemos o padrão para um serviço de luxo especial prestado em todo o mundo, nos orgulhando de proporcionar excelência nos cuidados e no conforto de nossos hóspedes.
Seu papel será o de assegurar que os “padrões ouro” do The Ritz-Carlton sejam atendidos com a maior elegância e cuidado todos os dias. Estes padrões são a base do The Ritz-Carlton e nos orientam a melhorar a cada dia. Eles servem como fundação, e nossa crença na cultura interna que leva ao sucesso que rendeu a reputação do The Ritz Carlton como líder global em hotelaria de luxo. Como parte do nosso time, você aprenderá e demonstrará estes padrões ouro, que incluem nossa promessa para com os funcionários, nossa crença fundamental e nosso valores de atendimento. Nossa promessa para você é que oferecemos a chance de ter orgulho do seu trabalho e de quem trabalha com você.
Ao entrar para o The Ritz-Carlton, você se junta a um portfólio de marcas da Marriott International. Esteja onde pode realizar seu melhor trabalho, agir conforme seu propósito, fazer parte de uma incrível equipe global e se tornar a melhor versão de quem você é.
15 de marçMarriott International
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Marriott International · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Additional Information
Job Number 25045345
Job Category Finance & Accounting
Location The Ritz-Carlton Tenerife Abama, Calle Maria Zambrano 2, Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 38687VIEW ON MAP
Schedule Full Time
Located Remotely? N
Position Type Management
Marriott International jest pracodawcą zapewniającym równe szanse. Wierzymy w zatrudnianie zróżnicowanej siły roboczej i utrzymanie integracyjnej kultury organizacyjnej, w której najważniejsi są ludzie. Zobowiązujemy się zapobiegać dyskryminacji na podstawie objętej obowiązującym prawem, takiej jak status osoby niepełnosprawnej i weterana, lub na jakiejkolwiek innej podstawie objętej obowiązującym prawem.
W ponad 100 nagradzanych obiektach na całym świecie personel The Ritz-Carlton zapewnia doświadczenia tak wyjątkowe, że pozostają w pamięci gości jeszcze długo po pobycie. Ponieważ przyciągamy do siebie najlepszych na świecie specjalistów z branży hotelarskiej, którzy dbają o to, by wspomnienia z pobytu pozostały na zawsze w pamięci, wierzymy, że wszyscy osiągają sukces, gdy tylko mają możliwość wykazania się kreatywnością, pomysłowością i empatią.
Każdego dnia wyznaczamy najwyższe standardy doskonałości w zakresie świadczenia naszym gościom wyjątkowych i specjalnych usług luksusowych na całym świecie.
Twoja rola będzie polegać na dopilnowaniu, aby „Złote standardy” The Ritz-Carlton były utrzymywane życzliwie i z troską każdego dnia. Są one fundamentem The Ritz-Carlton, dzięki któremu każdego dnia możemy stawać się lepsi. To właśnie dzięki temu fundamentowi i przekonaniu, że nasza kultura jest źródłem sukcesu, The Ritz Carlton ma reputację globalnego lidera marki w dziedzinie luksusowego hotelarstwa. Pracując w naszym zespole, będziesz poznawać i egzekwować nasze Złote standardy, takie jak Przyrzeczenie pracownicze, Credo i Wartości obsługi. Z kolei naszą obietnicą wobec Ciebie jest stworzenie możliwości do czerpania dumy ze swojej pracy oraz z tego, z kim pracujesz.
Stając się częścią zespołu The Ritz-Carlton, dołączasz do portfolio marek Marriott International. Bądź tam, gdzie możesz pracować najlepiej, jak potrafisz, rozpocznij realizację zamierzeń, poczuj przynależność do niesamowitej globalnej społeczności i stań się najlepszą wersją siebie.
15 de marçMarriott International
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Marriott International · Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES
Additional Information
Job Number 25045345
Job Category Finance & Accounting
Location The Ritz-Carlton Tenerife Abama, Calle Maria Zambrano 2, Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, 38687VIEW ON MAP
Schedule Full Time
Located Remotely? N
Position Type Management
Job Summary
Supports the day-to-day execution of general ledger impacted processes, including support to clients/departments as they work with and understand these processes. Performs accounting functions specifically in the areas of account balancing, ledger reconciliation, reporting and discrepancy resolution. Works with other Finance and Accounting employees in areas relating to general ledgers, subsidiary ledgers and related reporting.
Education And Experience
- 4-year bachelor's degree in Finance and Accounting or related major; no work experience required.
Managing Work, Projects, and Policies
- Coordinates and implements accounting work and projects as assigned.
- Coordinates, implements and follows up on Accounting SOP audits for all areas of the property.
- Complies with Federal and State laws applying to fraud and collection procedures.
- Generates and provides accurate and timely results in the form of reports, presentations, etc.
- Analyzes information and evaluates results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
- Compiles, codes, categorizes, calculates, tabulates, audits, or verifies information or data.
- Balances credit card ledgers.
- Verifies contracts for groups and performs credit reference checks for direct billed groups if necessary.
- Achieves and exceeds goals including performance goals, budget goals, team goals, etc.
- Develops specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work.
- Submits reports in a timely manner, ensuring delivery deadlines.
- Ensures profits and losses are documented accurately.
- Monitors all taxes that apply, ensuring that taxes are current, collected and/or accrued.
- Maintains a strong accounting and operational control environment to safeguard assets.
- Completes period end function each period.
- Provide direction and assistance to other organizational units regarding accounting and budgeting policies and procedures, and efficient control and utilization of financial resources.
- Demonstrates knowledge of job-relevant issues, products, systems, and processes.
- Demonstrates knowledge of return check procedures.
- Demonstrates knowledge of the Gross Revenue Report.
- Demonstrates knowledge and proficiency with write off procedures.
- Demonstrates knowledge and proficiency with consolidated deposit procedures.
- Keeps up-to-date technically and applying new knowledge to your job.
- Uses computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information.
- Uses relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.
- Provides information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.
- Demonstrates personal integrity.
- Uses effective listening skills.
- Demonstrates self confidence, energy and enthusiasm.
- Manages group or interpersonal conflict effectively.
- Informs and/or updates the executives, the peers and the subordinates on relevant information in a timely manner.
- Manages time well and possesses strong organizational skills.
- Presents ideas, expectations and information in a concise well organized way.
- Uses problem solving methodology for decision making and follow up.
- Makes collections calls if necessary.
At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate.
Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests.
Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with.
In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you.