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24Director de Escuela
13 de gen.La Casa de la Luz
Tarifa, ES
Director de Escuela
La Casa de la Luz · Tarifa, ES
Capacitación docente Método Montessori Concienciación medioambiental Pedagogía Educación primaria Mindfulness Liderazgo escolar
La Casa de la Luz is looking for a person with the right profile to take over the management of an active pedagogy school that currently covers Infant and Primary education, with the possibility of extending to Secondary education.
Who are we and where do we come from?
La Casa de la Luz was born as a response to the concerns of a group of families who were looking for new educational visions for their daughters/sons. The main objective of this school has always been to seek the integral development of each child, respecting their learning rhythms, thus allowing a healthy and balanced growth.
At La Casa de la Luz we work so that the child acquires, in addition to their curricular training, a human formation that includes an emotional dimension, creativity, autonomy, decision-making and conflict resolution skills.
Currently, this young school welcomes 55 students (with the intention of reaching 65), 1 administrator, 6 guides and several families with a high level of involvement. These reduced ratios allow us to attend to the interests and individual needs of our students. We are privileged to be located in a unique enclave, surrounded by nature in one of the most beautiful areas of Spain. Our love for nature is nourished by the ability to develop our learning in the ‘Alcornocales’ Natural Park.
The school is immersed in a process of transformation, from being a “family project” to establishing itself as an accredited international school, respecting its community roots and free spirit. To do this, we have the support of committed families and we are looking for a director to help us navigate this transition.
What profile are we looking for?
Training & Experience:
- Diploma, bachelor's degree or postgraduate degree in education / pedagogy
- Capacity for economic analysis and efficient management of resources
- Experience in school management or educational projects
- Experience as a teacher or primary school tutor
- Training or experience in active pedagogy methodologies
Essential Attributes:
- Passion for education in general and for active pedagogy in particular
- Human relations: emotion management, conflict resolution, non-violent communication, mindfulness or respectful parenting.
- Conscious leadership skills, coordination, teamwork, organizational clarity, knowing how to train, delegate and supervise
- Written and verbal communication skills (facilitation, mediation, listening, accessibility, knowing how to offer/receive feedback)
- Collaborative approach: Knowing how to work with empathy in democratic processes
- Strategic vision to design and execute medium and long-term plans
- High level of English and Spanish (ideally, both)
Desirable qualities:
- Kindness, flexibility, humility and a sense of humour 😊
- Experience with the international school accreditation process, NEASC
- Knowledge of educational approval processes in Andalusia
- Marketing and PR knowledge aimed at increasing student enrolment
- Familiarity with the development of secondary school curricular programs
- Training in educational management
Main Responsibilities
1. Leadership, coordination, economic and administrative management
- Guide the growth of a school based on community participation, sovereignty, interpersonal relationships and love for nature.
- Design and execute the school's strategic plan to ensure its sustainability and growth in the medium and long term.
- Human Resources: inspire, care for and motivate team members, enhancing their virtues for the benefit of the group
- Supervise the financial management of the school, ensuring the optimization of resources and balance in the accounts
- Recruitment of students to achieve an optimal level of enrolment
2. Academic management:
- Supervise the curricular development, guarantee pedagogical innovation and ensure continuous improvement in educational processes, in kindergarten, primary and, potentially also, in secondary school
- Ensure the training and professional growth of the teaching team
- Promote an inclusive, motivating educational environment oriented to the comprehensive development of students
- Coordinate the ongoing accreditation and approval process with both the Junta de Andalucía and NEASC
- Make substitutions for the guides/teachers, when necessary
3. Relationship with the educational community:
- Ensure affective, effective, transparent, assertive and close communication with students, families and the teaching team
- Promote participation, positive relationships and collaboration between all the parts that make up this educational community.
- Represent the school both internally and externally, by cooperating with private collaborators and government institutions.
We offer a salary in accordance with the private education labour agreement and our invite is to join us from the beginning of 2025.
If you identify with this project, we encourage you to apply for the position. We will be delighted to receive your CV, along with a cover letter in which you tell us about yourself, your way of understanding education, your motivations for joining this community and your vision of how you can contribute to improving our school.
Please send it to us at the following email address: [email protected]