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NovaEuroEconomics Spanje
Marbella, ES
EuroEconomics Spanje · Marbella, ES
En nuestra oficina en Marbella estamos interesados en incorporar a un/a ASISTENTE LEGAL – PARALEGAL que cuente con experiencia probada de al menos 2 años para la realización de las siguientes tareas:Tramitación de escrituras y postventasTareas administrativas, gestión de expedientes con las administraciones públicas, contratación de suministros, gestión de impuestos localesCálculo y presentación de impuestos de personas físicas no residentes¿Qué te ofrecemos?Contrato indefinido a jornada completaEmpezarás a trabajar de la mano de un mentor, que te acompañará durante el periodo de la formación, compartiendo conocimientos y ofreciendo consejosRecibirás una remuneración competitiva y otros beneficios como flexibilidad horaria, posibilidad de seguro de salud, un gran equipo de compañer@s, etc.Somos una empresa muy internacional con un entorno multicultural donde vas a tener la oportunidad de conocer y trabajar con compañer@s de otros paísesSomos una empresa certificada como «Great Place To Work»¿Qué te pedimos?Nivel avanzado de español e inglés oral y escrito (se hará prueba).
Comunicación en inglés con los clientes.Experiencia previa demostrable en gestión administrativa y/o tramitación de escriturasCapacidad para trabajar de manera autónoma y en equipo.Dominio de herramientas informáticas y CRMDeseable: holandésSi tienes experiencia como asistente legal, envíanos tu currículum vítae a ******.
Tal vez te conviertas en nuestr@ nuev@ compañ[email protected] are looking for a LEGAL ASSISTANT - PARALEGAL with proven experience of at least 2 years to perform the following tasks at our office in Marbella:Conveyancing after salesAdministrative tasks, dealing with public administrations, contracting utilities, management of local taxes.Calculation and filing of taxes for non-resident individualsWhat do we offer you?Permanent full-time contractYou will start working under the guidance of a mentor, who will accompany you during the training period, sharing knowledge and offering advice.You will receive a competitive salary and other benefits such as flexible hours, the possibility of health insurance, a great team of colleagues, etc.We are a very international company with a multicultural environment where you will have the opportunity to meet and work with colleagues from other countries.We are a 'Great Place To Work' certified company.What are we looking for?Advanced level of Spanish and oral and written English (you will be tested).
Communication with clients in English.Demonstrable previous experience in administrative management and / or conveyancing after salesAbility to work independently and as part of a team.Proficiency in IT tools and CRMDesirable: DutchTherefore, if you have experience as a paralegal, please send us your CV to ******.
Empleado de Back Office
14 de febr.Airushomes
Empleado de Back Office
Airushomes · Marbella, ES
Teletreball Excel Office
We are a real estate company in Marbella, looking for a Backoffice Assistant to join our team. The ideal candidate should be fluent in English and Spanish, highly organized, and proactive. This role involves both secretarial tasks and daily real estate operations.
The position is part-time, with the possibility of remote work.
- Administrative and secretarial support (emails, calls, scheduling, etc.).
- Coordination of real estate documents and contracts.
- Follow-up with clients and suppliers.
- Posting and updating property listings on real estate platforms.
- Managing databases and CRM systems.
- Assisting in organizing property visits and daily real estate operations.
- High level of English and Spanish (both written and spoken).
- Previous experience in administration, secretarial work, or real estate (preferred).
- Strong organizational and multitasking skills.
- Basic knowledge of digital tools (email, Excel, CRM, etc.).
- Proactive attitude and attention to detail.
- Part-time position, with the possibility of extending in the future.
- Remote work option available.
- Location: Marbella (preference for candidates based nearby).