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256Programador/a Junior
NuevaS&you España
Programador/a Junior
S&you España · Málaga, ES
Teletrabajo C# Java Python C++ Git Machine Learning
🚀¿Te apasiona la inteligencia artificial y el desarrollo de software? ¿Quieres trabajar en un entorno de vanguardia, donde podrás mejorar tus habilidades y aprender de los mejores? ¡Este es tu momento!
¿Quién es nuestro cliente? Nuestro cliente es una empresa especializada en distribución de contenidos en papel y SCORM, así como en servicios e-Learning, orientados a facilitar a los centros de formación los productos y herramientas necesarios para el desarrollo de sus negocios. Actualmente, buscan incorporar a un/a Programador/a Junior para su sede en Málaga.
✔Lo que harás: Como Programador/a Junior, trabajarás desarrollando, automatizando y optimizando procesos mediante herramientas de inteligencia artificial. Entre tus funciones principales, se encuentran:
- Desarrollo de código con IA: Mejorarás el código utilizando herramientas avanzadas de IA como GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, CodeWhisperer, entre otras.
- Automatización de tareas con IA: Implementarás soluciones automatizadas para pruebas de software y análisis de errores, además de trabajar con frameworks de Machine Learning y Deep Learning (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn).
- Depuración y optimización con IA: Identificarás y corregirás errores de código apoyándote en herramientas de IA, además de optimizar el rendimiento de software.
- Análisis de datos y modelado con IA: Colaborarás en el análisis de datos y en la creación de modelos de Machine Learning, usando herramientas como Pandas, NumPy y Matplotlib.
- Aprendizaje continuo en IA y nuevas tecnologías: Te mantendrás al día con las últimas tendencias de IA, mejorando tus habilidades en desarrollo de software.
✔¿Qué buscamos en ti? Para este puesto, necesitamos a alguien que cuente con los siguientes requisitos:
- Conocimientos en alguno de estos lenguajes de programación como Python, Java, C++ o C#.
- Deseable experiencia en frameworks de IA y Machine Learning (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn).
- Dominio de herramientas de IA generativa (ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, Bard, etc.).
- Experiencia con sistemas de control de versiones (Git, GitHub, GitLab).
- Capacidad para implementar soluciones automatizadas con IA.
- Habilidades en resolución de problemas, trabajo en equipo, adaptabilidad y comunicación efectiva.
✔Beneficios que te ofrecemos:
- Flexibilidad horaria: Entrada entre las 8:00 y 9:00, con salida entre las 16:45 y 17:45 de lunes a jueves. Viernes jornada intensiva (8:00-15:00).
- Modalidad híbrida: 2 días de teletrabajo a la semana, para que puedas gestionar tu tiempo de forma equilibrada.
- Vacaciones: 24 días laborables al año, porque sabemos lo importante que es descansar.
- Salario competitivo: Según tu experiencia, con revisiones salariales anuales.
- Plan de formación personalizado: Para que continúes creciendo profesionalmente y desarrollando tu carrera en el mundo de la inteligencia artificial.
¿Te interesa esta oportunidad?
Si estás buscando un lugar donde puedas evolucionar, experimentar y crecer en el mundo del desarrollo de software con la ayuda de la IA, ¡te estamos esperando!
¡Aplica ahora y da el siguiente paso en tu carrera profesional!
Senior Backend Developer
4 feb.Axiom Software Solutions
Málaga, ES
Senior Backend Developer
Axiom Software Solutions · Málaga, ES
Java MongoDB Agile Azure Scrum Jenkins Oracle TDD OpenShift AWS Spring PostgreSQL Redis Kafka
Sr. Backend Developer
• Experience:
• 2-3 years in Event-Driven Architecture
• 3-5 years in IT projects
• 1-2 years Banking projects
• Advanced knowledge in: Micro-services, Event-Driven Arch., SpringBoot, SpringCloud (Web, Data, JPA, Stream), Kafka, Redis HA, Functional Programming, Reactive Programming, Java (8 onwards), S3, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS, Azure, OpenShift, GitHub, Jenkins, Sonar, Test(TDD or BDD)), Knowledge of CI/CD tools.
• APIs (Development and efficient performance for high volumes, low response times, OAs3)
• Valuable functional knowledge in transaction banking and accounting, specifically cash flows. Experience in Agile methodologies (Scrum)
Digital Talent Agency
Málaga, ES
Desarrollador/a JAVA microservicios
Digital Talent Agency · Málaga, ES
Java MongoDB TDD Spring PostgreSQL Redis Microservices Kafka
🌟 ¡Hola, futuro compañero/a! 👋
¿Te apasiona la programación y quieres unirte a un equipo dinámico y en constante crecimiento? Si tienes al menos 2 años de experiencia en desarrollo de Microservicios con Java y estás listo para dar el siguiente paso en tu carrera, ¡esta oferta es para ti!
Sobre nosotros:En Zemsania somos más que una empresa de tecnología; somos una familia. Creemos en el poder de la colaboración y la creatividad, y nos encanta potenciar el talento de nuestros equipos. 😎
Lo que harás:Como Desarrollador/a Java Microservicios, serás parte de un equipo que trabaja en proyectos innovadores en banca. Tu día a día incluirá:
Desarrollar y mantener microservicios utilizando Java 11.Trabajar con SpringBoot y SpringCloud para crear aplicaciones robustas.Integrar sistemas con Kafka para gestionar flujos de datos.Utilizar PostgreSQL y MongoDB para el almacenamiento de datos.Desplegar y manejar aplicaciones en OpenShift.Colaborar con otros desarrolladores y equipos para mejorar procesos y herramientas.
¿Qué necesitas?
Requisitos Mínimos:Al menos 2 años de experiencia en Microservicios.Conocimiento sólido en SpringBoot y SpringCloud (Web, Data, JPA, Stream).Experiencia trabajando con Kafka.Familiaridad con Java 11.Manejo de S3 para almacenamiento.Experiencia en bases de datos como PostgreSQL y MongoDB.Capacidad para desplazarte a la oficina de Málaga semanalmente.
Requisitos Deseables:Experiencia con Redis HA.Conocimiento en Programación Funcional y Programación Reactiva.Experiencia en Test (TDD o BDD).Conocimientos en herramientas de CI/CD.Un nivel de Inglés Medio que te permita comunicarte con el equipo y comprender documentación técnica.
¿Y qué ofrecemos?Horarios flexibles: Adapta tu horario a tus necesidades.Jornada de verano: ¡Dale un respiro a tu rutina!Entorno de trabajo híbrido: Puedes combinar el trabajo desde casa con la oficina en Málaga.Formaciones continuas: ¡Crecemos juntos!Un equipo con buena onda y muchas ganas de hacer cosas geniales.
Si estás buscando un lugar donde desarrollarte profesionalmente, rodeado de personas apasionadas y un ambiente agradable, ¡Zemsania es tu sitio! Aquí valoramos la diversidad y fomentamos un espacio en el que cada uno pueda brillar. ✨
No dudes en unirte a nuestra aventura y ser parte de un equipo donde tus ideas son escuchadas y valoradas.
¡Esperamos verte pronto! 🚀
En Zemsania, creemos en la igualdad de oportunidades y en la diversidad como valores fundamentales para el éxito de nuestra organización. Por ello, garantizamos un proceso de selección basado en el mérito y sin discriminación por motivos de género, edad, discapacidad, orientación sexual, raza, religión o cualquier otra condición personal o social.
Programador/a Java
3 feb.Krell Consulting & Training
Málaga, ES
Programador/a Java
Krell Consulting & Training · Málaga, ES
Oferta de Empleo: Programador/a Java
Ubicación: Ronda, Málaga (presencial)
Salario: Hasta 30.000 € brutos anuales
Descripción del Puesto
Buscamos un/a Programador/a Java con al menos 2 años de experiencia para incorporarse a un proyecto enfocado en soluciones de autoservicio (cajeros y aplicativos locales). El/la candidato/a será responsable de programar, diseñar y realizar pruebas de software, contribuyendo al desarrollo y mantenimiento de sistemas críticos en un entorno dinámico y colaborativo.
Desarrollo de aplicaciones en Java, asegurando el cumplimiento de los requisitos técnicos.Diseño técnico de soluciones para proyectos de autoservicio.Realización de pruebas unitarias e integradas de los programas.Documentación de procesos y resultados para garantizar la trazabilidad del desarrollo.Resolución de incidencias y optimización de los sistemas existentes.
Experiencia mínima de 3 años en desarrollo y análisis técnico con Java.Conocimiento en diseño técnico de aplicaciones y ejecución de pruebas.Capacidad para trabajar en equipo y proactividad para la resolución de problemas.Residencia en Ronda, Málaga o disponibilidad total para trabajar de forma presencial en esta ubicación (requisito obligatorio).
Salario competitivo de hasta 30.000 € brutos anuales.Participación en un proyecto innovador y de impacto en el sector de autoservicio.Oportunidad de desarrollo profesional en una empresa consolidada.
Si cumples con los requisitos y estás interesado/a en unirte a nuestro equipo, ¡envíanos tu CV y súmate al desafío!
¡Te esperamos!
Programador full stack
2 feb.Creavity AI
Málaga, ES
Programador full stack
Creavity AI · Málaga, ES
Node.js PHP Python JSON Desarrollo web Aplicaciones web Vue.js React Desarrollo Full Stack Stack TSQL Laravel Git SaaS Symfony
Oferta de Creavity AI: Programador FullStack
Ubicación: Málaga (Presencial)
Jornada: Media Jornada
Descripción del puesto:
Buscamos un/a programador/a con al menos 2 años de experiencia para unirse al desarrollo de nuestro SAAS. El candidato ideal será proactivo, con capacidad para trabajar de forma autónoma y en equipo, y con un gran interés en las últimas tecnologías.
· Desarrollo y mantenimiento de aplicaciones web utilizando una combinación de tecnologías:
o Python: Manejo de librerías para la gestión de calendarios.
o PHP: Desarrollo de backend.
o SQL: Diseño y gestión de bases de datos.
o Vue.js: Desarrollo de interfaces de usuario.
o JSON: Intercambio de datos entre diferentes componentes.
o Integraciones: APIs e integración de modelos de inteligencia artificial como ChatGPT.
· Diseño y desarrollo de interfaces de usuario intuitivas y eficientes.
· Optimización del rendimiento de las aplicaciones.
· Colaboración con el equipo en la definición y ejecución de proyectos.
Requisitos imprescindibles:
· Experiencia mínima de 2 años como programador fullstack.
· Conocimiento de buenas prácticas de desarrollo y versionado (Git).
· Capacidad para trabajar de forma autónoma y en equipo.
· Proactividad y orientación a resultados.
Se valorará:
· Experiencia con frameworks PHP (Laravel, Symfony, etc.).
· Conocimientos de herramientas de integración continua y despliegue.
· Interés en las últimas tendencias en desarrollo web.
· Contrato laboral a tiempo parcial.
· Salario según convenio + Variables por cumplimiento de objetivos.
· Oportunidad de trabajar en un entorno dinámico y en constante evolución.
· Posibilidad de desarrollo profesional.
Si estás interesado/a en formar parte de nuestro equipo, envíanos tu CV y portafolio a [email protected]
¡Te esperamos!
Software Developer
2 feb.Otto Group
Málaga, ES
Software Developer
Otto Group · Málaga, ES
React Java Agile Docker Microservices Spring
OSP (Otto Group Solution Provider) is an IT service provider for retail and logistics with headquarters in Dresden. We live our passion for IT in an appreciative, trusting work environment. What drives us is the idea of working together as a team to achieve great things for our customers.
We rely on the personal responsibility and willingness to learn of our employees, on modern technologies and high quality in software development. Agile working, transparent decisions, a lively feedback culture and collegial cooperation make us successful.
We are active for customers inside and outside the Otto Group. With over 450 employees at several German and international locations, we have been developing flexible software and BI solutions since 1991 and are thus shaping the shopping worlds of tomorrow. We are part of the Otto Group and share a value system that focuses on responsible and sustainable action.
What will you do? You will be responsible for the development, testing, deployments, monitoring and ticketing, among others.We are looking for 4 new teammates who will work together with 2 German colleagues, so you will be part of an international team, in an agile environment.What's your story? Strong Java experience, working with Springboot framework.SQL Database experience.Experience in unitary testing.Experience working in Agile environments (Scrum/Kanban).Good English skills, written and spoken.Nice to have: Understanding of Microservices software architecture principles and patterns.OAuth standard.Experience with Docker container platform.Kafka distributed platform usage for data flow.CI/CD processes.Frontend development experience (Primefaces, React, Preact, …). Contact Mariel Mantecas
Otto Group Solution Provider Spain S.L.
Staff Software Engineer
1 feb.Ebury
Málaga, ES
Staff Software Engineer
Ebury · Málaga, ES
API Python Agile Jenkins Microservices Fintech Terraform LESS Office
Ebury is a hyper-growth FinTech firm, named in 2021 as one of the top 15 European Fintechs to work for by AltFi. We offer a range of products including FX risk management, trade finance, currency accounts, international payments and API integration.
Staff Software Engineer - Fintech
Málaga Office - Hybrid: 4 days in the office, 1 day working from home
The Role:
The Trade Engine Engineering team at Ebury is seeking a highly experienced Staff Software Engineer to play a pivotal role in our team. As part of our diverse team spread across South America and Europe, the successful candidate will be entrusted with the development and optimisation of our multi-currency accounting system and exchange of foreign currencies. You will be expected to make substantial contributions to our platform as we continually aim to enhance it and deliver the best FX experience for our clients and operational teams.
As a Staff Software Engineer in our team, your advanced technical knowledge and leadership skills will be crucial to our innovation and growth. We value collaboration and commitment, operating within a distributed setup where effective working is key.
What we offer:
- Variety of meaningful and competitive benefits to meet your needs;
- Competitive salary.;
- You´ll have continuous professional growth thanks to our career progression framework with regular reviews;
- Equity process through a performance bonus;
- Allowance to take annually paid time off as well as during local public holidays;
- Continued personal development through training and certification;
- Being part of a diverse technology team that cares deeply about culture and best practices, and believes in agile principles;
- Contribute to our technical design through our open and collaborative Request For Comments (RFC) process;
- We are Open Source friendly, following Open Source principles in our internal projects and encouraging contributions to external projects;
Why should I join Ebury?
Want to work in a high-growth environment? We are always growing. Want to build a better world? We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation.
At Ebury you will find an internal group dedicated to discussing how we can build a more diverse and inclusive workplace for all people in the Technology Team, so if you´re excited about this job opportunity but your background doesn´t match exactly the requirements in the job description, we strongly encourage you to apply anyways. You may be just the right candidate for this or other positions we have.
Get ready to take your career to the next level:
If there´s something that you can do in our Tech team, it is growing professionally: thanks to our career path and our collaborative and cross-working teams, every day is a new adventure.
- Drive the development of the next iteration of our FX platform´s services, fostering collaboration in the development and delivery of new products while also enhancing and automating existing ones.
- Work closely with your team members and engineering leaders to architect new services and components. Lead the design and review of complex software architectures, ensuring scalability, reliability, and maintainability of systems while balancing immediate business needs with long-term technical goals.
- Engage with cross-functional teamsincluding product management, design, and operations to align engineering priorities with business objectives, ensuring all stakeholders are informed and engaged.
- Participate in strategic planning and decision-making regarding project timelines, resource allocation, and technological direction, contributing to the overall growth strategy of the engineering team.
- Coach and mentor less experienced team members, positively influencing the trajectory of the team to increase overall effectiveness and efficiency.
- Drive product initiatives from discovery to delivery, ensuring alignment with product and operational teams throughout the process.
- Significant experience in developing complex software systems, ideally with 10+ years of professional programming experience, with a strong focus on Python. Familiarity with multiple programming paradigms and languages is an advantage.
- Excellent communication skills in English, both written and spoken, as you will collaborate with colleagues from different countries.
- Deep understanding of distributed system concepts, microservices architecture, and cloud-based technologies to effectively contribute to cloud-native applications.
- Proficiency in constructing and managing services, including establishing standard APIs, integrating monitoring and alerting services, and expert integration with external systems.
- Comfort with legacy code, allowing you to maintain it and propose improvements once familiar with our workflows to help reduce technical debt.
- A strong commitment to quality, expecting your code to be testable and well-covered with unit and integration tests. Familiarity with CI Jenkins pipelines and Terraform for the deployment of services and infrastructure is a plus.
- Demonstrated leadership experience in guiding engineering teams through high-impact projects, fostering a collaborative and innovative team culture.
Even if you don´t meet every requirement listed, we encourage you to apply-your skills and experience might be a great fit for this role or future opportunities!
We welcome applications from candidates who require a work permit. For non-EU/EEA nationals, the company may assist with the work permit process, depending on individual circumstances.
About Us
Ebury is a FinTech success story, positioned among the fastest-growing international companies in its sector.
Founded in 2009, we are headquartered in London and have more than 1700 staff with a presence in more than 25 countries worldwide. Cultural diversity is part of what makes Ebury a special place to be. From Sao Paulo to Dubai, Bucharest to Toronto, we enjoy sharing team experiences and celebrating success across the Ebury family.
Hard work pays off: in 2019, Ebury received a £350 million investment from Banco Santander and has won internationally recognised awards including Financial Times: 1000 Europe´s Fastest-Growing Companies.
None of this would have been possible without our proudest achievement: our great people. Enthusiastic, innovative and collaborative teams, always ready to disrupt and revolutionise the fast-paced FinTech sector.
We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation. At Ebury, you can be whoever you want to be and still feel a sense of belonging no matter your story because we want you and your uniqueness to help write our future.
Please submit your application on the careers website directly, uploading your CV / resume in English.
Senior Software Engineer
31 ene.Ebury
Málaga, ES
Senior Software Engineer
Ebury · Málaga, ES
API Python Agile OOP Jenkins Fintech Terraform LESS Office
Ebury is a hyper-growth FinTech firm, named in 2021 as one of the top 15 European Fintechs to work for by AltFi. We offer a range of products including FX risk management, trade finance, currency accounts, international payments and API integration.
Senior Software Engineer - Fintech
Málaga Office - Hybrid: 4 days in the office, 1 day working from home
The Role:
The Trade Engine Engineering team at Ebury is seeking an experienced Software Engineer to play a crucial part in our team. As part of our diverse team spread across South America and Europe, the successful candidate will be entrusted with the development and optimisation of our multi-currency accounting system and exchange of foreign currencies. You´ll be required to make significant contributions to our platform as we continually aim to bring it to the next level and deliver the best FX experience for our clients and operational teams.
As a Software Engineer in our team, your technical knowledge and skills will be paramount to our innovation and growth. We value collaboration and commitment, operating within a distributed setup where effective working is key.
What we offer:
- Variety of meaningful and competitive benefits to meet your needs;
- Competitive salary.;
- You´ll have continuous professional growth thanks to our career progression framework with regular reviews;
- Equity process through a performance bonus;
- Allowance to take annually paid time off as well as during local public holidays;
- Continued personal development through training and certification;
- Being part of a diverse technology team that cares deeply about culture and best practices, and believes in agile principles;
- Contribute to our technical design through our open and collaborative Request For Comments (RFC) process;
- We are Open Source friendly, following Open Source principles in our internal projects and encouraging contributions to external projects;
Why should I join Ebury?
Want to work in a high-growth environment? We are always growing. Want to build a better world? We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation.
At Ebury you will find an internal group dedicated to discussing how we can build a more diverse and inclusive workplace for all people in the Technology Team, so if you´re excited about this job opportunity but your background doesn´t match exactly the requirements in the job description, we strongly encourage you to apply anyways. You may be just the right candidate for this or other positions we have.
Get ready to take your career to the next level:
If there´s something that you can do in our Tech team, it is growing professionally: thanks to our career path and our collaborative and cross-working teams, every day is a new adventure.
- Contribute to the development of the next iteration of our FX platform´s services, collaborating both in the development and delivery of new products but also in the improvement and automation of existing ones.
- Collaborate with your team members and engineering leaders to design new services and components using our Request For Comments (RFC) process.
- Coach and mentor less experienced team members, positively changing the trajectory of the team to increase the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the team.
- Lead product initiatives from discovery to delivery, working closely with the product and operational teams to ensure everyone is on the same page.
- In line with our ´You build it, you own it´ philosophy, we expect you to take full ownership of the products you build, embracing both their development and ongoing maintenance.
- You have extensive experience in developing complex software systems. We mainly work with Python, but it is also ok if you are more comfortable with other OOP languages.
- Since you will work side by side with colleagues from different countries, you will be able to communicate clearly and concisely your ideas in English, both written and spoken.
- You are adept at both constructing and managing services. As such, you should have proficiency in establishing standard APIs, incorporating monitoring systems and alerting services, along with a strong expertise in integrating external systems.
- You are not afraid of legacy code, being able to keep it running and make improvement proposals once you are comfortable with the workflows, so that we can reduce our technical debt backlog.
- Quality is important to us, we expect your code to be testable and well covered with unit and integration tests. We use CI Jenkins pipelines and terraform for the deployment of services and infrastructure. From time to time, you might need to contribute to it.
Even if you don´t meet every requirement listed, we encourage you to apply-your skills and experience might be a great fit for this role or future opportunities!
We welcome applications from candidates who require a work permit. For non-EU/EEA nationals, the company may assist with the work permit process, depending on individual circumstances.
About Us
Ebury is a FinTech success story, positioned among the fastest-growing international companies in its sector.
Founded in 2009, we are headquartered in London and have more than 1700 staff with a presence in more than 25 countries worldwide. Cultural diversity is part of what makes Ebury a special place to be. From Sao Paulo to Dubai, Bucharest to Toronto, we enjoy sharing team experiences and celebrating success across the Ebury family.
Hard work pays off: in 2019, Ebury received a £350 million investment from Banco Santander and has won internationally recognised awards including Financial Times: 1000 Europe´s Fastest-Growing Companies.
None of this would have been possible without our proudest achievement: our great people. Enthusiastic, innovative and collaborative teams, always ready to disrupt and revolutionise the fast-paced FinTech sector.
We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation. At Ebury, you can be whoever you want to be and still feel a sense of belonging no matter your story because we want you and your uniqueness to help write our future.
Please submit your application on the careers website directly, uploading your CV / resume in English.
Desarrollador Frontend VUE
31 ene.Arelance
Desarrollador Frontend VUE
Arelance · Málaga, ES
Teletrabajo .Net TSQL Bootstrap AJAX jQuery
En Arelance sabemos que las personas son el activo más importante dentro de una empresa y por tanto invertimos muchos esfuerzos en buscar los mejores profesionales para nuestros clientes, y en ofrecer a nuestros candidatos los mejores proyectos.
Seleccionamos un desarrollador con más de 3 años de experiencia en frontend con Vue para incorporación en un importante proyecto para Sector Defensa 100% en remoto.
- Al menos 3 años en desarrollo frontend con Vue.
- Experiencia con Javavascript, Jquery, Bootstrap, Ajax.
- Deseable experiencia y/o conocimientos en aplicaciones con backend .NET así como conocimientos en Kendo y Telerik.
- Conocimientos en bases de datos SQL.
- Deseable formación en Ingeniería o Grado Superior en Informática /Telecomunicaciones.
- Inglés intermedio.
-Incorporación a un proyecto en continuo desarrollo.
-Modalidad: 100% remoto.
-Condiciones económicas a negociar según experiencia profesional y adecuación al perfil.
-Integración en un proyecto colaborativo en expansión.
Si estás interesado/a en una gran oportunidad como ésta, inscríbete! Queremos conocerte!