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0Comercial Tiendas
19 feb.Tiendas Movilfone
Granada, La, ES
Comercial Tiendas
Tiendas Movilfone · Granada, La, ES
Se requiere profesional con capacidad comercial, orientado a la consecución de objetivos y a la atención al cliente. La misión principal será la venta de soluciones de Vodafone para cubrir las necesidades de los clientes. La persona seleccionada pasará a cubrir la vacante de nuestra tienda situada en el centro comercial Nevada, aunque de forma puntual y por las necesidades de la empresa podría trasladarse a tiendas cercanas.
Entre otras funciones destacan:
- Venta.
- Atención y asesoramiento de tarifas, terminales y otros dispositivos.
- Ofrecer soluciones adaptadas a las necesidades del cliente.
- Ofrecer un servicio de calidad.
- Recepción del cliente.
- Activaciones de líneas.
- Resolución de incidencias.
- Gestión de stock.
- Servicio post-venta.
- Controlar la imagen de la tienda.
- Análisis de necesidades.
- Generar un clima de confianza con el cliente.
Se ofrece:
- Salario fijo + incentivos en función de los objetivos alcanzados.
- Contrato laboral indefinido
- Incorporación inmediata.
- Jornada completa.
- Posibilidad de crecimiento dentro de la empresa.
- Formación continua.
- Buen ambiente de trabajo.
PwC España
Granada, La, ES
Analista de mercados - PwC Granada
PwC España · Granada, La, ES
Excel PowerPoint
Job Description & Summary
PwC es una compañía líder en el mundo de los servicios profesionales presente en 156 países con más de 290.000 profesionales comprometidos en ofrecer servicios de calidad en consultoría, transacciones, auditoría, asesoramiento legal y fiscal.
Actualmente estamos buscando incorporar nuevos profesionales para nuestro área de análisis de mercados en nuestra oficina de Granada, encargada de investigar sobre el dimensionamiento de mercado, la evolución de tendencias y oportunidades y la caracterización del entorno competitivo en distintos sectores de actividad (p. ej. retail y consumo, turismo, real estate, industria, transporte, logística, seguros, sanidad, etc.).
Requisitos mínimos
- Grado en ADE, Económicas, Contabilidad, Finanzas, Ingeniería, Marketing o Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en administración y finanzas.
- No se requiere experiencia previa (realizamos formación interna).
- Nivel de inglés medio-alto, se valorarán otros idiomas.
- Conocimiento avanzado de Excel y PowerPoint.
- Imprescindible capacidad de concentración, atención al detalle e interés por la formación continua.
- Buena comunicación oral y escrita, y capacidad de sintetizar y resumir ideas.
- Capacidad de trabajo en equipo.
Grado en ADE, Económicas, Contabilidad, Finanzas, Ingeniería, Matemáticas o Marketing e Investigación de Mercados.
Gestor Comercial Almería y Granada
Grupo VARMA · Granada, La, ES
Teletrabajo Office Salesforce
¿Quieres desarrollar tu carrera profesional en el departamento Comercial de Varma? Te ofrecemos formar parte de una compañía distribuidora de espirituosos y vinos muy importante. ¡Esta es tu oportunidad!
Será responsable de cumplir con las rutas del parque de clientes asignados en Almería y Granada, optimizando el desarrollo de especialidades en los Retail Environment de Bares, Cafeterías y Night Bars, alcanzando el volumen de ventas establecido.
-Gestionar la visibilidad y las activaciones en el punto de venta.
-Negociación, cierre y seguimiento de acuerdos.
-Desarrollo de negocio en zonas foco.
-Acompañamiento a las redes comerciales del distribuidor.
-Ejecución y control de planes promocionales.
-Fidelización a clientes y comerciales del Distribuidor.
-Gestión de herramientas y recursos.
-Deseable grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, o estudios afines.
-Ciclo Formativo relacionado con Gestión Comercial.
-Experiencia como Gestor Comercial en una compañía del sector Gran Consumo, preferiblemente gestionando el canal de hostelería.
· Manejo de Office 365.
· Manejo de Salesforce.
· Conocimientos Canal HORECA y espirituosos.
¿Te gusta el rol y nuestras funciones? ¡No dudes en aplicar, estamos deseando conocerte!
Aviso informativo en materia de protección de datos:
En cumplimiento del artículo 13 del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 General de Protección de Datos le informamos que los datos que nos ha facilitado serán incluidos en las actividades de tratamiento de VARMA S.L., ALIMENTACIÓN VARMA S.L. e IMPORTACIONES Y EXPORTACIONES VARMA S.L., actuando las tres entidades como corresponsables del tratamiento de sus datos. Sus datos serán tratados con la finalidad de formar parte en nuestros procesos de selección de personal, estando basado dicho tratamiento en su consentimiento expreso al enviarnos su candidatura. Sus datos serán tratados durante el plazo de dos años desde la finalización del proceso de selección. Podrá ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión/olvido, portabilidad, oposición y limitación del tratamiento y de la toma de decisiones individuales automatizadas, mediante el envío de una petición a la dirección postal Calle de la Granja, 15 – Pol. Industrial de Alcobendas, 28108, Madrid; o mediante correo electrónico a [email protected]. En caso de que considere que sus derechos no han sido atendidos correctamente, podrá presentar la oportuna reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.
Iplan Gestión Integral
Granada, La, ES
Supervivor/a Obra Civil - Zona Granada
Iplan Gestión Integral · Granada, La, ES
Somos IPLAN GESTIÓN INTEGRAL, empresa vinculada a servicios de ingeniería desarrollados fundamentalmente en el sector eléctrico, obra civil, energías renovables, medio ambiente y legalizaciones. Formamos parte de VULCAIN ENGINEERING, grupo internacional francés de empresas de ingeniería con un enfoque multisectorial, que trabaja en las distintas áreas claves de la infraestructura y de la energía.
Actualmente nos encontramos en la búsqueda de un/a Supervivor/a de Obra Civil, para incorporarse a nuestro equipo ubicado en Baza, Granada.
Tus Funciones Serán
- Supervisión obras civiles (especialmente cimentaciones y movimientos de tierras) y ejecución de construcción de parques eólicos
- Indispensable disponer de titulación en Ingeniero Civil, Ingeniero Hidráulico, Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
- Disponer de un mínimo de +5 años de experiencia realizando funciones detalladas.
- Imprescindible poder trasladarse a Baza, Granada.
- Incorporación con contrato indefinido.
- Desarrollo profesional y plan de carrera.
- Flexibilidad horaria y modalidad de trabajo híbrido.
- Jornada intensiva todos los viernes del año y en verano (Julio/Agosto).
Dencanto Community
Granada, La, ES
Account Executive B2B- Mercado Uk/Irlanda
Dencanto Community · Granada, La, ES
Account Executive B2B- Mercado UK/Irlanda¿Te apasiona la educación internacional?
¿Te entusiasma conectar culturas y crear experiencias inolvidables?
En Dencanto Community, una startup innovadora dedicada a diseñar programas de inmersión lingüística en español para estudiantes e institutos extranjeros, buscamos un Account Executive para expandir nuestro impacto en el mercado en Reino Unido e Irlanda.
¿Qué hacemos en Dencanto Community?Nuestra misión es facilitar experiencias educativas internacionales únicas, utilizando la tecnología para simplificar la búsqueda, planificación y ejecución de programas en España.
Nos enfocamos en ofrecer una combinación de aprendizaje del idioma español, alojamiento y actividades culturales para estudiantes e institutos que buscan una experiencia enriquecedora y cambiar la vida a miles de estudiantes ampliando sus horizontes.
Tu rol como Account ExecutiveSerás responsable de liderar el desarrollo y la captación de instituciones educativas polacas interesadas en nuestros programas en España.
Tendrás un impacto directo en nuestra misión al fomentar relaciones sólidas y ofrecer soluciones personalizadas que combinen educación, cultura y tecnología.
Tus principales responsabilidadesIdentificar y captar nuevos institutos y grupos escolares polacos interesados en programas de inmersión lingüística en España.Desarrollar y mantener relaciones a largo plazo con clientes clave del mercado UK/Irlanda.Diseñar propuestas comerciales atractivas, adaptadas a las necesidades específicas de cada cliente.Gestionar el ciclo completo de ventas, desde la identificación de oportunidades hasta el cierre de acuerdos.Colaborar con el equipo de operaciones para garantizar que la experiencia del cliente sea impecable.Reportar métricas de rendimiento y resultados a la dirección.Atención a clientes individuales y asesoramiento académico.Traducción de inglés a español y viceversa, tanto en web como en email, presentaciones, etc.Apoyo al departamento de marketing en las acciones en inglés.¿Qué estamos buscando en ti?Idiomas: Español C1 e inglés nativo.Formación: Licenciatura en Turismo, Filología o áreas relacionadas.Experiencia: Mínimo 2 años en roles de ventas o desarrollo de negocio, preferiblemente en el sector educativo, turístico o cultural.Habilidades: Dominio de herramientas de gestión comercial (CRM), excelentes habilidades de comunicación y negociación, orientación al cliente y capacidad de trabajar por objetivos.Pasión: Una vocación clara por las ventas y el sector educativo-cultural.¿Qué te ofrecemos?Un entorno dinámico y multicultural donde podrás marcar la diferencia.Flexibilidad laboral con posibilidad de trabajo remoto.Oportunidades de desarrollo profesional en una startup en crecimiento.Sueldo: 18.000 a 20.000 €, según perfil más variables por objetivos.Incentivos basados en objetivos alcanzados y negociados previamente.Cómo aplicarSi te apasiona la educación internacional y crees que eres el perfil que buscamos, aplica en esta oferta y envíanos una breve carta de presentación destacando por qué eres el/la candidato/a ideal a ****** con el asunto: Account Executive – Mercado UK/Irlanda.
¡Únete a Dencanto Community y sé parte de nuestro propósito de conectar culturas a través del aprendizaje!
Ubuntu Sales Engineer (Entry-Level)
Canonical · Granada, La, ES
Teletrabajo Python Azure Linux Cloud Coumputing Kubernetes AWS IoT Docker Machine Learning
Canonical is a leading provider of open source software and operating systems to the global enterprise and technology markets. Our platform, Ubuntu, is very widely used in breakthrough enterprise initiatives such as public cloud, data science, AI, engineering innovation and IoT. Our customers include the world's leading public cloud and silicon providers, and industry leaders in many sectors. The company is a pioneer of global distributed collaboration, with 1000+ colleagues in 70+ countries and very few roles based in offices. Teams meet two to four times yearly in person, in interesting locations around the world, to align on strategy and execution.
The company is founder led, profitable and growing.
We are hiring an Ubuntu Pro Sales Engineer to help global companies embrace the latest and greatest Linux and open source applications. Our team applies expert insights to real-world customer problems, enabling the enterprise adoption of Ubuntu Pro, OpenStack and Canonical Microcloud, Kubernetes and a wide range of associated technology. The people who love this role are software engineers who enjoy customer conversations and solving customer problems during the presales cycle. Ubuntu is used by pretty much every enterprise in the world, in every industry. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the open source technology landscape and develop your business technology insights. You will see first hand in various industries how Linux - and Ubuntu in particular - is shaping innovation and changing the world for the better.
This role is particularly suited to candidates with a technical background who are business minded and driven by commercial success. This role is on our global Field Engineering team and will work closely with enterprise sales leads.
Location: Most of our colleagues work from home. We are growing teams in EMEA, Americas and APAC time zones, so can accommodate candidates from almost any country.
What your day will look like
The Ubuntu Pro Sales Engineer is a key player in our efforts to facilitate and drive the adoption of Ubuntu Pro in the very large Ubuntu enterprise user base.
- Collect customer business requirements and advise them on Ubuntu and relevant open source applications
- Identify customer challenges with open source and articulate how Ubuntu Pro could help solve them
- Deliver presentations and demonstrations of Ubuntu Pro to prospective and current clients
- Liaise with product teams to give them feedback on requirements to influence roadmap
- Work collaboratively with your sales team to reach our common targets
- Global travel up to 25% of time for internal and external events and 25% to customer meetings
- Exceptional academic track record from both high school and university
- Undergraduate degree in a technical subject or a compelling narrative about your alternative chosen path
- Confidence to respectfully speak up, exchange feedback, and share ideas without hesitation
- Track record of going above-and-beyond expectations to achieve outstanding results
- Demonstrated personal interest in continuous learning and development
- Practical knowledge of Linux, virtualisation, containers and networking
- Business-minded technology thinker and problem solver
- Knowledge of cloud computing concepts & leaders, such as Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, GCP
- Interest in large-scale enterprise open source - private clouds, machine learning and AI, data and analytics
- Intermediate level Python programming skills
- Passion for technology evidenced by personal projects and initiatives
- The work ethic and confidence to shine alongside motivated colleagues
- Professional written and spoken English with excellent presentation skills
- Experience with Linux (Debian or Ubuntu preferred)
- Excellent interpersonal skills, curiosity, flexibility, and accountability
- A dynamic person who loves to jump in new projects and interact with people
- Appreciative of diversity, polite and effective in a multi-cultural, multi-national organisation
- Thoughtfulness and self-motivation
- Result-oriented, with a personal drive to follow up and meet commitments
- Ability to travel internationally, for company events up to two weeks long, and customer or industry meetings
We consider geographical location, experience, and performance in shaping compensation worldwide. We revisit compensation annually (and more often for graduates and associates) to ensure we recognise outstanding performance. In addition to base pay, we offer a performance-driven annual bonus or commission. We provide all team members with additional benefits, which reflect our values and ideals. We balance our programs to meet local needs and ensure fairness globally.
- Distributed work environment with twice-yearly team sprints in person
- Personal learning and development budget of USD 2,000 per year
- Annual compensation review
- Recognition rewards
- Annual holiday leave
- Maternity and paternity leave
- Employee Assistance Programme
- Opportunity to travel to new locations to meet colleagues
- Priority Pass, and travel upgrades for long haul company events
Canonical is a pioneering tech firm at the forefront of the global move to open source. As the company that publishes Ubuntu, one of the most important open source projects and the platform for AI, IoT and the cloud, we are changing the world of software. We recruit on a global basis and set a very high standard for people joining the company. We expect excellence - in order to succeed, we need to be the best at what we do. Most colleagues at Canonical have worked from home since its inception in 2004. Working here is a step into the future, and will challenge you to think differently, work smarter, learn new skills, and raise your game.
Canonical is an equal opportunity employer
We are proud to foster a workplace free from discrimination. Diversity of experience, perspectives, and background create a better work environment and better products. Whatever your identity, we will give your application fair consideration.
Associate Sales Operations Analyst
Canonical · Granada, La, ES
Teletrabajo Cloud Coumputing IoT Salesforce Office
Canonical is a leading provider of open source software and operating systems to the global enterprise and technology markets. Our platform, Ubuntu, is very widely used in breakthrough enterprise initiatives such as public cloud, data science, AI, engineering innovation and IoT. Our customers include the world's leading public cloud and silicon providers, and industry leaders in many sectors. The company is a pioneer of global distributed collaboration, with 1100+ colleagues in 75+ countries and very few office based roles. Teams meet two to four times yearly in person, in interesting locations around the world, to align on strategy and execution.
The company is founder led, profitable and growing.
We are hiring Associate Sales Operations Analysts to support a team of experts who help Canonical sales teams achieve their business goals. The Sales Operations team drives continuous process and data quality improvement to ensure orders are processed correctly. The successful candidate will be collaborative and demonstrate initiative in improving the way the team works, maintaining compliance and associated governance.
The success of the role is measured against increasing the velocity of deals and the quality of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data used to drive key business decisions. The ideal candidate will be detail oriented problem solver and team player who is passionate about the opportunity to partner with sales teams, is also passionate about our role in the technology industry bringing open source to a wider audience of innovators and enterprises, and will support the delivery of programs to enable Canonical's continued success.
Location: This role will be based remotely in the EMEA region.
The role entails:
- Support all aspects of the day-to-day operations of the sales function globally
- Check opportunities for accuracy and provision orders on successful closure of a deal
- Support the Sales Operations Analysts and Manager to report on and improve sales data quality and processes
- Support the sales team globally on CRM and other sales operations systems
- Deliver sales metrics, dashboards and other ad-hoc analytical tasks
- Assist the team with automation and streamlining of the Lead to Order process
- An exceptional academic track record from high school and university
- Experience working in an entry-level role in sales operations or related (e.g. financial analysis, sales analysis or sales order processing), preferably in the technology industry
- Energetic, thoughtful, systematic approach, focused on robust, repeatable and scalable outcomes
- Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
- Ability to work productively with stakeholders at all levels of the organization on a global scale
- Ability to work across team boundaries and communicate effectively
- Experience with Salesforce or similar CRM
- Ability to travel internationally twice a year, for company events up to two weeks long
We consider geographical location, experience, and performance in shaping compensation worldwide. We revisit compensation annually (and more often for graduates and associates) to ensure we recognise outstanding performance. In addition to base pay, we offer a performance-driven annual bonus or commission. We provide all team members with additional benefits, which reflect our values and ideals. We balance our programs to meet local needs and ensure fairness globally.
- Distributed work environment with twice-yearly team sprints in person
- Personal learning and development budget of USD 2,000 per year
- Annual compensation review
- Recognition rewards
- Annual holiday leave
- Maternity and paternity leave
- Employee Assistance Programme
- Opportunity to travel to new locations to meet colleagues
- Priority Pass, and travel upgrades for long haul company events
Canonical is a pioneering tech firm at the forefront of the global move to open source. As the company that publishes Ubuntu, one of the most important open source projects and the platform for AI, IoT and the cloud, we are changing the world of software. We recruit on a global basis and set a very high standard for people joining the company. We expect excellence - in order to succeed, we need to be the best at what we do. Most colleagues at Canonical have worked from home since its inception in 2004. Working here is a step into the future, and will challenge you to think differently, work smarter, learn new skills, and raise your game.
Canonical is an equal opportunity employer
We are proud to foster a workplace free from discrimination. Diversity of experience, perspectives, and background create a better work environment and better products. Whatever your identity, we will give your application fair consideration.
Sales Representative_Andalucía
15 feb.GSK
Granada, La, ES
Sales Representative_Andalucía
GSK · Granada, La, ES
Site Name: Spain – Andalucía – Granada, Spain – Andalucía – Almería, Spain – Andalucía – Jaén
Posted Date: Feb 14 2025
Buscamos a un delegado/a de ventas que quiera unirse al equipo de Specialty- Inmunología y llevar el territorio de Andalucía Oriental (Granada, Jaén y Almería).
Necesitamos personas con una fuerte orientación a resultados y una excelente capacidad para trabajar en equipo, con actitud positiva e ilusión para hacer frente a los retos del negocio.
Principales responsabilidades:
- Priorizar la entrega de soluciones al cliente para satisfacer las necesidades de sus pacientes. Identificar, priorizar y ejecutar las oportunidades clave para el crecimiento del producto en su territorio.
- Excelente interacción con todas las especialidades implicadas en el manejo de las enfermedades autoinmunes como son reumatología, medicina interna y nefrología (incluida la farmacia hospitalaria). Conocimiento profundo de la organización y funcionamiento de las mismas dentro de la cuenta hospitalaria.
- Ejecutar el plan de acción en forma y tiempo asegurando un seguimiento y análisis de resultados respecto a los objetivos establecidos.
- Coordinar la actividad del equipo cross-funcional siendo el enlace y referente principal entre sus clientes y GSK.
- Ejecutar los criterios de segmentación de cuentas, asegurando una frecuencia de visita y una priorización de los recursos adecuada a las necesidades de su negocio.
- Gestionar el presupuesto asignado, controlar los gastos y asegurar la utilización eficiente de los recursos. Cumplimiento de todas las políticas y procedimientos establecidos, y completar las tareas administrativas requeridas en tiempo y forma (notas de gastos, etc.).
- Se requiere licenciatura universitaria, preferiblemente en Ciencias de la Salud.
- Sólida experiencia como delegado de visita médica hospitalaria preferiblemente en Reumatología.
- Se requiere conocimiento previo de hospitales de Andalucía Oriental, valorándose positivamente la experiencia en la especialidad de Reumatología.
- Se requiere capacidad analítica, excelentes habilidades de comunicación, y resultados demostrados.
- Capacidad para el aprendizaje continuo y la adaptación al cambio.
- Se valorará positivamente la competencia para hablar y leer en inglés.
- Capacidad de trabajo en equipo.
Why GSK?
Uniting science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together.
GSK is a global biopharma company with a special purpose – to unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together – so we can positively impact the health of billions of people and deliver stronger, more sustainable shareholder returns – as an organisation where people can thrive. We prevent and treat disease with vaccines, specialty and general medicines. We focus on the science of the immune system and the use of new platform and data technologies, investing in four core therapeutic areas (infectious diseases, HIV, respiratory/ immunology and oncology).
Our success absolutely depends on our people. While getting ahead of disease together is about our ambition for patients and shareholders, it’s also about making GSK a place where people can thrive. We want GSK to be a place where people feel inspired, encouraged and challenged to be the best they can be. A place where they can be themselves – feeling welcome, valued, and included. Where they can keep growing and look after their wellbeing. So, if you share our ambition, join us at this exciting moment in our journey to get Ahead Together.
If you require an accommodation or other assistance to apply for a job at GSK, please contact the GSK Service Centre at 1-877-694-7547 (US Toll Free) or +1 801 567 5155 (outside US).
GSK is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, disability, genetic information, military service, covered/protected veteran status or any other federal, state or local protected class.
Important notice to Employment businesses/ Agencies
GSK does not accept referrals from employment businesses and/or employment agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site. All employment businesses/agencies are required to contact GSK's commercial and general procurement/human resources department to obtain prior written authorization before referring any candidates to GSK. The obtaining of prior written authorization is a condition precedent to any agreement (verbal or written) between the employment business/ agency and GSK. In the absence of such written authorization being obtained any actions undertaken by the employment business/agency shall be deemed to have been performed without the consent or contractual agreement of GSK. GSK shall therefore not be liable for any fees arising from such actions or any fees arising from any referrals by employment businesses/agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site.
Please note that if you are a US Licensed Healthcare Professional or Healthcare Professional as defined by the laws of the state issuing your license, GSK may be required to capture and report expenses GSK incurs, on your behalf, in the event you are afforded an interview for employment. This capture of applicable transfers of value is necessary to ensure GSK’s compliance to all federal and state US Transparency requirements. For more information, please visit the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website at https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/
Divisional Sales Manager
15 feb.Hammonds Furniture
Granada, La, ES
Divisional Sales Manager
Hammonds Furniture · Granada, La, ES
Office Excel PowerPoint Word
- Homepage
- Careers
- Divisional Sales Manager - Granada
- Lead and inspire a team of Sales Designers to achieve weekly and monthly sales targets.
- Monitor and analyse sales performance metrics, including sales conversion, profit margin, and average order value.
- Recruit, develop, and retain high-performing Sales Designers (both employed and self-employed).
- Coach and mentor your team through one-on-one sessions, training programs, and coaching visits.
- Engage directly with customers to enhance the buying experience and drive sales success.
- Leadership Excellence – Motivate and guide your team to exceed targets.
- Sales Acumen – Utilise your experience in sales management to drive performance.
- Customer-Centric Approach – Build strong client relationships and ensure high satisfaction.
- Data-Driven Decision Making – Analyse sales trends to refine strategies.
- Proven experience in a Sales Manager or similar leadership role, preferably within the home interiors or fitted furniture industry.
- A results-oriented mindset with strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Ability to lead and develop high-performing teams.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
- A full valid UK driving licence and access to your own transport.
- Willingness to work additional hours during peak trading periods.
- Opportunities for professional development and growth.
- A supportive team environment.
- Discounts through the Perkbox platform, covering a wide range of brands and retailers.
- Access to Hammonds Furniture through our Preferential Purchase Scheme
- Competitions
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- Latest Offers
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