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Bilbao, ES
Spanish Freelance Writer - Part Time
Outlier · Bilbao, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Spanish writer who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models?
About The Opportunity
- Outlier is looking for talented writers with fluency in Spanish to help train generative artificial intelligence models
- This freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you
- Reading Spanish (Spain) text in order to rank a series of responses that were produced by an AI model
- Writing a short story in Spanish (Spain) about a given topic
- Assessing whether a piece of Spanish (Spain) text produced by an AI model is factually accurate
- Experience as a professional translator
- Professional writing experience (copywriter, journalist, technical writer, editor, etc.)
- Enrollment in or completion of an undergraduate program in a humanities field or field related to writing
- Enrollment in or completion of a graduate program related to creative writing
- Currently, pay rates for core project work by Spanish (Spain) writing experts average USD $25 per hour
- Rates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
Bilbao, ES
Spanish Freelance Writer - Flexible
Outlier · Bilbao, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Spanish writer who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models?
About The Opportunity
- Outlier is looking for talented writers with fluency in Spanish to help train generative artificial intelligence models
- This freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you
- Reading Spanish (Spain) text in order to rank a series of responses that were produced by an AI model
- Writing a short story in Spanish (Spain) about a given topic
- Assessing whether a piece of Spanish (Spain) text produced by an AI model is factually accurate
- Experience as a professional translator
- Professional writing experience (copywriter, journalist, technical writer, editor, etc.)
- Enrollment in or completion of an undergraduate program in a humanities field or field related to writing
- Enrollment in or completion of a graduate program related to creative writing
- Currently, pay rates for core project work by Spanish (Spain) writing experts average USD $25 per hour
- Rates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
Spanish Writing Editor
22 mar.Outlier
Bilbao, ES
Spanish Writing Editor
Outlier · Bilbao, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Spanish writer who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models?
About The Opportunity
- Outlier is looking for talented writers with fluency in Spanish to help train generative artificial intelligence models
- This freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you
- Reading Spanish (Spain) text in order to rank a series of responses that were produced by an AI model
- Writing a short story in Spanish (Spain) about a given topic
- Assessing whether a piece of Spanish (Spain) text produced by an AI model is factually accurate
- Experience as a professional translator
- Professional writing experience (copywriter, journalist, technical writer, editor, etc.)
- Enrollment in or completion of an undergraduate program in a humanities field or field related to writing
- Enrollment in or completion of a graduate program related to creative writing
- Currently, pay rates for core project work by Spanish (Spain) writing experts average USD $25 per hour
- Rates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
Bilbao, ES
Social Creative y gestor de redes sociales freelance
MONO · Bilbao, ES
Illustrator Photoshop
En MONO, la marca más top de burgers del norte de España, buscamos un gestor de redes sociales freelance con un perfil creativo, estratégico y con muchas ganas de petarlo.
Lo que necesitamos de ti:
• Mínimo 3 años de experiencia en gestión de redes sociales y creación de contenido.
• Un enfoque creativo para generar ideas que destaquen y enganchen.
• Dominio del copywriting: queremos textos que atrapen y vendan.
• Residencia en Bilbao o alrededores (imprescindible).
• Ser autónomo (imprescindible).
• Nociones de creación de contenido para redes sociales en herramientas como Photoshop, Illustrator o Canva.
• El uso de herramientas de edición de vídeo será un plus.
Tus funciones:
- Generar contenido visual/redaccional para Social Media.
- Redactar copies pegadizos, que resuenen con el target objetivo.
- Planificar y monitorizar el contenido semanal/ mensual.
- Asistir a festivales y eventos para crear contenido TOP.
- Plantear campañas creativas para visibilizar la marca en on y offline.
- Community Management en Instagram y Tiktok.
- Apoyar al equipo de comunicación y creativo según necesidades.
Lo que ofrecemos:
• Un modelo de trabajo híbrido y flexible. No queremos que calientes la silla en la oficina, sólo te pediremos presencialidad cuando sea necesario.
• Las mejores burgers de todo Vizcaya.
• La posibilidad de crecer en un equipo que está en constante desarrollo.