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0Lab Technician (Ref 12/2025)
18 feb.Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica - CRAG
Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES
Lab Technician (Ref 12/2025)
Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica - CRAG · Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES
About Crag
CRAG is an independent research institution engaged in leading-edge basic and applied plant and farm animal sciences. CRAG is established as a Consortium of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and University of Barcelona (UB). The Center is located at the UAB Campus, and currently hosts 200 members from across the world.
Research Programs at CRAG (from basic science to applied research using plant experimental model systems, crops and farm animals) make extensive use of genomic technologies and large sets of genetic and genomic data (https://www.cragenomica.es/sites/default/files/2022-07/crag-summary-2020-2021_0.pdf).
The Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) is looking for a Lab Technician to be part of the group Structure and evolution of plant genomes
The Candidate Will Be In Charge Of
- Analyzing genomic data from rice varieties to detect Transposon Insertion Polymorphisms (TIPs)
- Analyzing RNASeq data to determine gene expression differences among rice varieties and stress conditions
- Perform TIP eQTL analyses to search for associations between TIPs and changes of gene expression
Educational requirements:
- BS in biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics or similar
- A Master in bioinfoirmatics would be an asset
- Good knowledge of plant genomics and transposable elements
- Proven experience on the use of computing clusters
- Previous experience on bioinformatics analysis of genomes
- Experience on annotation and analysis of transposable elements
Contract Duration: 6 months
Hours/week: full time
Submitting Applications
Please submit all the application through CRAG website: https://recruitment.cragenomica.es/
CRAG is committed to the principles of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers of the European Commission. All candidates will be considered qualified for the job without restrictions of gender, race, nationality or disability.
Integration policy: reserve the place in a first turn for disabled staff.
Interested Candidates Must Submit The Following Documents
- Curriculum vitae
- A motivation letter, including a brief summary of work experience (1 pages maximum).
Start date: 10/03/2025
Lab Technician (Ref 09/2025)
13 feb.Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica - CRAG
Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES
Lab Technician (Ref 09/2025)
Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica - CRAG · Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES
About Crag
CRAG is an independent research institution engaged in leading-edge basic and applied plant and farm animal sciences. CRAG is established as a Consortium of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and University of Barcelona (UB). The Center is located at the UAB Campus and currently hosts 200 members from across the world.
Research Programs at CRAG (from basic science to applied research using plant experimental model systems, crops and farm animals) make extensive use of genomic technologies and large sets of genetic and genomic data (https://www.cragenomica.es/sites/default/files/2022-07/crag-summary-2020-2021_0.pdf).
The Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) is looking for a Lab Technician to be part of the group Prof. Paloma Mas
The Candidate Will Be In Charge Of
- Growing and collecting seeds of Arabidopsis and tomato plants
- Analyzing physiological and developmental circadian outputs
- Performing gene expression analyses
Educational requirements:
- Bachelor's degree in Biology or similar
- masters degree in Biology or similar
- Working with plants
- Analyzing developmental phenotypes
Contract Duration: 6 months
Hours/week: full time
Submitting Applications
Please submit all the application through CRAG website: https://recruitment.cragenomica.es/
CRAG is committed to the principles of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers of the European Commission. All candidates will be considered qualified for the job without restrictions of gender, race, nationality or disability.
Integration policy: reserve the place in a first turn for disabled staff.
Interested Candidates Must Submit The Following Documents
- Curriculum vitae
- A motivation letter, including a brief summary of work experience (1 pages maximum).
Start date: 3 March 2025
Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES
Ingeniero/a Junior Seguridad Vial
Sener · Cerdanyola del Vallès, ES
En Sener deseamos incorporar en nuestro equipo a un/a Ingeniero/a Junior Seguridad Vial .
Buscamos un/a Ingeniero/a recién graduado/a o con 1-2 años de experiencia, con actitud proactiva y mente innovadora. Valoramos conocimientos básicos en proyectos de carreteras, normativas de señalización y elementos de infraestructura vial. Se requiere interés demostrable por la ingeniería de seguridad vial y ganas de aprender sobre sistemas de gestión vial.
Asimismo, será necesario aportar un nivel alto de inglés para la posición.
Se valorará positivamente cualquier formación adicional en seguridad vial, así como conocimientos básicos de programación Python o manejo de bases de datos. El candidato debe tener disposición para aprender sobre metodologías de evaluación de seguridad vial y normativa vigente. Disponibilidad para viajar ocasionalmente.
Qué te ofrecemos:
Estos son algunos de los beneficios de los que disfrutarás en Sener:
- Tendrás la oportunidad de participar en proyectos innovadores y de alto nivel tecnológico a nivel internacional, colaborando con un equipo multidisciplinar y altamente cualificado.
- Disfrutaras de una mejor gestión de tu tiempo a través de nuestras políticas de flexibilidad horaria y trabajo en remoto.
- Podrás optimizar tu salario con nuestro plan retributivo flexible (tarjeta de comida, seguro médico privado, tickets guardería...) y dispondrás de un seguro de vida y accidentes.
- Te cuidaremos con nuestro programa de bienestar físico y emocional, que incluye deportes, talleres, etc.
- Impulsaremos tu desarrollo profesional, con formación técnica, en habilidades, idiomas, etc. para que continúes creciendo y alcanzando tus metas.
- Promovemos la igualdad de oportunidades, diversidad e inclusión de todas las personas y estamos certificados como Entidad Familiarmente Responsable (efr).