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0Michael Page
Ingeniero Preventa (Ciberseguridad)
Michael Page · Madrid, ES
Teletreball Linux Oracle SaaS PostgreSQL
- Importante compañía de infraestructuras tecnológicas
- 70% Teletrabajo
¿Dónde vas a trabajar?
Nuestro cliente es una organización de gran tamaño en la industria de Tecnología y Telecomunicaciones, con una fuerte presencia en Madrid. Se esfuerzan por estar a la vanguardia de la innovación y proporcionan soluciones de alta calidad a sus clientes.
- Colaborar con el equipo de ventas para identificar y entender las necesidades de los clientes en ciberseguridad.
- Proponer soluciones y estrategias de seguridad personalizadas para cada cliente.
- Brindar asesoramiento técnico y soporte a los clientes y al equipo de ventas.
- Participar en demostraciones de productos y presentaciones a clientes.
- Mantenerse actualizado/a sobre las últimas tendencias y tecnologías en ciberseguridad.
- Crear y mantener relaciones sólidas con los clientes.
- Colaborar con los equipos internos para garantizar la satisfacción del cliente.
- Ayudar a desarrollar y mejorar los productos y servicios de la compañía en el área de ciberseguridad.
¿A quién buscamos (H/M/D)?
El/la candidato/a seleccionado/a deberá cumplir los siguientes requisitos:
- Diseño de soluciones basadas en IaaS, SaaS y PaaS para Outsourcing o Disaster Recovery
* Conocimientos amplios en arquitecturas de sistemas (FrontEnd, Backend, Preproducción), redes de almacenamiento(redes SAN, NAS, Object Storage) y Backup
* Conocimientos genéricos de tecnologías de virtualización de servidores tanto con tecnología VMWare (vSphere,vCenter, VCloud Director) como Microsoft (HyperV, SystemCenter) así como VDI.
* Conocimientos genéricos de entornos Microsoft (Windows Server 2016, 2019), y Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, Centos,Debian)
* Conocimientos Genéricos de Bases de Datos (Oracle, MaríaDB, PostgreSQL, MongDB, MS-SQL, etc)
* Conocimientos genéricos de redes: VLAN, routing, switching, balanceo de servicios
* Seguridad Perimetral (Firewalls, IPS/IDS, AntiDDoS) y Análisis de Vulnerabilidades
* Amplio conocimiento del mercado de fabricantes Hardware, servidores, cabinas de almacenamiento, etc.
* Conocimientos profundos de modelos de licenciamiento software de los principales fabricantes.
¿Cuáles son tus beneficios?
- Un ambiente de trabajo inclusivo y colaborativo.
- Oportunidades de desarrollo y crecimiento profesional en el campo de la ciberseguridad.
- Beneficios y bonificaciones atractivas.
- Vacaciones generosas y políticas de tiempo libre.
- Ubicación en Madrid, una de las ciudades más vibrantes de España.
Nax Solutions agricultura de precisión satelital
Alicante/Alacant, ES
VP of Finance & Strategy
Nax Solutions agricultura de precisión satelital · Alicante/Alacant, ES
Oracle SaaS ERP Excel Power BI Tableau PowerPoint
Sobre nosotros:
Nax es una empresa SaaS líder en modelos predictivos y monitorización agrícola mediante imágenes satelitales e inteligencia artificial. Nuestra solución ayuda a maximizar la producción y reducir costos al proporcionar análisis de datos y recomendaciones en áreas clave como riego, fertilización y gestión de cosechas.
Resumen del Puesto
Estamos en la búsqueda de un(a) VP de Finanzas y Estrategia dinámico(a) y con visión de negocio. Este rol será clave no solo en la transformación financiera de la empresa, sino también en el desarrollo e implementación de iniciativas estratégicas clave. Trabajando directamente con el CEO y el CFO, esta persona será estratégico(a) en la toma de decisiones y en la ejecución de proyectos que impulsen el crecimiento y la eficiencia operativa de la compañía.
Responsabilidades Principales
Finanzas y Operaciones
- Diseñar e implementar procesos financieros eficientes, escalables y alineados con las mejores prácticas.
- Liderar la integración y optimización del ERP (Odoo) para automatizar procesos clave como contabilidad, presupuestos, reportes financieros, tesorería y cumplimiento.
- Supervisar la planificación financiera estratégica, asegurando la asignación eficiente de recursos y el cumplimiento de objetivos empresariales.
- Proveer análisis detallado de desempeño financiero, KPIs y proyecciones que permitan tomar decisiones informadas.
- Asegurar el cumplimiento de normativas locales e internacionales y liderar auditorías financieras.
- Desarrollar y liderar un equipo financiero de alto desempeño, fomentando la colaboración y el crecimiento profesional.
Estrategia y Crecimiento
- Actuar como socio(a) estratégico(a) del CEO en proyectos clave como mejoras de procesos internos y eficiencia operativa.
- Colaborar en la definición y ejecución del go-to-market de partners, identificando oportunidades de expansión y optimizando la estrategia de crecimiento.
- Contribuir en la identificación, evaluación y ejecución de oportunidades de fusiones y adquisiciones (M&A), incluyendo análisis de viabilidad y due diligence.
- Generar reportes estratégicos para el Board, brindando información accionable sobre la evolución del negocio y las oportunidades de mercado.
- Realizar análisis de mercados para identificar tendencias, riesgos y oportunidades de inversión o expansión.
- Disponibilidad para viajar según las necesidades del negocio.
- Licenciatura o Grado en Economía, Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE), Contabilidad o Finanzas.
- Valorable un Máster en Finanzas, Contabilidad Avanzada o Gestión Empresarial.
- Certificaciones adicionales en finanzas o contabilidad (e.g., ACCA, CIMA, o similar) serán un plus.
- Más de 6 años de experiencia en roles de liderazgo financiero, preferiblemente en empresas en crecimiento, de tecnología o en consultoría estratégica, de los cuales 4 hayan sido en un Big 4 con exposición a auditoría o corporate finance
- Experiencia comprobada en la implementación y automatización de procesos financieros mediante ERP (e.g., Odoo, SAP, Oracle, NetSuite).
- Historial de éxito en la optimización de operaciones financieras y creación de estructuras escalables.
- Experiencia en estrategia empresarial, análisis de mercados y evaluación de oportunidades de crecimiento (M&A, partnerships, nuevas líneas de negocio).
Habilidades Técnicas:
- Capacidad de negociación y visión de negocio.
- Dominio de análisis financiero y creación de reportes estratégicos.
- Capacidad para gestionar y analizar data financiera y de mercado para toma de decisiones.
- Dominio de herramientas ofimáticas avanzadas (Excel, PowerPoint, Google Sheets) y BI (Power BI, Tableau, etc.)
Habilidades Blandas:
- Liderazgo excepcional y habilidades para gestionar equipos multidisciplinarios.
- Pensamiento estratégico con enfoque en resultados y optimización de procesos.
- Excelentes habilidades de comunicación y presentación, con capacidad de interactuar con el CEO, CFO y el Board.
- Alta capacidad de análisis y resolución de problemas complejos.
Qué Ofrecemos
- Oportunidad de ser un(a) líder clave en la transformación financiera y estratégica de la empresa.
- Ambiente dinámico y desafiante en una empresa de rápido crecimiento.
- Exposición directa a la toma de decisiones estratégicas y al Board.
- Paquete competitivo, incluyendo beneficios y bonificaciones basadas en desempeño, así como equity / MIP
Rango estimado: Compensación de mercado, alineada con la experiencia y el tamaño de la empresa.
Gestor/a comercial de operaciones
20 de febr.NA
Colmenar Viejo, ES
Gestor/a comercial de operaciones
NA · Colmenar Viejo, ES
Oracle ERP Excel
Desde Adecco estamos buscando un/a gestor/a comercial de operaciones factoring para trabajar en una institución financiera que ayuda a la recuperación de activos impagados
-Recepción y emisión de llamadas diarias con los distintos deudores para comprobar la veracidad de los documentos de pago (facturas y/o efectos comerciales), así como la comercialidad de las transacciones.
-Atención al cliente en el/la ámbito administrativo/a-comercial asegurando los niveles de calidad establecidos y relacionados con la imagen de la empresa.
-Realizar el/la gestión administrativo/a de los procesos comerciales, llevando a cabo las tareas de la gestión de la documentación, facturas, actualización de documentos, control de el/la archivo físico/a y online.
-Realizar todo tipo de tareas administrativas en el Departamento de Operaciones Factoring; procesar remesas, aplicación de cobros (pagarés, gestión de transferencias, tramitación de cobros, etc).
-Comprobación y verificación del cumplimiento normativo en la empresa (Compliance), identificando, asesorando, monitoreando y alertando de los riesgos en que puede incurrir la misma para velar por el estricto cumplimiento de la legalidad.
Requisitos mínimos:
-Ciclo formativo superior
-Experiencia requerida en puesto similar: 2 años
-Alta experiencia y dominio con Excel
-Profesional con experiencia administrativo/a-comercial en empresas del sector financiero.
-Actitud emprendedora y entusiasmo en el trabajo.
-Proactivo/a, con habilidades interpersonales, comunicativas y organizativas.
-Carácter extrovertido, positivo y muy motivado/a.
-Habituado/a a tratar con clientes tanto directamente como por teléfono. Buena educación y trato exquisito
-Orientado/a a trabajar con objetivos mensuales.
-Alta capacidad de trabajo en equipo.
-Persona organizada, con actitud proactiva y resolutiva, que sea ordenado/a, metódico/a, responsable y trabajador/a.
-Con ganas de aprender.
Otros aspectos relevantes:
-Muy valorable (pero no imprescindible) la experiencia contabilizando en Oracle (facturas, pasar la amortización, asientos varios).
-Emisión de facturas en Oracle
-Conocimiento avanzado de Excel.
-Conocimientos contabilidad analítica.
-Valorable conocimiento en software ERP para finanzas.
-Contrato con adecco + posibilidad paso a plantilla
-Incorporación inmediata
-Jornada completa
-Interesante paquete retributivo: fijo + variable (20K 24k)
En el caso de que te encaje no dudes en apuntarte!
Buscamos talentos como el tuyo!
Ingeniero líder software de datos
20 de febr.EPAM
Madrid, ES
Ingeniero líder software de datos
EPAM · Madrid, ES
Python TSQL Kubernetes Scala Oracle AWS Spark
¿Eres una persona profesional de mente abierta y con fluidez en el lenguaje de programación Scala? Si eso te describe, esta podría ser la oportunidad perfecta para unirte a EPAM como Líder en Ingeniería de Datos. Estamos buscando a alguien que trabaje en equipo, con excelentes habilidades de comunicación y organización, maestría en ingeniería y un nivel de inglés B2+/C1 para comunicarse fluidamente con interlocutores angloparlantes, compartir ideas y razonamientos.
Como parte de este proyecto, nuestros equipos de Datos están trabajando en migrar los flujos de trabajo de los Productos de Datos desde Oracle a Databricks. En EPAM, entrarás a un ambiente de trabajo dinámico y ágil, yudando a clientes del Fortune 1000 mientras te adhieres a las mejores prácticas de ingeniería. Si eres una persona experta en Scala con una pasión por transformar soluciones de datos, únete a nosotros en Madrid, Málaga o de manera remota a través de España para estar en la vanguardia de la innovación con EPAM.
¿Cuáles serán tus funciones?
- Desarrollar, monitorear y operar el flujo de datos más utilizado y crítico en el cliente Datos de Órdenes de Venta (incl. información posterior a la orden, e.g., envío, devolución, pago)
- Consultar con analistas, científicos de datos y gerentes de producto para construir y mejorar continuamente el KPI de "Fuente Única de Verdad" para la dirección del negocio, como la medición central de Contribución al Beneficio (PC II)
- Redesarrollar antiguos flujos de trabajo heredados a nuevas versiones avanzadas y estándares que sean fáciles de mantener y escalables para demandas futuras
- Aprovechar y mejorar un conjunto de tecnologías basadas en la nube que incluye AWS, Databricks, Kubernetes, Spark, Airflow, Python y Scala
¿Qué buscamos?
- Experiencia en Apache Spark junto con Spark Streaming
- Sólida experiencia práctica con Databricks y delta-lake
- Fluidez en el lenguaje de programación Scala
- Experiencia en SQL
- Buen conocimiento y experiencia práctica con CI/CD
- Amplia experiencia de trabajo con GitHub
- Fluidez trabajando con el entorno de AWS
- Capacidad para construir flujos de trabajo con Apache Airflow
Te dará una ventaja
- Presto
- Superset
- Starburst
- Oracle & Exasol
¿Qué ofrecemos?
- Seguro médico privado
- Plan de Compra de Acciones para Empleadxs de EPAM
- Baja por enfermedad pagada al 100%
- Programa de Referenciados
- Certificación profesional
- Cursos de idiomas
Site Reliability Engineer
20 de febr.Oracle
Barcelona, ES
Site Reliability Engineer
Oracle · Barcelona, ES
Javascript Python Linux Cloud Coumputing Kubernetes Ansible Oracle PowerShell Bash DevOps Terraform Office
Oracle Health Applications & Infrastructure (OHAI) is hiring in its OHAI Platform & Production Engineering organization!
Are you a creative person who loves a challenge? Solve the complex puzzles you´ve been dreaming of as our Site Reliability Engineer. If you have a passion for innovation in tech, we want you on our team! Thrive in this crucial role. Oracle is a technology leader that´s changing how the world does business. We´re looking for an experienced and self-motivated person. We appreciate you taking the time to review the list of qualifications and to apply for the position. Come and join us!
A unique opportunity to join a rapidly growing world-class team to engineer groundbreaking Oracle Cloud technologies and infrastructure that make up the Oracle Cloud solutions.
The ideal candidate for this engaging and visible technical leadership role would have the experience of a developer, the wits of a systems and infrastructure whiz, and the courage of a spirited "closer". All these qualities bundled up in an affable communicator in order to make our Oracle Cloud customers successful.
As a global leader we´re looking for a Site Reliability Engineer to drive success as part of our OHAI team. Join us and create the future.
What you will do:
As a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), you will solve exciting technical challenges by defining, designing, deploying, and troubleshooting key Oracle Health Hosting and Cloud services, platforms, and infrastructure, always thinking about reliability, scalability, resilience, security, and performance.
You will be part of a team of SREs whose mission is the shared full stack ownership of a collection of cloud services and technologies areas integral to the support of medical institutions across the world.
- Ensure System Reliability: Monitor and maintain the health of our production environments, implementing strategies to achieve high availability and minimal downtime.
- Incident Management: Quickly identify and resolve incidents, conducting thorough post-mortem analyses to prevent future occurrences and improve our response processes.
- Performance Optimization: Analyze system performance metrics to identify bottlenecks and develop solutions that enhance system efficiency and scalability.
- Automation & Tooling: Create and maintain automated processes for deployment, monitoring, and incident response to streamline operations and reduce manual intervention.
- Infrastructure as Code: Utilize tools like Terraform or CloudFormation to define and manage infrastructure, ensuring consistency and repeatability across environments.
- Capacity Planning: Collaborate with teams to forecast future system demands and implement scalable solutions that meet growing user needs.
- Collaboration & Communication: Work closely with development and product teams to integrate reliability into the software development lifecycle, advocating for best practices and sharing insights.
- Security & Compliance: Implement security best practices and ensure compliance with industry standards to protect our systems and data.
- Continuous Improvement: Contribute to a culture of continuous improvement by identifying areas for enhancement, sharing knowledge, and mentoring junior engineers.
- On-Call Duties: Participate in an on-call rotation to provide after-hours support and ensure operational excellence around the clock.
Required experience:
• 2+ Years of Experience Managing Complex IT Systems/Managing IT Systems
• Fluent in English (C1) - All work is conducted in English
• Willing to be on on-call duty
• Hybrid working environment -1-2 days per week in the Barcelona Office
• Methodical approach to troubleshooting complex problems
• Scripting languages, such as Python, PowerShell, Bash, JavaScript, etc.
• DevOps toolchain (general understanding)
• Knowledge In:
• Windows Server Roles (AD, GPO, Certificates, File Servers/Storage Management)
• Linux
• Networking and TCP/IP
Preferred Experience :
- 5+ year experience of running large scale customer facing web services
- Cloud infrastructure Knowledge (AWS/OCI)
- Citrix
- Kubernetes Experience
- Configuration management tools, such as Chef, Ansible, etc...
About Us
As a world leader in cloud solutions, Oracle uses tomorrow´s technology to tackle today´s problems. True innovation starts with diverse perspectives and various abilities and backgrounds.
When everyone´s voice is heard, we´re inspired to go beyond what´s been done before. It´s why we´re committed to expanding our inclusive workforce that promotes diverse insights and perspectives.
Java Sales Representative
20 de febr.Oracle
Madrid, ES
Java Sales Representative
Oracle · Madrid, ES
Java Cloud Coumputing Oracle
As a member of this team, you will work with a multitude of the best and brightest minds from various backgrounds, such as yourself. You will gain in-depth knowledge about high-visibility, revenue generating products such as the Java SE subscription. You will exercise various skill sets - apply technical expertise to create elegant solutions, project manage to deliver, market and promote to gain acceptance, and extend to ensure longevity. You will fluidly communicate and work with a variety of internal teams such as pre sales engineers, business development, leadership, and marketing.
Career Level - IC3
Works to achieve maximum sales profitability, growth, and account penetration within an assigned territory. Territory may be combination of geographic, product, industry and other customer / market dimensions. Sells to the territory directly or via partners. The territory that this rep covers does not have an Inside Sales Rep or Field Rep. Utilizes inbound and/or outbound techniques to identify, qualify and close new opportunities. Manages accounts throughout the entire sales process, and collaborates with team members in business development, consulting and support to uncover all customer needs. Responsible for understanding Oracle´s product offerings and competitive issues to develop solution proposals encompassing all aspects of the application. Travels to customer sites to identify / develop sales opportunities. Participates in the development, presentation, and sales of a value proposition. Onsite customer presentation with C-levels to negotiate and close strategic and complex deals. Liaises with customer contacts for the purpose of managing the customer relationship, identifying new opportunities and maximizing sales.
About Us
As a world leader in cloud solutions, Oracle uses tomorrow´s technology to tackle today´s problems. True innovation starts with diverse perspectives and various abilities and backgrounds.
When everyone´s voice is heard, we´re inspired to go beyond what´s been done before. It´s why we´re committed to expanding our inclusive workforce that promotes diverse insights and perspectives.
We´ve partnered with industry-leaders in almost every sector-and continue to thrive after 40+ years of change by operating with integrity.
Oracle careers open the door to global opportunities where work-life balance flourishes. We offer a highly competitive suite of employee benefits designed on the principles of parity and consistency. We put our people first with flexible medical, life insurance and retirement options. We also encourage employees to give back to their communities through our volunteer programs.
Software Development Engineer
20 de febr.Oracle
Madrid, ES
Software Development Engineer
Oracle · Madrid, ES
React Javascript CSS Bootstrap Azure Angular Cloud Coumputing Elasticsearch Oracle AWS
We are looking for full-stack engineers with distributed systems experience. You should have experience with the design of major features and launching them into production. You´ve operated or supported high-scale services and understand how to make them more resilient. You work on most projects and tasks independently.
You are technically strong and get a lot done - you´ve worked on highly available, scalable, and redundant services. You´ve built rich tools and web apps for use by your team and other internal customers. You have experience with tools like Splunk, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. You understand that simple systems are easier to operate and fix. You can balance speed and quality with iteration and incremental improvements. You´ve made life easier for other developers and have motivated your teams to make both process and service improvements with your ability to automate and instrument properly to get the right data. You understand operational excellence and how to instill a culture of being dedicated with your teammates.
The person in this role will supply key features and improvements.
What are the biggest challenges for the team?
Scalability, performance and availability. The growth of the business is driving us to improve the ability of our systems to scale out and handle traffic patterns that are several orders of magnitude greater than what we can support today. This is generating a lot of data. As we operate our services and serve more customers, we need the ability to quickly and accurately find log and performance information. Ideally, this would be self-service for our customers.
We understand that software is living and needs investment. The challenge is making the right trade-offs, communicating those decisions effectively, and crisp execution.
• 4+ years of full-stack software development experience
• Work with modern Javascript libraries and frameworks such as React, Angular, and Bootstrap
• Hands-on experience building and operating tools and dashboards with large data pipelines
• Experience driving security reviews, documentation, UX reviews, and working with Product Managers through the entire launch process
• Experience developing customer-focused mirco-frontend architectures and restful web services
• Working knowledge in Typescript/ Javascript, Webpack, CSS
• Experience with at least one scripting language for automating tasks, proof of concept work, or command line tools
Career Level - IC3
Preferred Qualifications
• Hands-on experience developing services on a public cloud platform (e.g., AWS, Azure, Oracle)
• Work with large volumes of data and logging
• Understanding of key performance indicators and how to dig into them
• Experience and understanding of multi-AD/AZ and regional data centers
• Building continuous integration/deployment pipelines with robust testing and deployment schedules
• Experience working with internal customers and translating requests into prioritized work or featureseeds.
About Us
As a world leader in cloud solutions, Oracle uses tomorrow´s technology to tackle today´s problems. True innovation starts with diverse perspectives and various abilities and backgrounds.
When everyone´s voice is heard, we´re inspired to go beyond what´s been done before. It´s why we´re committed to expanding our inclusive workforce that promotes diverse insights and perspectives.
We´ve partnered with industry-leaders in almost every sector-and continue to thrive after 40+ years of change by operating with integrity.
Senior Java Developer
20 de febr.Serem
Madrid, ES
Senior Java Developer
Serem · Madrid, ES
React Javascript API Java TSQL Kubernetes Oracle TypeScript Spring UML Kafka
Join us as a Senior Java Developer in the private banking sector and accelerate your career in financial services technology. We´re looking for a team player with excellent communication skills, engineering mastery and a B2+/C1 English level for effective stakeholder interactions.
As part of this project, you will design, develop and test software modules, ensuring seamless functionality and integration within complex systems. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software solutions.
This is a hybrid role based in Madrid´s city center, ideal for those eager to thrive in a dynamic environment and make a significant impact in private banking technology.
• Design, develop, and maintain software modules ensuring adherence to software engineering best practices
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define software requirements and to ensure alignment of deliverables with business objectives
• Produce robust software builds from source code, meeting defined performance and security criteria
• Lead and participate in code reviews, ensuring quality and adherence to coding standards
• Conduct system integration tests, diagnose faults and foster continuous improvement in software robustness and efficiency
• Utilize the latest development methodologies to innovate and enhance the software delivery process
• Contribute to architectural and system design decisions, ensuring scalability, reliability and maintainability
• Mentor junior engineers, share software engineering best practices and domain knowledge
• Strong computer science fundamentals with 6-7+ years of professional software development experience
• Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
• Experienced in Java with Spring Boot, SQL (Oracle), Kubernetes (PKS), Virtual Machines, CI/CD pipelines, Kafka, Avro, Open API, UML
• Able to collaborate hands-on with Frontend: React, JavaScript, TypeScript
• Experience with Service Oriented Architecture, RESTful Services
• Deep knowledge and experience of the Software Development Lifecycle, including continuous integration, design patterns, best practices
• Fluent skills in English speaking language, being able to communicate efficiently in business and technical domains
Lead Software Developer
20 de febr.Oracle
Madrid, ES
Lead Software Developer
Oracle · Madrid, ES
.Net C# Java Agile C++ Cloud Coumputing Oracle
Building off our Cloud momentum, Oracle has formed a new organization - Oracle Health Applications & Infrastructure. This team focuses on product development and product strategy for Oracle Health, while building out a complete platform supporting modernized, automated healthcare. This is a net new line of business, constructed with an entrepreneurial spirit that promotes an energetic and creative environment. We are unencumbered and will need your contribution to make it a world class engineering center with the focus on excellence. At Oracle Health, our mission is to improve healthcare and quality of life globally through better experience and easier access to health and research data for patients and healthcare providers.
We are looking for hands-on engineers with expertise and passion in solving difficult problems in all areas of software engineering: distributed systems, identity, security, observability, and user experience.
This is a greenfield opportunity to design and build new cloud centric applications from the ground up. We are growing fast, still at an early stage, and working on ambitious new initiatives. An engineer at any level can have significant technical and business impact here. You will be part of a team of smart, motivated, diverse people, and given the autonomy as well as support to do your best work. It is a dynamic and flexible workplace where you´ll belong and be encouraged.
We offer unique opportunities for innovative, hands-on engineers with the expertise and passion to tackle difficult problems in distributed, highly available services and virtualized infrastructure. At every level, our engineers have a significant technical and business impact designing and building innovative new systems to power our customer´s business critical applications.
Want to build extraordinary things in a vibrant, high-energy team? Are you an expert developer looking for an opportunity to have more technical impact? We are looking for a Principal Engineer with distributed systems experience to join the Identity organization. There is tremendous opportunity to be given very large scope and responsibility in a very dynamic environment.
You are technically strong and get a lot done - you´ve built services from scratch that are highly available, scalable, and redundant. You understand that simple systems are easier to operate and tackle. You can balance speed with iteration and incremental improvements. You´ve made life easier for other developers and have motivated your teams to make both process and service improvements.
The growth of the business is driving us to improve the ability of our systems to scale out and handle traffic patterns that are several orders of magnitude greater than what we can support today. We need engineers who can build services to handle millions of requests per second and can determine how we can survive regional data center outages. We need engineers who can build services that enable us to offer even more options to customers. Is that engineer you?
You will have part in the disruption of the health care industry and will help deliver better patient care.
These are exciting times in our space - we are growing fast, still at an early stage, and working on ambitious new initiatives!
Career Level - IC4
• 5+ years distributed service engineering experience in a software development environment
• Hands-on experience building and operating highly-available, high-traffic web services
• Experience developing customer facing architectures and restful web services
• Development experience in Java, C++, C#, and/or .NET as well as scripting languages
• Deep understanding of object-oriented design and SDK development, specifically within a cloud environment
• Experience working with other cloud teams and accommodating requirements from those teams (compute, networking, search, storage)
• Experience in a collaborative, agile development environment.
Preferred Qualifications
• Experience and understanding of multi-AD/AZ and regional data centers
• FedRAMP, PCI DSS, or similar compliance and auditing experience
• Experience and detailed technical knowledge in PaaS engineering.
• Expertise in applying threat modeling or other risk identification techniques to develop security solutions
Oracle is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability and protected veterans status or any other characteristic protected by law