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19 de febr.GBSB Global Business School
Madrid, ES
GBSB Global Business School · Madrid, ES
GBSB Global Business School is an international higher education institution with campuses in Spain and Malta that offers business programs in English at undergraduate (Bachelor) and graduate (Master) levels. Our programs encourage, nurture, and develop the innovative potential our students possess and prepare them for the careers in the global economy. GBSB Global has a strong focus on innovation and technology, both in our online and on-campus programs. Our students and alumni include representatives from over 100 countries. GBSB Global faculty members are business leaders from over 37 different countries with a variety of international backgrounds and professional experiences.
We are continuing our search for talented part-time lecturers to teach in business-related disciplines in our Madrid Campus. If you have relevant working experience and interest in the academic world, we encourage you to apply. Please reflect in your resume any specific courses you have taught or are interested in teaching.
· A high level of written and spoken English.
· PhD in the field required
· Previous teaching experience to students at a university level is highly valued.
· Demonstrated ability to design, review, and manage lesson plans and/or teach from a qualified curriculum with evidenced outcomes.
· Strong group and classroom management skills.
· Research experience.