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NuevaOficina de Empleo ▪️ Comunidad de Madrid
Madrid, ES
Oficina de Empleo ▪️ Comunidad de Madrid · Madrid, ES
La Oficina de Empleo de BARRIO DE LA CONCEPCION ofrece una nueva oportunidad laboral: profesional para incorporar a departamento de consultoría.
FUNCIONES: La persona deberá desempeñar labores de implantación, integración y formación del software de gestión de tesorería, KAT Treasury, así como otros productos de BI, KAT Analytics, o de comunicaciones bancarias, EDItran y KAT Banking/PyBanks.
SE REQUIERE: Licenciatura / Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Licenciatura CC Económicas, o similares.
Mínimo 3 años de experiencia laboral o superior, preferiblemente en campo de consultoría y departamentos financieros.
Nivel medio de inglés imprescindible para soporte a clientes internacionales.
VALORABLE: Experiencia en implementación de ERP.
Experiencia en administración, implantación o gestión de software de tesorería.
Experiencia en herramientas de help desk.
Conocimientos de comunicaciones bancarias.
Nociones básicas de SQL.
SALARIO 24 - 36K€ AÑO.
GV | Real Estate
Madrid, ES
Consultor Retail/Oficinas
GV | Real Estate · Madrid, ES
Empresa de gestión e intermediación inmobiliaria de lujo formada por arquitectos expertos en el sector inmobilario.
El área principal de la empresa es la división GV Residencial, experta en la gestión residencial de lujo en las mejores zonas de Madrid como Puerta de Hierro, La Florida, El Viso, Barrio Salamanca, Somosaguas...: Candidato necesarios para la divisón GV Patrimonio actualmente en desarrollo y crecimiento, basa su ocupación en la gestión de edificios, oficinas y locales comerciales prime de la capital.
Consultoría Real Estate con varios departamentos:arquitectura, agencia, valoraciones, gestión de activos...: Perfil solicitado: Arquitecto con o sin formación en Real Estate con pretensiones de aprender y dedicar su carrera y desarrollo profesional al sector inmobiliario.
Candidato con gran orientación al logro, acostumbrado trabajar por objetivos, altas habilidades comunicativas, perfil comercial.
Funciones del puesto vacante para ARQUITECTO INMOBILARIO en GV Patrimonio: Gestión de activos inmobiliarios del sector oficinas y retail.
Trato directo con clientes y propietarios.
Captación de producto y gestión comercial.
Gestión contractual y cierre de operaciones de alquiler.
Realización esporádica de propuestas de implantación para clientes en oficinas.
Gestión de nuestros producto en web interna y portales inmobiliarios.
Enviar CV con fotografía al correo electrónico: ****** Muchas gracias
Consultor/a Selección
22 mar.NA
Consultor/a Selección
NA · Colmenar del Arroyo, ES
¿Tienes experiencia haciendo selección personal? ¿Te interesa un proyecto de futuro completamente estable y flexible?
¡Esta es tu oferta!
Te damos la oportunidad de trabajar para una compañía aeroportuaria ubicada en Madrid, perfectamente comunicada en transporte público
-Publicación de ofertas de empleo
-Criba curricular
-Entrevistas personales y dinámicas de grupo
-Envío de pruebas psicotécnicas
En Adecco creemos en la igualdad de oportunidades y apostamos por el Talento Sin Etiquetas
-Experiencia de al menos 2 años realizando procesos de selección
-Imprescindible experiencia realizando procesos de selección masivos
-Valorable experiencia seleccionando perfiles aeroportuarios
-Posibilidad de viajar en en territorio nacional
-Valorable inglés alto
¿Qué ofrecemos?
-Contrato indefinido directamente por empresa
-Horario Lunes a Viernes 9.00 a 18.00 con flexibilidad
-Jornada semanal de 3 días de teletrabajo y 2 presenciales al cumplir el periodo formativo inicial
-Salario entre 25.000 y 27.000€ anuales
Buen Salario Consultor En I+D+I
21 mar.aptki | Financiamos Startups
Madrid, ES
Buen Salario Consultor En I+D+I
aptki | Financiamos Startups · Madrid, ES
En Aptki nos encantaría ampliar el equipo.
¡Estamos buscando un Consultor de Financiación y Estrategia I+D+i!Desde el departamento de estrategia e I+D estamos especializados en la obtención de incentivos fiscales y financiación pública para el desarrollo de proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo e innovación tecnológica, a nivel nacional.¿Qué perfil nos encantaría que aplicara?- Una persona con actitud positiva, con decisión y autonomía para crecer dentro de la empresa, encargándose, bajo el acompañamiento del responsable de I+D+i de la gestión de parte de la cartera de clientes de la compañía.- Un/a profesional con formación superior en áreas como Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones, Industrial, Biotecnología, Química, Administración de Empresas o Economía.- Fundamental contar con al menos tres años de experiencia en roles similares, idealmente en consultoría o entidades técnicas vinculadas al sector público.- Con conocimiento de incentivos fiscales y ayudas para la financiación (CDTI - LIC,PID, Neotec, etc...).¿Dónde queremos que te desarrolles?- Que tengas autonomía y puedas buscar y analizar las diferentes convocatorias de Ayudas para la I+D+i para proyectos.- Que seas capaz de analizar la actividad de las empresas para identificar nuevas actividades de I+D+i de los proyectos que puedan ser objeto de convocatorias de Ayudas para la I+D+i.- Que gestiones de forma integral las solicitudes: que suelen incluir la elaboración de los entregables (memorias), y que tengas criterio para ir documentando técnicamente las actividades de I+D+i.- Y por supuesto que tengas un contacto cercano y directo con los clientes, organismos públicos y equipos a nivel interno.¿Qué encontrarás en Aptki?- Un equipo en crecimiento y experto en financiación pública y planificación financiera para startups, con un enfoque práctico.
Trabajamos codo a codo con emprendedores para optimizar su acceso a financiación pública (ENISA, CDTI, Incentivos fiscales, Bonificaciones de S.S) y ofrecerles un CFO externo que les ayude a tomar mejores decisiones financieras.- Nos caracterizamos por la visión estratégica, conocimiento profundo del ecosistema startup y un compromiso real con el crecimiento de los proyectos con los que trabajamos.- Dinámicos, con clientes de alto potencial y un entorno dónde valoramos el talento, la autonomía y el aprendizaje continuo.¿Qué podemos ofrecer?- Aprendizaje y desarrollo: Trabajarás con startups innovadoras y aprenderás de primera mano sobre inversión y planificación financiera.- Impacto real: Ayudarás a startups a acceder a financiación clave para su crecimiento, contribuyendo directamente a su éxito- Autonomía: Valoramos la proactividad y el trabajo basado en objetivos.- Contrato indefinido- Jornada completa.- Presencial; oficinas en la calle Roger de Llúria.- Salario acorde al perfil partiendo de (> 28.000€)¡Si tegusta la innovación y cuentas con las habilidades para gestionar proyectos complejos y técnicos, ponte en contacto con nosotros o manda tu CV a ****** !
Consultor/a Dynamics CRM
21 mar.Krell Consulting & Training
Consultor/a Dynamics CRM
Krell Consulting & Training · Madrid, ES
Consultor/a Dynamics CRM
Krell Consulting Madrid y alrededores (Híbrido)
Oferta de Empleo: Consultor/a Dynamics CRM
Ubicación: Madrid Centro (4 días presenciales, 1 día de teletrabajo)
Descripción del puesto: Estamos en búsqueda de un Consultor Dynamics CRM con al menos 5 años de experiencia para liderar la implantación de Microsoft Dynamics CRM en un cliente de gran relevancia. El candidato seleccionado será responsable de la implementación, optimización y mantenimiento de la plataforma, asegurando el cumplimiento de los requisitos y necesidades del negocio.
Liderar la implantación de Microsoft Dynamics CRM en el cliente.Analizar los requisitos del negocio y diseñar soluciones adecuadas.Configuración y personalización del CRM según las necesidades del cliente.Gestión de integraciones con otros sistemas.Formación y soporte a usuarios finales.Resolución de incidencias y mejora continua de la solución implantada.
Experiencia mínima de 5 años en implantación y consultoría de Microsoft Dynamics CRM.Conocimiento profundo en configuración, personalización y desarrollo en Dynamics CRM.Experiencia en integraciones con otros sistemas y en la gestión de proyectos de implantación.Habilidad para trabajar con clientes y entender sus necesidades.Capacidad de liderazgo y gestión de equipos.Nivel alto de español y buen nivel de inglés valorable.
Proyecto estable con un cliente de gran importancia.Modalidad de trabajo híbrida: 4 días presenciales en Madrid centro y 1 día de teletrabajo.Oportunidades de crecimiento profesional y desarrollo en un entorno dinámico.Salario competitivo acorde a la experiencia y conocimientos.
21 mar.Oficina de Empleo ▪️ Comunidad de Madrid
Madrid, ES
Oficina de Empleo ▪️ Comunidad de Madrid · Madrid, ES
Descripción: CONSULTOR/A FINANCIERODatos:Datos Adicionales: OFERTA 1813: CONSULTOR/A FINANCIERO/A CON INGLÉS MEDIO-ALTO.La Oficina de Empleo de BARRIO DE LA CONCEPCION ofrece una nueva oportunidad laboral: profesional para incorporar a departamento de consultoría.FUNCIONES:La persona deberá desempeñar labores de implantación, integración y formación del software de gestión de tesorería, KAT Treasury, así como otros productos de BI, KAT Analytics, o de comunicaciones bancarias, EDItran y KAT Banking/PyBanks.SE REQUIERE:Licenciatura / Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Licenciatura CC Económicas, o similares.Mínimo 3 años de experiencia laboral o superior, preferiblemente en campo de consultoría y departamentos financieros.Nivel medio de inglés imprescindible para soporte a clientes internacionales.VALORABLE:Experiencia en implementación de ERP.Experiencia en administración, implantación o gestión de software de tesorería.Experiencia en herramientas de help desk.Conocimientos de comunicaciones bancarias.Nociones básicas de SQL.Conocimiento tecnología Power BISE OFRECE: CONTRATO INDEFINIDO JORNADA COMPLETA.
Junior SEO Specialist
Junior SEO Specialist
Teletrabajo Swift Google Analytics SEO CMS
👋 About Us
At THE/STUDIO, our vision is to empower individuals, regardless of their expertise, to unleash their creativity and bring their unique ideas to life through the production of custom products. We are committed to delivering top-quality customized products that not only exceed expectations but also provide a seamless and awe-inspiring experience via our exceptional team and AI-integrated systems. By shouldering the manufacturing burdens, we liberate our customers to focus on their true passions, driving them towards remarkable success and fulfillment. Together, we turn dreams into tangible realities and shape a world where creativity knows no bounds.
Our headquarters are in Los Angeles, California, but we are a truly global company with team-members across the U.S., Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia/Pacific. We have gone to a fully remote working platform so that we can attract the world’s best talent.
All roles at THE/STUDIO are 100% remote from anywhere in the world, as long as you have all your tools and a fast, stable internet connection!
We know that some applicants will not meet all the requirements, so we encourage you to apply anyway so we can determine if something else might be a good fit!
Are you passionate about digital marketing and eager to grow your skills in SEO? We’re looking for a motivated Junior SEO Specialist to join our dynamic team. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain hands-on experience in on-site, off-site, and technical SEO while working alongside experienced professionals. You’ll be directly involved in optimizing content, building backlinks, and enhancing our website’s performance. If you’re detail-oriented, curious, and ready to learn, we’d love to hear from you.
What You’ll Do:- SEO Implementation: Assist in executing on-site, off-site, and technical SEO strategies to boost website visibility and ranking.
- Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis: Perform thorough keyword research and analyze competitor websites to identify optimization opportunities.
- Content Optimization:
- Regularly update the blog with relevant, high-quality, and SEO-optimized content.
- Collaborate with copywriters to improve content structure and ensure proper keyword usage.
- Link Building:
- Identify new link-building opportunities and develop outreach strategies.
- Execute email outreach campaigns and negotiate partnerships for quality backlinks.
- Monitor and maintain a healthy backlink profile.
- Internal Linking: Optimize internal linking by fixing and strategically placing internal links across blog posts and site-wide pages.
- Performance Monitoring: Use SEO tools (e.g., Google Analytics, Ahrefs, SEMrush) to track website performance and backlink quality.
- Passion for SEO & Digital Marketing: Basic understanding of SEO principles or a strong interest in online marketing.
- SEO Knowledge: Familiarity with fundamental SEO concepts (keyword research, link building, content optimization) is a plus.
- Link Building Experience: Any prior experience in link building or outreach is a significant advantage.
- Content Management: Experience managing website content on WordPress or other CMS platforms is a plus.
- Copywriting Skills: Ability to collaborate with copywriters and contribute to content quality.
- Technical Skills: Basic proficiency with SEO tools (e.g., Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs) is a plus.
- Advanced English Proficiency is required.
Intellectually curious - possesses a natural disposition and comfort to ask questions, challenge the status quo, and a desire to ‘get to the bottom of things’ if they see something not quite right
Self-motivated with a meaningful reason to deliver excellence
Good communication skills that enhance collaboration, minimize misunderstandings, and at a frequency that is appropriate for a remote team
Radical candor - Coachable, accepting of constructive negative feedback and willing to provide constructive negative feedback where applicable
Operates with a level of urgency - values immediate action where prudent, enables quick decision-making, swift problem-solving, and seizing opportunities in a dynamic business environment
Natural customer centricity - has an affinity to always start their train of thought or analysis with the customer’s perspective, bias towards talking to the customer to understand them
Results-driven - focuses on achieving and exceeding measurable objectives
Submit an application. IMPORTANT: Please submit your resume/CV in English
Initial Chat with Hiring Manager
Interview with the CEO
Assessment/Case Study - if applicable
Reference Check
Note that every role is different, so the process may vary depending on the requirements of the role. Please note that due to the volume of applications we receive, we may not be able to provide feedback to all applications.
At THE/STUDIO, we know that our Company's strength lies in the diversity of our team. THE/STUDIO is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we welcome applicants from all backgrounds. Our policy is to provide equal opportunities for all applicants and individuals regardless of protected characteristics. We prioritize and maintain a fair, inclusive and equitable workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
Analysys Mason
Madrid, ES
Associate Consultant, September 2025
Analysys Mason · Madrid, ES
Who are we?
We are Analysys Mason – an award winning global management consulting firm helping clients to make and act on the decisions that steer their progress and connect our world.
Specialising in technology, telecoms, media and space sectors, we provide bespoke transformation, value creation, transaction, strategy and regulation and policy consulting, combined with research and insights. We help clients navigate complex transformation journeys, always shaping the next.
Since 1985, our team has expanded to 400+ professionals across 16 offices in 12 countries and our experts have taken on work in over 140 countries, making us a truly global company.
Our vision is to be the leading authority and catalyst for digital change, connectivity and inclusion. We are committed to a sustainable, connected future – contributing to a world where technology delivers for all.
Our graduate opportunities have a strong record of establishing early career foundations and developing well-rounded industry skills in our Associate Consultants.
You will work on a diverse mix of international projects with the best-known brands in the industry, applying our deep domain expertise and methodology to solve complex business issues.
You will attend our three-week comprehensive training programme where you will learn essential consulting skills and industry knowledge through courses, networking and teamwork.
After completing the training, you will join project teams and provide strategic advice and high-quality analysis on all aspects of strategy planning, transaction support, regulation and transformation while continuing your professional development.
Because our project teams are small, you will regularly get direct exposure to our world-class TMT experts, not only in your office, but also across our global locations. You will receive hands-on mentoring from experienced members of the team, including our Partners.
Our culture is collaborative and team-oriented, and you will have an impact on project delivery from an early stage, which will provide a steep learning curve and a structured career progression.
Your day-to-day responsibilities will include:
- conducting high-quality research
- offering quantitative and qualitative analysis of that research
- gathering and interpreting numerical data
- modelling and forecasting using various pieces of software
- presenting your main findings in written, graphical and live form
- contributing to proposal creation and client meetings
- collaborating with other teams across our global locations
- developing deep sector knowledge
- and more.
If you are a problem-solver who is critical and analytical in your approach, then this is the right job for you.
You must have graduated by September 2025, or earlier, and you must have a degree from any academic background (including STEM, Humanities and others).
You must enjoy working with numbers as we are a quantitative data-driven business.
As long as you are keen to learn about the sector, you do not need to have a TMT background. As a matter of fact, many of our consultants only became TMT experts after joining us.
You must be fluent in English and Spanish.
On top of an exciting opportunity, we offer many attractive benefits, including:
- an annual bonus
- private health and dental care
- flexible working
- your birthday off
- 2 promotion cycles a year
- stepped career progression
- continuous training for professional and personal development
- career coaching programmes
- volunteering days.
We are proud to be an equal-opportunities employer and ensure fair work practices for all our employees, clients, candidates and other associated persons.
Our values
Excellence | We are passionate and aspire to be the industry benchmark.
Partnership | We are one team, and we inspire, motivate and coach each other.
Innovation | We are problem-solvers, and we do not share away from a challenge.
Integrity | We treat people with dignity and respect.
Empowerment | We motivate, inspire and train our people to be the best they can be.
Strategy Consultant Intern
21 mar.Mormedi
Madrid, ES
Strategy Consultant Intern
Mormedi · Madrid, ES
Office InDesign Excel UX/UI Illustrator Photoshop PowerPoint Word
About Mormedi
We are a global boutique, strategic design, and innovation consultancy. We help our clients create products, services and experiences that delight customers and that fuel growth. By blending strategy, creativity, technology, and business insight to design and deliver the most meaningful solutions.
We are seeking a passionate, strategy professional to complement our team as an Intern in our Madrid studio. You will have some existing experience and knowledge and will work hand-in-hand with the leadership team to inspire and motivate our team, our clients, and our clients’ customers.
You will already have proven skills in strategic design and/or business innovation, you will already understand the project process, and have self-management skills.
In This Role You Will
Work hand-in-hand with other members of the team, guided by senior leaders, to create excellent content while also developing sensibility in the context of balancing project excellence and profitability.
Start building your capacity as a content and methodology contributor.
Be exposed and be a key contributor to all phases of project work and client interactions.
Start building confidence in participating client presentations and contribute to them with guidance from senior members of the team.
Be a natural communicator and bring a positive energy to any conversation with purpose and vision.
Train your business savviness to start identifying opportunities and seeing the potential in any project or client engagement.
Challenge yourself to identify relevant areas within Mormedi that you have a special interest in and project thought leadership and create original content.
Develop knowledge in design and business strategy methodologies.
Understand other design disciplines and processes (across Design, Brand, Digital) as well as new technologies and industry developments (AR, VR, AI, wearables, etc.).
As a Team Player In Project Work, You Will
- Start to understand client needs and to develop a global vision of the project priorities.
- Observe and learn from senior members on how to navigate complex projects and transmit confidence to the client.
- Train your ability to take on specific tasks and complete them autonomously.
- Become familiar with the correct application of methodologies and finetune your skills regarding content quality.
- Create exquisite deliverables and content, with on-time delivery according to the established project plan and in compliance with Mormedi quality standards.
- Collaborate with other team members (Design and Digital) to ensure coherence regarding teamwork, approach, deliverables - as well as fostering an overall sense of Mormedi community.
Marketing support – you will participate in relevant events / conferences and create content (articles and presentations) that help to position Mormedi as a thought leader and increase its competitive edge.
Emerging leadership skills– observe and learn from senior members of the team on how to cultivate and transmit Mormedi’s vision and convey its value to the client; find your unique place in the team and start to define your long-term aspirations.
Strategic thinking – train your strategic leadership muscles. Practice facilitation and learn from the challenges that highly complex projects with international focus provide. Hone your analysis and synthesis skills.
Methodology expertise – deep knowledge of Design and/or Business Strategy fields and methodologies, didactic ability to transmit knowledge to team, and a fluid ability to devise methods to apply them in projects. Basic knowledge of other disciplines and areas such as design, UX/UI, data analysis, programming, product development, emerging technologies or any other technical area are highly appreciated.
Team culture – proactively contribute to a positive working environment and excellent teamwork culture while ensuring quality of deliverables and project profitability.
Project management – become familiar with what project management is about – learn from senior team members how they balance content quality and resource and planning priorities, efficient planning and follow-up, periodic reporting of project status and key information to leadership team.
Project management and content creation tools – train your knowledge and expertise in project management software as well as tools used for content creation; become an expert user of these tools to deliver highly attractive deliverables in the requested timeframes; ability to create and/or direct the creation of presentations with a compelling storytelling component.
Oral, visual and written communication – ability and maturity regarding all levels of communication; ability to create visually compelling and clear deliverables.
Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word and Excel)
Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign)
Languages – high professional proficiency in English and Spanish, a third language is appreciated.
Alignment with Mormedi values
- Proactiveness and personal commitment
- Teamwork and collaborative spirit
- Excellence
- Continuous improvement and growth
- Healthy client relationships
- Rigor and structure for task and processes
- Responsible and ethical
- Efficient use of Mormedi resources
- Positive attitude
- Clear and transparent communication
Permission to live and work in Spain.