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0BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change
Leioa, ES
Procurement and Legal Officer
BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change · Leioa, ES
ERP Office
The BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change is a Research Centre based in Leioa which aims to contribute to long term research on the causes and consequences of climate change in order to foster the creation of knowledge in this multidisciplinary science. This center is part of the network of BERCs - Basque Excellence Research Centers supported by the Basque Government.
BC3 seeks to be a world-class climate change research center aimed at informing decision-making at the Basque, Spanish, and International level by integrating natural and social sciences to address the socio-economic implications of global climate change.
Procurement and Legal Officer
The candidate will work in a team (Legal & Purchases) of another 2 people collaborating closely with the Operation Manager.
The team, interacts with other Managerial teams, such as, People & Facilities, and Projects Office and also with the Scientific team. The aim of the position is to ensure the legal compliance of the procurement processes of BC3.
- Assure compliance with Public Sector Procurement Law of all purchasing activities of BC3.
- Management of tender processes.
- Legal checks and reports on purchasing files.
- Drafting of supply and service contracts.
- Improve checks in suppliers' compliance with legal requirements
- Help in the improvement of internal purchasing policies and processes.
- Supervision of compliance with transparency obligations.
- Management of ERP and public platforms in tendering processes.
- Support in raising awareness of the scientific team regarding purchasing processes.
Experience/skills required:
- Degree in Law, Public Administration, or related field.
- Experience in administrative/public law.
- Experience in public purchasing processes.
- Capacity to perform administrative tasks.
- Interest in data protection and privacy.
- Ability to work in a team and proactive attitude.
- Communication and time management skills.
- Fluent in English, Basque and Spanish.
- Advanced Office software knowledge.
Desired skills:
- Expert training in Public Procurement and/or Data Protection.
- Experience in Data Protection.
- Experience in the use of public contracting platforms.
- Creative problem-solving skills.
The job position involves an immediate incorporation, and a competitive salary in accordance with the level and responsibility of the position.