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0IMDEA Networks Institute
Barcelona, ES
Posted By Grant Holder Manager
IMDEA Networks Institute · Barcelona, ES
Postdoctoral position in ultrafast nonlinear optical and X-ray spectroscopy on condensed matterPosted by Grant Holder ManagerOn 3 November 2023A two-year (extendable) postdoctoral position is available at the IMDEA Nanociencia (Madrid – Spain) in the group for the development and application of X-ray Wave-mixing Spectroscopies (X-WaveS).
The position is fully funded and immediately available.
The successful candidate will study ultrafast dynamics of condensed matter systems (for example ferrimagnetic materials and nano-patterned semiconductors) using novel few-femtosecond nonlinear optical setups and X-ray Free Electron Lasers.Previous experience with ultrafast lasers and a solid background in condensed matter physics is required, as well as prolific knowledge of the English language.
Highly motivated candidates with a strong publication record and systematic research attitude are encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should contact the group leader Dr. Cristian Svetina (******) with a CV, two references, and a motivation letter.
Informal queries are welcome.About X-WaveS: the research line of the X-ray Wave-mixing Spectroscopy group is the development of Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray wave-mixing methodologies at Free Electron Lasers (FELs) and High Harmonic Generation (HHG) table-top sources and their application to condensed matter systems with particular emphasis on novel nano-technologies employing 2D materials, quantum materials, nano-magnetic systems, semiconductors, and materials for light harvesting and efficient energy storage and conversion.
Complementary measurements via optical four-wave-mixing techniques are performed at the X-WaveS laser laboratory at IMDEA Nanociencia.