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0Community Associate
12 de febr.Regus
Palma , ES
Community Associate
Regus · Palma , ES
At Regus, we’ve built the world’s largest workspace network so that our customers can work better, faster, happier. Join us in one of our Regus centre teams. Bring more freedom to more people and businesses. And you’ll be able to work better, faster and happier too.
The opportunity
As a Community Associate, you’ll work closely with new and existing customers, solving problems for them and making sure they have everything they need.
A typical day at Regus
You arrive 15 minutes before your centre opens to make sure everything is ready and check there’s nothing the cleaners have missed.
Customers start coming in thick and fast. One asks you for a changed WiFi code. Another wants to know if his important package has arrived. A woman needs directions to her meeting room… and can you help her set up the projector and take an order for drinks?
The mail arrives. You sort through it while dealing with a whole host of other customer requests, remembering to email the customer from earlier to let him know his package is waiting for him in his mailbox. And that’s lunch.
Early afternoon, you sit down with the Community Manager to discuss the organisation of next week’s networking event. You plan and write the invites to customers, then create, print and put up posters on the noticeboards around the centre.
The day is coming to a close. Time to gently ask the large group in meeting room 3 to start wrapping up. You direct them to the nice restaurant you know around the corner, so they can grab a bite and continue their discussion. Once the last person has left the building and everything’s nice and tidy, it’s time to head home.
About You
We’re looking for someone who knows how to manage multiple tasks while providing customers with the best possible service. You also need to be:
- A good communicator, with the ability to build strong professional relationships and empathise with people’s needs
- Happy taking ownership of problems and finding ways to solve them
- Positive, enthusiastic and able to adapt to fast-changing situations
- Confident using MS Office and other basic IT packages
What We Offer
On top of a competitive salary package you’ll enjoy:
- A bright and inspiring work environment
- Training and development opportunities