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0Agile Coach
NovaBNP Paribas
Madrid, ES
Agile Coach
BNP Paribas · Madrid, ES
Agile Scrum
Mission and Objectives
Automation and Factories Shared Resources team has been recently created in IT Transversal & Functions (ITTF) department within IT Group function, to enable the success of projects and IT teams by providing expert project management, UI/UX design, development services and deep expertise in New Ways of Working including Agile methodologies.
The Agile CEO, being part of this team, drives and supports the Agile transformation, to help ITT&F collaborators and their stakeholders to provide working solutions faster with experimentation, openness and smooth collaboration.
Main responsibilities:
As a Coach within the ITT&F Agile COE, you will have the following responsibilities:
- Support, with the help of relays in the groups, the implementation of Agile transformation and the deployment of New Ways of Working
- Participate and define the deployment strategy of the Agile as a standard. Identify and propose a set of Agile tools, methods and practices to improve teams´ performance and efficiency in the delivery of their Products or Programs
- Help to develop an Agile mindset and ownership
- Contribute to the implementation of the Target Operating Model and its strategy deployment in collaboration with the Agile relays of the operational groups
- Acculturate, train and coach all the players in the organization up to the highest level, at central level (France) and in the different ITT&F footprint including the international level. You will co-construct the organization and practices with all the actors in all the transformed activities
- Defining good practices within the Group and on the market, produce guidelines, tools and methods, allowing the deployment of Agile practices. Through a process of co-construction with community members, promote ownership of these guidelines, tools and methods by operational teams. Accompany their implementation and deployment, ensuring that they are adapted to each local context
- Lead the Agile ITT&F communityto foster knowledge sharing and co-construction by identifying, preparing and hosting workshops.
- In addition to these responsibilities:
- You will also be involved in internal and external events (workshops, conferences, etc.
- The close relationship with managers and operational teams will enable you to be as close as possible to the IT operational teams, but also to their customers (Businesses): a real lever to develop functional and IT knowledge
- Training and occupational experience
- Bachelor´s degree in IT/Computer Engineering, Finance or Management
- 7+ years of experience in the banking industry / advisory
- Fluent in English mandatory. Knowledge of French and Spanish is a plus
- Agile framework knowledge (by coaching or scrum master role or agile transformation experience)
- Experience in managing/facilitating meetings, seminars, committees, trainings, ...
Essential specific requirements
- Integrity
- Accuracy
- Ability to learn (curiosity)
- Attention to details
- Communicating clearly
- Client focus
- Adaptability
- Multidisciplinary to coordinate workgroups involving businesses and diverse support functions
- Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate and consult at all levels
- Committed to confidentiality, integrity and objectivity
- Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries
- Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
- Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities
- Flexible compensation plan
- Hybrid telecommuting model (50%)
- 31 vacation days
IT Program Manager
NovaBNP Paribas
Madrid, ES
IT Program Manager
BNP Paribas · Madrid, ES
Agile Cloud Coumputing
Join Finance & Risk IT and work on applications at the core of the BNP Paribas Group´s financial steering and risk management.
Finance & Risk ITis a unique organization within the BNP PARIBAS IT Group, part of IT Transversal and Functions. Finance & Risk IT is responsible for the alignment of IT programs with the strategy and objectives of Finance and Risk.
With more than 200 team members located in Spain & Portugal, the hub operates as a platform providing resources and expertise to deliver on tasks and projects in all areas of Finance, and supporting also Risk Function, and beyond. This landscape is constantly growing due to major regulatory reforms, including the implementation of ESG commitments, digital transformation with the accelerated switch towards cloud technologies and major global projects that will shape the transformation of BNP Paribas.
Our mission is to lead the implementation of the Finance and Risk strategic IT plans. We guarantee the execution of technological roadmaps and contingency plans, as well as the alignment and delivery of all solutions and services to meet IT Finance and Risk performance criteria and internal service levels.
Report to
The position is under the local supervision of the Head of ITTF HUB in Madrid, with a functional link to the Global Head of FRS.
Main responsibilities
- Design and development of IT solutions
- The IT program manager/Tech lead will be responsible to contribute to the technical design of the products, in accordance with operational and technical requirements.
- As an agent of change, he/she will also contribute to agile transformation and the roll out of methods and practices within the platform, including Test and Learn.
- He/she can act as a coach with a view to improving technical skills of the teams.
- He/she will have a comprehensive view on the technological choices and the strategy implementation across the various activities and projects performed in the platform
- Developing assumptions, designing operational and technical macro- solutions, facilitating discussions and simulating team´s creativity
- In coordination with architects, guiding technical and application solutions and proposing the most appropriate technical choices, factoring in integration constraints and non-operational requirements (standards and rules, IT security, IT continuity, performance, obsolescence...)
- Ensuring the quality of solutions, measuring the quality, issuing alerts in non-conformity and approving final solutions
- Identifying the tools required to rapidly and effectively carry out components (tools, frameworks...)
- Measure performance by setting and tracking relevant indicators while promoting technological innovation
- Sharing knowledge to improve collective efficiency
- Holding discussions with partners and contributing to entity level communities of IT Technical leaders
Behavioral Skills
- Decision Making
- Ability to deliver / Results driven
- Personal Impact / ability to influence
- Communication skills oral & written
Transversal Skills
- Ability to manage a project
- Ability to understand, explain and support change
- Ability to develop and leverage networks
- Ability to inspire others & generate people´s commitment
- Conduct a negotiation
Business Skills
- IT knowledge and digital culture
- BNP Paribas Organization knowledge
- Business Organization
- IT Architecture
- IT security
- Data knowledge
- English
- Spanish or Portuguese is a plus
Tools & Methodologies
- Design thinking
- Agile
- Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries
- Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity)
- Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities
- Flexible compensation plan
- Hybrid telecommuting model (50%)
- 31 vacation days
Beca IT Support
5 de marçBNP Paribas
Beca IT Support
BNP Paribas · Madrid, ES
Teletreball iOS Excel Office Word
¿Hablas inglés, español?
¿Te gustaría trabajar en un ambiente internacional?
¿Quieres participar en el crecimiento de un equipo de TI que proporciona un servicio de calidad a todas las entidades de BNP Paribas Personal Finance en todo el mundo?
¡Si tu respuesta es sí a esas 3 preguntas, por favor sigue leyendo!
Dentro de BNP Paribas Personal Finance, precisamos incorporar un(a) estudiante en beca que pueda dar soporte a un equipo que forma parte de South Europe Technologies (SET), Centro Internacional de Servicios Compartidos de IT, Data, Operaciones y Ciberseguridad.
Después de una formación interna con el Tech Lead del departamento, el cual se encarga de gestionar el aprovisionamiento, los cambios, las incidencias y la gestión de activos de IT asociados al espacio de trabajo digital basado en tecnologías Windows, Mac e IOS; las principales responsabilidades de su puesto serán (de forma gradual):
• Suministrar herramientas de espacio de trabajo digital (portátil, móvil, softwares) para las nuevas incorporaciones; siguiendo y ejecutando las diferentes etapas del proceso para la correcta configuración de la plataforma de usuario final para los colaboradores informáticos y no informáticos.
• Apoyar al usuario final en la resolución de incidencias y gestionar el escalado a equipos de nivel 3 en BNP Paribas Personal Finance.
• Realizar actualizaciones o migraciones de la plataforma del espacio de trabajo digital, como el cambio de Windows a Mac.
• Gestionar el inventario de software y las auditorías de uso de los productos en el ámbito de aplicación.
• Gestionar el inventario de hardware de portátiles y accesorios, así como gestionar el ciclo de vida, desde el aprovisionamiento hasta el desmantelamiento.
• Gestionar el inventario junto con el equipo de Seguridad TI y solicitar cambios de flujos desde la estación de trabajo a los servidores requeridos por los usuarios que impliquen proxies o firewalls.
• Contribuir y formar a los usuarios en el correcto uso de Service Now como herramienta para registrar y monitorizar toda la actividad del equipo.
• Seguimiento del inventario de hardware y compras.
Los requisitos técnicos que necesitarás para cubrir esta posición son:
• Conocimientos de Office (Word, Excel, PPT...).
• Service Now.
• Macbook Air M3.
• Windows.
• Iphone.
• Pirus.
Y las habilidades técnicas son:
• Inglés (mínimo B2).
• Persona con buena capacidad de comunicación.
• Persona proactiva, organizada y con capacidad para trabajar en equipo.
• Beca de 6 meses con posibilidad real de incorporación en contrato permanente al término de la beca. ¡Durante los años 2022, 2023 y 2024, el 100% de nuestros becarios pasaron a plantilla con la posibilidad de participar en nuevos proyectos, aprender nuevas tecnologías, tareas y metodologías en nuestros diferentes equipos de trabajo!
• Modelo híbrido de teletrabajo.
• Un día de vacaciones por mes de trabajo (de acuerdo con la duración del Anexo de Prácticas con la universidad).
Compromiso de Diversidad e Inclusión
BNP Paribas Grupo en España es unempleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindarigualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Noscomprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada pormotivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio,embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo uorientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestrapolítica de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y laeficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Portanto, en igualdad de condiciones en cuanto a cualificación y competencias parael puesto, accederá la persona candidata del sexo menos representado en esenivel. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendola imagen de nuestros clientes.
IT Program Manager
5 de marçBNP Paribas
Madrid, ES
IT Program Manager
BNP Paribas · Madrid, ES
Agile Cloud Coumputing
Join Finance & Risk IT and work on applications at the core of the BNP Paribas Group´s financial steering and risk management.
Finance & Risk ITis a unique organization within the BNP PARIBAS IT Group, part of IT Transversal and Functions. Finance & Risk IT is responsible for the alignment of IT programs with the strategy and objectives of Finance and Risk.
With more than 200 team members located in Spain & Portugal, the hub operates as a platform providing resources and expertise to deliver on tasks and projects in all areas of Finance, and supporting also Risk Function, and beyond. This landscape is constantly growing due to major regulatory reforms, including the implementation of ESG commitments, digital transformation with the accelerated switch towards cloud technologies and major global projects that will shape the transformation of BNP Paribas.
Our mission is to lead the implementation of the Finance and Risk strategic IT plans. We guarantee the execution of technological roadmaps and contingency plans, as well as the alignment and delivery of all solutions and services to meet IT Finance and Risk performance criteria and internal service levels.
Report to
The position is under the local supervision of the Head of ITTF HUB in Madrid, with a functional link to the Global Head of FRS.
Main responsibilities
- Design and development of IT solutions
- The IT program manager/Tech lead will be responsible to contribute to the technical design of the products, in accordance with operational and technical requirements.
- As an agent of change, he/she will also contribute to agile transformation and the roll out of methods and practices within the platform, including Test and Learn.
- He/she can act as a coach with a view to improving technical skills of the teams.
- He/she will have a comprehensive view on the technological choices and the strategy implementation across the various activities and projects performed in the platform
- Developing assumptions, designing operational and technical macro- solutions, facilitating discussions and simulating team´s creativity
- In coordination with architects, guiding technical and application solutions and proposing the most appropriate technical choices, factoring in integration constraints and non-operational requirements (standards and rules, IT security, IT continuity, performance, obsolescence...)
- Ensuring the quality of solutions, measuring the quality, issuing alerts in non-conformity and approving final solutions
- Identifying the tools required to rapidly and effectively carry out components (tools, frameworks...)
- Measure performance by setting and tracking relevant indicators while promoting technological innovation
- Sharing knowledge to improve collective efficiency
- Holding discussions with partners and contributing to entity level communities of IT Technical leaders
Behavioral Skills
- Decision Making
- Ability to deliver / Results driven
- Personal Impact / ability to influence
- Communication skills oral & written
Transversal Skills
- Ability to manage a project
- Ability to understand, explain and support change
- Ability to develop and leverage networks
- Ability to inspire others & generate people´s commitment
- Conduct a negotiation
Business Skills
- IT knowledge and digital culture
- BNP Paribas Organization knowledge
- Business Organization
- IT Architecture
- IT security
- Data knowledge
- English
- Spanish or Portuguese is a plus
Tools & Methodologies
- Design thinking
- Agile
- Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries
- Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity)
- Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities
- Flexible compensation plan
- Hybrid telecommuting model (50%)
- 31 vacation days
Diversity and inclusion commitment
BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.
Software Developer with Architecture
5 de marçBNP Paribas
Madrid, ES
Software Developer with Architecture
BNP Paribas · Madrid, ES
.Net Java Python Cloud Coumputing Microservices OpenShift DevOps Spring Terraform Kafka Spark
Who are we?
We are SET Iberia, the IT, Data and Operations Hub of BNPP Personal Finance, part of BNP Paribas, one of the largest banking groups worldwide. From delivery centers in Spain and Portugal, we provide the best services and solutions to BNPP PF entities around the world to enable sustainable and responsible financial solutions for major retailers, consumer goods companies, mobility brands and dealerships.
Among other services, our portfolio is composed of:
- Application Development & Maintenance.
- IT Risk & Cybersecurity Services.
- Data Analytics and AI.
- Operations.
Our offices are in Spain (Madrid) and Portugal (Lisbon, Porto). The company brings together over 200+ employees, with techies in various technologies (Java, .Net, Python, AI, Spark, Kafka, Tibco, Apigee) supported by other operational roles (Functional Analyst, Project Manager, Business Analyst, Auto Stock Financing operators). We keep growing!
Our consistent track record of service delivery means customer satisfaction for our partners and opportunities for our employees.
You will find SET Iberia to be an inclusive workplace with an entrepreneurship spirit where you can develop your career and grow personally and professionally.
Would you like to join our international team that delivers end-to-end solutions to businesses of BNP Paribas Personal Finance Group entities around the world?
In a context of increasing the operational excellence of our growing service portfolio we are looking for aSenior Architecture Developer.
We are searching for the best talent to join our worldwide renowned architecture team to participate in implementation of products and services that are the backbone of the bank transformation. You will be part of a high-performance team that likes challenges, teach and learn and is a key enabler for PF IT strategy.
Main responsibilities:
- Support the implementation of major IT transformation plans of our IT products.
- Study, participate in design and support implementation of functional, IT-for-IT or cybersecurity evolutions in our IT Products.
- Support the migration to the PF new Toolchain of PF IT products worldwide.
- Support the implementation of new DevOps integrations for new technologies.
What we are looking for:
For us soft skills and endorsing our leadership guidelines (transversality, collective goals, confidence and agility) are equally important as technical skills:
- Academic background: Degree / bachelor´s degree or equivalent work experience.
- You have 3 years of proven working experience in related tasks.
- Understanding of software and integration patterns.
- Good knowledge in development frameworks (preferably spring, others valuable as well).
- Experience integrating applications in DevSecOps toolchains with tools like Gitlab-CI, ArgoCD, Helm, Openshift, Terraform, ...
- Good understanding of security protocols (SAML, Oauth2, OpenID), security vulnerabilities and how to fix them.
- Experience implementing Cloud Native Applications applying microservices, event-driven and Domain Driven Design.
- You are a team player but as well with capability of working autonomously.
- You have a transformation mindset, looking for the excellency but at the same time pragmatic and empathic.
- You are a problem-solver who:- Demonstrates advanced analytical skills and aligns and/or validates his decisions with the concerned stakeholders.
- Able to mobilize other teams and knock all the needed doors to unblock situations or achieve team goals.
- Communication skills Oral & Written.
- Ability to collaborate/Teamwork.
- Proactivity.
- Organized, efficient, and able to meet deadlines.
- Gives and welcomes feedback. Puts success of the business and team above own interest.
- Experience in the Finance sector is a plus.
- Fluent level of English is a must. Any other European language is nice to have, specifically French.
About our culture:
We are proud to create, maintain and develop business solutions for BNP Paribas Group entities around the world, while keeping a high level of excellence in our services and providing added value to our customers.
Working in an inclusive and multicultural environment, we encourage everyone to develop their talents and skills, offering various career opportunities and internal mobility programs, within local SET Iberia teams or in other entities within the Group.
We value our employees´ experience by keeping a well-balanced environment with flexibility regarding the work schedule and care for everyone´s personal time.
We embraced a hybrid way of working because we believe social interaction always adds value to our day-to-day activities.
• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
• Flexible compensation plan.
• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).
• 31 vacation days.
Diversity and inclusion commitment
BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.
IT Asset Global Management
1 de marçBNP Paribas
Madrid, ES
IT Asset Global Management
BNP Paribas · Madrid, ES
Cloud Coumputing Jira Excel Power BI Office
BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.
Spain IT Platform
The Spain IT Platform for EMEA is responsible to provide IT Services to our Clients ensuring a Digital Market evolution, in a secured and performant environment, and with a reliable quality. This function includes Global Markets Application Production, Local Territory IT Development, the Core Infrastructure environment including Datacenters, Application Production, Security, Architecture as well as elements of the Global Services organization.
- Business Area/Dept Overview- o GB IT CTO Office is under GB IT CTO management within CIB ITO entity.
- o GB IT CTO Office role is to support GB IT CTO and all GB IT APS teams in their day-to-day activities for the benefit of the entire GBIT Team. GB IT CTO Office works hand in hand with GB IT CIO Office to ensure alignment of objectives and priorities within GB IT. GB IT CTO Office scope is GB IT worldwide. GBIT CTO Office provides transversal services and support on processes, tooling, project coordination and industrialization. The need of transversal and common ways of working may come from within GB IT teams, from CIB level or Group level.
- o In its central position and transversal role, GB IT CTO Office ensure a coordinated, coherent and controlled tracking and reporting support to GB IT APS&ADM teams, GB IT CTO and CIO and to CIB or Groupe level spreading over HR, Finance, ITSM, Security, Infrastructure, Obsolescence and ad hoc projects.
- Purpose & Scope of role- o The purpose of the GBIT - IT Asset Global Management is to ensure GBIT is organized to handle IT Asset Management, being in terms of objectives or being in terms of adherence to policies set by the organization.
- o The IT Asset Management is responsible to put in place, run and control the process related to IT Obsolescence management globally in line with CIB Obsolescence framework and priorities.
- o The scope is all applications and related IT assets GB IT Teams operationally support, being a GB application or non-GB applications for what a GB IT Team has received the responsibility to support. Here an application can be determined by in presence within CIB Application referential system.
-Asset Management (main activities):
- He/She´s the process owner for GB IT for asset management.
- Coordinates and follow-up process deployment (process and tools) related to IT asset management in line with CIB framework.
- Ensure necessary controls are in place and available to APS and ADM Teams.
- Report via the monthlyproduction steerco the latest control status.
- Ensure remediation detectedvia controls are attended by respective application owner or by teams providing tools.
- First level support on tools and expert support on IT Asset process and Asset data.
- Provide regular training, explanation on tools, process and maintains corresponding documentation.
- Take the necessary step to enhance the overall process and tooling.
Obsolescence Management (secundary activities):
- He/She´s the process owner for GB IT for obsolescence management.
- Coordinates and follow-up process deployment (process and tools) related to IT Obsolescence management in line with CIB framework.
- Animates and coordinates action plan collection (short terms and long terms) relying on regional, local SPOCs.
- Ensure necessary controls are in place and available to APS and ADM Teams.
- Prepare and run periodic central obsolescence OPCO and ensure regions, local do have necessary level of governance.
- Provide necessary data to higher level obsolescence management instances (CIB Steerco)
- First level support on tools and expert support on IT Obsolescence process and obsolescence data
- Provide regular training, explanation on tools, process and maintains corresponding documentation.
- Ensure central, regional and local processes and tooling are integrating well (efficient, limitation of dual capture, coherent and aligned)
- Take the necessary step to enhance the overall process and tooling.
- Experience
- Preferred. Experience in large, banking industry companies.
- Languages
- Fluent English Level
- Technical
- Familiar with classical technologies (OS, DB, MW), has already being exposed/done obsolescence management and/or remediation.
- Capacity to technically understands what teams are doing on obsolescence, in order to better analyze and propose enhancement in process, offer.
- Understand what Cloud technologies can offer in obsolescence management.
- Presentation skills: Capable to build Steerco reports with adequate comment, analysis and capable to drive steercos.
- Rigorous, autonomous, proactive, listening, and analytical skills.
- Good level in Excel, PowerBI, PowerQuery and Jira.
• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
• Flexible compensation plan.
• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).
• 31 vacation days.
Diversity and inclusion commitment
BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.
Vice President M&A | Advisory Iberia
23 de febr.BNP Paribas CIB
Madrid, ES
Vice President M&A | Advisory Iberia
BNP Paribas CIB · Madrid, ES
VICE PRESIDENT M&A - Advisory Iberia
BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.
BNP Paribas Corporate & Institutional Banking provides large companies, multinationals and financial institutions with various solutions in the areas of advisory, financing, transactional banking, capital markets, settlement, clearing and custody of securities, asset and fund management services and solutions for corporate issuers. It has 620 professionals in Spain with offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Coruña. The entity has a network present in 56 countries.
Global Banking focuses on 4 main business areas: Corporate Clients Group, Capital Markets, Low Carbon Transition Group and Transaction Banking.
This role sits within the Corporate Clients Group (CCG), which is responsible for managing the relationship worldwide between BNP Paribas and its corporate clients, facilitating access to the Bank’s complete and integrated product offering across the Iberia platform and worldwide. The CCG also includes the Advisory team, responsible for the origination and execution of corporate finance and M&A advisory services.
The Advisory and Industry Groups teams support their clients all along their external growth projects or asset disposal processes, from the early identification of opportunities and definition of the most suited solution, to the negotiation and full implementation of the transactions.
The Advisory and Industry Group teams are responsible for bringing strategic solutions on mergers and acquisitions to clients. This advice is supported by the expertise across 6 key sectors: (i) Consumer, Retail, Healthcare (CRH), (ii) Industrials, (iii) Infrastructure, Transport & Environment (ITE), (iv) Low Carbon Transition Group (LCTG), (v) TMT and (vi) Real Estate. The team works on domestic, cross-border, international buy-side and sell-side transactions for corporate, private equity and government clients.
As a Vice President, the role holder will be accountable for ensuring excellence on all deliverables related to marketing, executing and regulation within Advisory Teams (M&A EMEA and Industry Groups), with a focus on M&A transactions covered by Advisory Iberia. Co-ordinates junior colleagues and handles complex analyses with autonomy, whilst exercising sound judgment on when to escalate issues to more senior colleagues.
• Accountable for providing excellence in relation to key activities within the Advisory Iberia team as a senior team member with substantial experience in the relevant area and Global Banking as a whole. This will include delivering, with appropriate supervision where required, tasks such as:
o Manage day-to-day execution of deal activity across the M&A process, ensuring timeliness and quality of work produced for deal preparation by Analysts and Associates;
o Lead pitch process from start to finish;
o Maintains a high degree of market awareness, and helps to identify new business opportunities by thinking commercially about client’s business;
o Participate in, and where appropriate leads client meetings either jointly or on a sole basis. Interacts directly with clients and with other advisors (lawyers, co-advisors, etc) at an appropriate level;
o Liaising with portfolio management and other internal teams to effectively hand over responsibility for new deals following closing.
• Applies knowledge to perform complex task sand solve complex issues in creative and effective ways as well as to assist with the management of workstreams where required. Utilises expertise to make independent judgments to deal with a variety of situations, but refers atypical and particularly complex matters to more senior colleagues for input where appropriate.
• Manages workstreams and ensures the quality of deliverables. Co-ordinates the planning of work of junior colleagues, and often supervises their day to day activities and trains them to support their development.
• Influences and supports members of the Advisory Iberia team by leading in decision making and approach where problems are more complex and require sophisticated analysis or experience. Acts as a point of escalation for more junior staff. Challenges senior officers on both commercial and technical aspects of transactions.
Manages relationships with internal stakeholders and clients independently. Leads commercial conversations with clients under strategic guidance from senior colleagues.
Knowledge, Skill and Experience
• Professional qualification required with expert understanding of M&A, typically gained at BNP Paribas or within another top tier investment bank.
• In depth knowledge of processes within the EAG team with advanced understanding of Advisory Iberia, and strong knowledge of process within Global Banking. Good working knowledge of a wide range of company-wide policies, procedures regulations and legislation. Able to utilise knowledge and experience to implement effective operating practices in the team.
• In depth knowledge of M&A products and services including transaction structuring and analysis, valuation, fairness opinions, capital increases, IPOs, privatisations, etc. Ability to analyse and prepare transaction structures, with a solid understanding of the transaction process from end-to-end.
• Strong analytical and valuation skills (including knowledge of integrated financial statements models, comparable companies, comparable transactions, DCF, LBO models), with the ability to translate technical concepts and provide specialist guidance and advice to others. Able to construct a broad point of view and market convictions.
• Strong stakeholder and good people management skills to ensure the delivery of timely and commercial solutions for clients.
• Adept at receiving and synthesizing information, with a strong understanding of financial markets.
• Excellent written and oral English skills in order to articulate technical issues and to be able to take the complex and make simple to enable effective communication with individuals across the business.
• Strong personal focus on accuracy and attention to detail and able to review and improve work of more junior colleagues.
• Strong computer skills and a good knowledge of a range of standard computer software, e.g., Microsoft Office, email. Experience in using investment banking databases (e.g. FactSet, Capital IQ, Dealogic, Bloomberg).
• Good citizen behaviour, embody and practice the Group values (alignment with the Bank’s strategy, commitment, work ethics, integrity, Code of Conduct).
• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
• Flexible compensation plan.
• 31 vacation days.
Diversity and inclusion commitment
BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.
KAM Arval Partners
21 de febr.Arval BNP Paribas Group
KAM Arval Partners
Arval BNP Paribas Group · Madrid, ES
El Grupo BNP Paribas es el principal banco de la Unión Europea y uno de los más importantes a nivel internacional. Contamos con cerca de 185.000 empleados en 65 países. En España somos más de 5.100 empleados en 13 líneas de negocio.
En Arval tenemos como misión mejorar la vida de las personas ofreciendo servicios de movilidad adaptados a las necesidades de nuestros clientes y con una clara orientación hacia la movilidad sostenible. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de soluciones innovadoras y proporcionamos un servicio personalizado a nuestros clientes, desde grandes corporaciones a particulares. Con más de 30 años de experiencia, presencia en treinta países y una flota financiada superior a 1,5 millones de vehículos, somos líderes en nuestro sector
Su misión es posicionar el producto de renting, dinamizando y coordinando la comunicación entre el fabricante, la financiera y la empresa de renting, fijando objetivos comunes y garantizando que estos se cumplen, a través de un correcto seguimiento de los KPIs establecidos.
Relación comercial con el fabricante:
Planificación de Comités mensuales.
Gestión de campañas: instrumentación y seguimiento de la misma.
Detección de necesidades. Asesoramiento y ayuda en relación con Arval.
Asesorar sobre las tendencias de mercado y el producto de Renting de la competencia en la concesión: seguimiento de competitividad, realización de cotización de modelos de referencia y comprobar la pérdida de competitividad y/o rentabilidad.
Colaboración en proyectos desarrollados por el fabricante que incluyan el producto de Renting.
Conseguir la “implicación” comercial de la fuerza comercial de la marca, y la consideración del Renting en sus proyectos futuros.
Seguimiento de la Reciprocidad con Arval.
Reporting mensual: actividad, renovaciones, comisionamiento…
Contacto de referencia experto para su red de concesionarios de referencias y para delegados de financiera especialistas en producto.
Relación comercial con la financiera de marca:
Formación a los Especialistas de Renting en herramientas, ventas y organización de trabajo.
Apoyo en la formación a los generalistas por parte de los especialistas.
Comunicación a los especialistas de las incidencias relevantes, que puedan causar reclamaciones, con el objetivo de adelantarse a ellas (Ej: Cortes y fallos de e-broker, envío de documentaciones, retrasos generalizados en algún punto de la operativa).
Reporting de seguimiento de actividad y reporting mensual a Corporate.
Feedback de resultados de campañas.
Cálculo de comisionamiento.
Organización de promociones y campañas.
“Defender” el posicionamiento del producto de Renting, dentro de las campañas y promociones de la marca.
Informar de Mercado, tendencias, competidores..
Alineamiento con el responsable/director de Auto Personal Finance (Cetelem) siguiendo el espíritu One Bank.
Conocimiento básico en materia de Protección de Datos.
Atender al 100% las llamadas de partners insatisfechos.
Operativa diaria del producto y principales KPI´S y seguimiento SLA:
Cuadro de control diario revisando los principales KPI´s (ofertas, actividades, estudios de riesgos y envío de contratos) y actuar sobre los que no cumplan con las SLA comprometidos.
Repaso diario de la actividad pendiente y actuación en los casos más urgentes:
Ofertas/ajustes en buzón.
Revisar por el status operaciones pendientes de Filtros/riesgos/contrato.
Llamadas proactivas periódicas a los delegados comerciales para repasar resultados y acciones pendientes.
Cotizaciones de productos especiales.
Tramitar con el departamento de riesgos, posibles reconsideraciones de operaciones especiales.
Análisis de las incidencias surgidas con los diferentes departamentos de Arval, informando a su responsable de área para su información a los departamentos trasversales implicados.
Seguimiento de los modelos disponibles y que los descuentos sean los correctos para cada marca y producto
Experiencia comercial de más de 4 años: muy valorable en mercados indirectos. Preferiblemente sector financiero. Ideal en canales de Distribución.
Deseable conocimiento del mercado del Automóvil: (matriculaciones, marcas, tendencias…)
Muy valorable experiencia impartiendo formaciones presenciales a grupos. Además de detección de necesidades de formación.
Nivel mínimo B2 de inglés, se utiliza frecuentemente
• Programas de formación, planes de carrera y oportunidades de movilidad interna, no solo a nivel nacional sino también a nivel internacional gracias a nuestra presencia en diferentes países.
• Comité de Diversidad e Inclusión a nivel Grupo que vela por un ambiente de trabajo inclusivo. En los últimos años se han creado varias comunidades de empleados que organizan diferentes acciones de concienciación en torno a la diversidad e inclusión (PRIDE, We Generations y MixCity).
• Programa de voluntariado corporativo (1 Million Hours 2 Help) en el que los empleados pueden dedicar tiempo de su horario laboral a actividades de voluntariado.
• Plan de retribución flexible.
• Modelo de teletrabajo híbrido (50%).
• 22 días de vacaciones.
• 2 días de asuntos propios.
• Día libre en Navidad.
• Tarde libre el día de tu cumpleaños.
• Jornada intensiva todos los viernes y en julio y agosto.
• Flexibilidad horaria.
• Seguro de vida.
• Seguro médico.
• Tarjeta comida (156€ al mes/10 meses).
• Salario fijo + bonus variable + participación en beneficios.
Compromiso de diversidad e inclusión
BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Por tanto, en igualdad de condiciones en cuanto a cualificación y competencias para el puesto, accederá la persona candidata del sexo menos representado en ese nivel. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.
Beca Gestión Proyectos IT Banca Digital
21 de febr.BNP Paribas
Beca Gestión Proyectos IT Banca Digital
BNP Paribas · Madrid, ES
Teletreball Office
El Grupo BNP Paribas es el principal banco de la Unión Europea y uno de los más importantes a nivel internacional. Contamos con cerca de 185.000 empleados en 65 países. En España somos más de 5.100 empleados en 13 líneas de negocio.
BNP Paribas Personal Finance, a través de su marca comercial Cetelem, es especialista en crédito al consumo, préstamos personales y gestión de tarjetas. Es partner financiero de importantes empresas de distribución, de bienes de consumo y concesionarios de automóviles y, además, un referente de análisis de mercado gracias a los estudios del Observatorio Cetelem. BNP Paribas Personal Finance cuenta con 20.000 empleados prestando servicio a más de 20 millones de clientes.
Dar soporte en la coordinación de las actividades relacionadas con la gestión de la demanda de desarrollo de proyectos de IT dentro del equipo de Banca Digital.
Funciones relevantes en las que tendría que dar soporte:
- Gestionar el porfolio de BD trasladando las solicitudes de desarrollo a las áreas técnicas de IT para su estimación y planificación.
- Elaboración de los Devis de los proyectos a aprobar en los Comités de Inversión Local.
- Realizar y/o supervisar la toma de requisitos funcionales.
- Organizar reuniones de seguimiento con las áreas técnicas de IT para mantener actualizada la planificación.
- Participar en las reuniones de seguimiento de los proyectos que organicen los jefes de proyecto de negocio.
- Trasladar a las áreas de Negocio información actualizada de la situación de sus proyectos, incluyendo información de consumo mensual y gestionar con ellas las alertas y conflictos que surjan.
- Estudios
Grado en Administración y Finanzas, Ingenia Informática, o similar.
- Experiencia
Valorable en gestión de proyectos o áreas de informática
- Idiomas
Valorable inglés
- Técnicas
Manejo herramientas de Office
Nociones de herramientas para gestión de proyectos
- Transversales & Comportamentales
- Flexibilidad
- Pensamiento analítico
- Trabajo en Equipo y Cooperación
• Modelo híbrido de teletrabajo.
• Un día de vacaciones por mes trabajado (conforme duración de Convenio con la universidad).
Únete a BNP Paribas PF España, certificada por ChooseMyCompany con el sello de calidad HappyIndex Trainee. Este sello nos califica como una compañía atractiva para los estudiantes, gracias al feedback de nuestros propios becarios.
Compromiso de diversidad e inclusión
BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Por tanto, en igualdad de condiciones en cuanto a cualificación y competencias para el puesto, accederá la persona candidata del sexo menos representado en ese nivel. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.