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Eivissa, ES
Agentes de Pasaje - Aeropuerto de Ibiza
Ryanair · Eivissa, ES
AZUL HANDLING es el grupo dedicado a ofrecer los servicios de asistencia y operaciones en tierra para las aerolíneas del Grupo Ryanair España (Buzz, Lauda, Malta Air & Ryanair DAC), proporcionándoles un servicio completo de atención a sus pasajeros, rampa y manejo de equipajes, remolque de aeronaves, envío de repuestos AOG (aircraft on ground) así como realizar rastreo de equipaje y de aeronaves.
En Azul Handling tenemos la visión de ser El agente Handling líder en España y tenemos la Integridad y las Personas como dos de los pilares de nuestra identidad cultural, The Azul Way! Somos una Empresa comprometida con la inclusión de personas diversas que aporten diferentes perspectivas a nuestra compañía. Apreciamos y valoramos que cada individuo sea diferente y pueda sentirse cómodo siendo ellos mismos en su día a día. Cualquier tipo de diversidad (raza, color, género, edad, origen, religión, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, estado civil, ciudadanía o capacidad diferente) aporta valor a nuestra compañía, enriqueciendo nuestra cultura Azul y haciéndonos sentir orgullosos y orgullosas del equipo que formamos.
AZUL HANDLING está seleccionando AGENTES DE PASAJE para la temporada de verano, que ofrezcan el mejor servicio a nuestros apreciados pasajeros y pasajeras. En el sector Handling, cuando hablamos de “el pasaje”, nos referimos a la zona de la terminal donde transitan nuestros pasajeros y pasajeras (mostradores de facturación de maletas, puertas de embarque, ventanillas de información de la aerolínea, oficina de objetos perdidos, etc.). En esta área se realizan tareas de asistencia, facturación, embarque y múltiples servicios de atención a los pasajeros.
El objetivo final como agente de pasaje, es conseguir un servicio de calidad en la atención al pasaje y facilitar el desarrollo de la operativa promoviendo un ambiente de trabajo positivo y seguro, dedicado al servicio al cliente, asegurando que todos nuestros pasajeros disfrutan de un agradable viaje con cualquiera de las aerolíneas del Grupo Ryanair ¡en todos y cada uno de sus vuelos!
- Nivel fluido de inglés
- Alta orientación al cliente
- Imagen personal
- Capacidad para afrontar múltiples tareas en un corto espacio de tiempo
- Habilidades para afrontar situaciones de estrés ante multitud de pasajeros
- Interés por el trabajo en equipo
- Residir en la provincia del puesto vacante
- Facilidad para ir y volver del aeropuerto cada día
- Estar disponible para realizar una entrevista en los próximos días
- Estar disponible para realizar un curso de formación de una semana (se darán detalles exactos durante la entrevista)
- Estar disponible para trabajar de inmediato (se darán detalles exactos durante la entrevista)
- Contrato temporal
- Programa de beneficios con interesantes descuentos para toda nuestra plantilla
- Programas de reconocimiento para nuestros mejores embajadores
- Ofrecemos un salario bruto competitivo regido por nuestro V Convenio Colectivo que se podrá ver incrementado por las variables que generes cuando realices turnos partidos, trabajes en días festivos, domingos, nocturnidades, etc. pudiendo alcanzar una horquilla de entre 21.500 y 24.500 euros brutos anuales a jornada completa*
- Se ofrece un programa de formación completo, uniforme y la oportunidad de unirse a un equipo en expansión con oportunidades de promoción
- Ser parte de una Empresa en la que puedas desarrollar tu trabajo siendo tú mismo/a
- Esta cifra variará en función de la antigüedad, horas trabajadas u otras circunstancias regidas por nuestro actual V Convenio Colectivo
Azul Handling es una Empresa comprometida con la igualdad de oportunidades. Todos/as los/as candidatos/as serán considerados/as sin distinción de raza, color, género, edad, origen, religión, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, estado civil, ciudadanía o capacidad diferente. De igual forma, Azul Handling se compromete a trabajar con y proporcionar las adaptaciones razonables a aquellos candidatos con capacidades físicas o psíquicas que las puedan precisar.
Si crees que necesitas algún tipo de adaptación razonable durante cualquier momento del proceso de selección, puedes indicarlo en la casilla “Cover Letter” cuando optes a esta vacante. Azul Handling tratará los datos que nos puedas dar al respecto con total confidencialidad, y únicamente para el fin antes indicado.
Math Educator - Remote
Math Educator - Remote
Outlier · Madrid, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Math Expert who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models? About the opportunity: Outlier is looking for talented Math Experts to help train generative artificial intelligence modelsThis freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you You may contribute your expertise by… Assessing the factuality and relevance of domain-specific text produced by AI modelsCrafting and answering questions related to MathEvaluating and ranking domain-specific responses generated by AI models Examples of desirable expertise:A bachelor's or higher degree in Math or a related subjectExperience working as a Math professionalAbility to write clearly about concepts related to Math in fluent English and Spanish Payment:Currently, pay rates for core project work by Math experts in Spain range from $30 to $50 USD per hourRates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
Murcia, ES
Math Tutoring - Onboarding Now
Outlier · Murcia, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Math Expert who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models? About the opportunity: Outlier is looking for talented Math Experts to help train generative artificial intelligence modelsThis freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you You may contribute your expertise by… Assessing the factuality and relevance of domain-specific text produced by AI modelsCrafting and answering questions related to MathEvaluating and ranking domain-specific responses generated by AI models Examples of desirable expertise:A bachelor's or higher degree in Math or a related subjectExperience working as a Math professionalAbility to write clearly about concepts related to Math in fluent English and Spanish Payment:Currently, pay rates for core project work by Math experts in Spain range from $30 to $50 USD per hourRates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
Work from Home - Math Tutor
Outlier · Murcia, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Math Expert who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models? About the opportunity: Outlier is looking for talented Math Experts to help train generative artificial intelligence modelsThis freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you You may contribute your expertise by… Assessing the factuality and relevance of domain-specific text produced by AI modelsCrafting and answering questions related to MathEvaluating and ranking domain-specific responses generated by AI models Examples of desirable expertise:A bachelor's or higher degree in Math or a related subjectExperience working as a Math professionalAbility to write clearly about concepts related to Math in fluent English and Spanish Payment:Currently, pay rates for core project work by Math experts in Spain range from $30 to $50 USD per hourRates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
Tutor de Actuaría
Murcia, ES
Tutor de Actuaría
Outlier · Murcia, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Math Expert who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models? About the opportunity: Outlier is looking for talented Math Experts to help train generative artificial intelligence modelsThis freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you You may contribute your expertise by… Assessing the factuality and relevance of domain-specific text produced by AI modelsCrafting and answering questions related to MathEvaluating and ranking domain-specific responses generated by AI models Examples of desirable expertise:A bachelor's or higher degree in Math or a related subjectExperience working as a Math professionalAbility to write clearly about concepts related to Math in fluent English and Spanish Payment:Currently, pay rates for core project work by Math experts in Spain range from $30 to $50 USD per hourRates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
Work from Home - Math Tutor - Onboarding Now
Outlier · Murcia, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Math Expert who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models? About the opportunity: Outlier is looking for talented Math Experts to help train generative artificial intelligence modelsThis freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you You may contribute your expertise by… Assessing the factuality and relevance of domain-specific text produced by AI modelsCrafting and answering questions related to MathEvaluating and ranking domain-specific responses generated by AI models Examples of desirable expertise:A bachelor's or higher degree in Math or a related subjectExperience working as a Math professionalAbility to write clearly about concepts related to Math in fluent English and Spanish Payment:Currently, pay rates for core project work by Math experts in Spain range from $30 to $50 USD per hourRates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
NuevaElche CF
Elche/Elx, ES
Elche CF · Elche/Elx, ES
Fundació Pere Tarrés
Franqueses del Vallès, Les, ES
Informador/a de capacitació digital al Vallés Oriental (22.5h/s, itinerant, matí o tarda)
Fundació Pere Tarrés · Franqueses del Vallès, Les, ES
T’apassiona la tecnologia i vols ajudar a reduir la bretxa digital? Uneix-te al nostre equip com a Informador/a de capacitació digital!
Busquem persones motivades i compromeses per treballar en el projecte de capacitació digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Aquest pla té com a objectiu acompanyar la ciutadania, especialment els col·lectius amb més risc d'exclusió digital, en el seu procés d'aprenentatge i adaptació a les noves tecnologies. Si ets una persona dinàmica, amb bones habilitats comunicatives i amb ganes de generar un impacte positiu, aquesta és la teva oportunitat!
Per què unir-te al projecte?
- No només estaràs informant sobre les diferents formacions d'habilitats digitals, sinó que també jugaràs un paper clau en el nostre objectiu de promoure les persones i lluitar contra les desigualtats, tot des d'una perspectiva tecnològica.
- Les teves responsabilitats inclouran informar i assessorar a les persones usuàries del projecte.
- Tindràs l'oportunitat de connectar amb els participants, donant suport a la inscripció de les formacions.
- Contracte fix-discontinu amb incorporació prevista el 24 de febrer de 2025.
- Jornada parcial de 22,5 hores setmanals, de dilluns a divendres.
- Flexibilitat horària en torn de matí o tarda (ens adaptem a la teva disponibilitat!)
- Possibilitat de treballar en diferents municipis de la comarca assignada: Lliçà de Vall, Canovelles, Les Franqueses, Aiguafreda, Figaró-Montmany, Cànoves i Samalús, Sant Celoni, Campins.
- Formació i acompanyament.
- Un projecte amb sentit i impacte social, ajudant persones a accedir al món digital!
- Informar i orientar la ciutadania sobre l’oferta formativa del programa.
- Determinar el nivell digital de les persones interessades mitjançant un breu qüestionari.
- Ajudar i guiar en el procés d’inscripció a les formacions digitals.
- Atendre els punts d’informació en diferents espais públics i privats, com biblioteques i centres cívics.
Apunta’t i suma’t al canvi digital!
- Nivell bàsic de l’ACTIC o un certificat equivalent.
- Nivell C1 de català o superior (o acreditació equivalent)
- Competències comunicatives altes.
- Es valorarà positivament la disponibilitat de vehicle propi
Córdoba, ES
Math Tutoring - Flexible Hours
Outlier · Córdoba, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Math Expert who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models?
About The Opportunity
- Outlier is looking for talented Math Experts to help train generative artificial intelligence models
- This freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you
- Assessing the factuality and relevance of domain-specific text produced by AI models
- Crafting and answering questions related to Math
- Evaluating and ranking domain-specific responses generated by AI models
- A bachelor's or higher degree in Math or a related subject
- Experience working as a Math professional
- Ability to write clearly about concepts related to Math in fluent English and Spanish
- Currently, pay rates for core project work by Math experts in Chile range from $19.5 to $32.5 USD per hour
- Rates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
This is a 1099 contract opportunity on the Outlier.ai platform. Because this is a freelance opportunity, we do not offer internships, sponsorship, or employment. You must be authorized to work in your country of residence. If you are an international student, you may be able to sign up for Outlier if you are on a visa. You should contact your tax and/or immigration advisor with specific questions regarding your circumstances.