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0Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica
Madrid, ES
Student Research Assistant
Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica · Madrid, ES
Apply now! 👉🏽 https://www.iit.comillas.edu/investiga_nosotros/index.php.en
At the IIT, we need creative people who, in addition to an excellent academic curriculum, are capable of working as a team in an international environment and providing novel and rigorous solutions to the different challenges posed.
If you have successfully completed your studies with a Master's Degree in Engineering (Industrial, Organization, Computer Science, Electrical-Electronics, Telecommunications, etc.) or related disciplines (Mathematics, Physics, etc.), you can also be part of IIT.
What do we offer?
Annual full-time contract for the development of research projects. In addition, training activities may be carried out. This modality allows the Research Assistant to establish a very close professional relationship with the companies with which he/she collaborates, thus nourishing his/her research with the experience accumulated during the projects. Although this modality does not necessarily require enrolling in any program, the Research Assistant can apply for a Ph.D. during the first two years and then continue with the Ph.D. program. If he or she is not enrolled in a Ph.D. program the contract cannot exceed two years.
The gross salary for the first year is € 30.555,87 for the year 2024. In addition, the IIT covers 90% of the cost of training activities and the Research Assistant can enjoy all the advantages offered to Comillas students (Sports, Cultural Activities, Library, etc.).