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11 ene.Nae
Madrid, ES
Nae · Madrid, ES
About us:
At Nae, as an industry expert in the TMT sector, we help our customers to identify new levers of value creation through our E2E consulting services.
We generate a unique experience for our customers and partners by providing customised and valuable solutions, working as one team, from diversity and engagement.
We have been developing projects in the telecommunications and Media market for 20 years. This allows us to have a deep knowledge, experience and capabilities to respond to the current and future needs of our customers.
Would you like to know more?
Nae is divided into three business units: Technology, Business and Deals&Strategy. In Technology we advise the technology areas of the main telecommunications operators and Media, infrastructure companies and corporations with complex digital infrastructures, to drive them in the transformation and deployment of new technologies that enhance their business. In Business we develop high impact strategies for telecommunications operators and Media, helping them to achieve operational and customer excellence. In Deal & Strategy we provide a differential competitive advantage in the design and implementation of business strategies and support in corporate operations.
Therefore, we are looking to reinforce our Deal & Strategy team with the incorporation of a Manager with experience of at least 8 years, developing the following functions:
- Planning and execution of complex carve-out processes.
- Leading commercial and technical due diligence in the transaction perimeter.
- Assisting private equity clients in the preparation of potential acquisitions of spun-off assets/businesses.
- Lead the design of the operating model of the spun-off business, the implementation of the plan and the execution of the plan.
- Identify and manage operational and execution risks.
- Support clients, both corporate and private equity, in identifying opportunities and synergies, including execution considerations and operational risks.
- Extensive knowledge of the TMT sector, being able to lead projects with our clients.
- Participate and influence the corporate strategic definition of companies in the TMT sector.
- Direct client relationship that helps Nae to be a reference in the sale and execution of our services.
- English and Spanish mandatory.
We offer:
- A company in continuous growth, with a wide range of roles that foster a constant learning environment and opportunities for growth.
- Flexible working options.
- Social benefits for flexible remuneration.
Do you dare to go beyond with us?