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0Grupo Inteligencia Límite. AEXPAINBA & Fundación Magdalena Moriche
Badajoz, ES
Licenciatura O Grado En Ingeniería Informática/Contenidos Digitales
Grupo Inteligencia Límite. AEXPAINBA & Fundación Magdalena Moriche · Badajoz, ES
Desde AEXPAINBA se oferta un puesto de INGENIERO INFORMÁTICO / CONTENIDOS DIGITALES INTERACTIVOSDescripción del puesto Atiende a personas con inteligencia límite y discapacidad intelectual ligera con el fin de dirigir y realizar las tareas de todas las fases del ciclo de vida de sistemas, aplicaciones y productos que resuelvan problemas de cualquier ámbito de las TICs, aplicando su conocimiento científico y los métodos y técnicas propios de la ingeniería a la mejora de la autonomía personal y las relaciones con el entorno de las personas con discapacidad.¿Qué buscamos?
Requisitos OBLIGATORIOS Estar en posesión de una de las siguientes titulaciones: Ingeniería informática, Grado en contenidos digitales interactivos, ingeniería del software, informática o similar.Disponibilidad inmediata.Vehículo propio y carnet de conducir.Requisitos Valorables Experiencia laboral con personas con inteligencia límite y discapacidad intelectual ligera.Otra formación relacionada con el puesto.Cursos de formación específica de problemas de conducta en PCDI e Inteligencia Límite.¿Qué ofrecemos?
Contrato a jornada parcial (16 horas a la semana) desde el 01 de Julio al 31 de Diciembre.¿Te interesa?
Puedes enviar tu CV y la documentación a ******, hasta el lunes, 24 de Junio a las 12:00.
Para participar en el proceso sólo se admitirán los CV recibidos a través del email que se indica.Puedes descargarte la oferta completa pinchando AQUÍ.#J-18808-Ljbffr
Montcada i Reixac, ES
Técnico de selección y formación
INTERFLEX · Montcada i Reixac, ES
¿Te gustaría trabajar en una reconocida empresa del sector de la protección del cableado eléctrico ubicada en Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona)? Somos una empresa familiar y catalana enfocada en la búsqueda de la sostenibilidad dentro de la industria.
¿Quiénes somos?
Somos una empresa familiar y catalana fundada en el 1967. Nos dedicamos a la innovación en sistemas de protección y conducción de cableado eléctrico, enfocándonos especialmente en la búsqueda de la sostenibilidad en todo lo qué hacemos.
¿Qué buscamos y qué funciones tendrás?
- Practicar, transmitir e impulsar los valores corporativos.
- Selección y fidelización de personal de oficinas y producción/logística.
- Asegurar un correcto Onboarding y hacer seguimiento de las incorporaciones
- Gestión y registro de la formación interna y externa.
- Colaboración Interdepartamental.
Requisitos mínimos
- Formación: Titulación universitaria: Grado en Psicología o similar, con formación complementaria en Recursos Humanos.
- Experiencia: Mínimo 3 años en selección de personal y/o gestión de formación.
- Conocimientos valorables: Ofimática y plataformas ERP de empresa para la gestión integrada de los Recursos Humanos, Conocimientos sólidos en técnicas de reclutamiento y avaluación de perfiles.
- Idiomas: catalán, castellano e inglés.
1. Búsqueda de la excelencia
2. Cooperación
3. Ética
4. Sostenibilidad
De rol
1. Capacidad analítica y resolutiva.
2. Habilidades de comunicación i negociación.
3. Orientación a los resultados y a la sostenibilidad.
4. Visión estratégica e innovadora.
En Interflex estamos totalmente comprometidos con la igualdad de oportunidades. Por eso, aceptamos y procesamos solicitudes de candidatos de todos los sectores de la sociedad, sin discriminación por motivos de sexo, género, raza, religión o creencias, origen étnico o nacional, discapacidad, edad... Este compromiso refleja nuestra creencia en la equidad y la diversidad como pilares fundamentales de nuestra cultura empresarial. Todos los individuos son valorados y respetados por igual, independientemente de sus diferencias.
HR Intern
Shakers · Madrid, ES
Agile Office
Hi! 👋🏼
At Shakers, we're on the lookout for a Talent Intern to join our Talent squad within the Product team! If you're passionate about talent management, eager to learn, and excited to be part of a fast-growing, tech-driven startup, we want to hear from you! 🚀
1. Team and Role
As a Talent Intern, you will play a key role in ensuring that our platform maintains the perfect balance between supply and demand. Our mission is to synchronize available projects with the right talent, ensuring that opportunities are accessible to all.
You’ll have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in talent operations, community support, and process automation—all while working in an innovative, high-energy environment. If you’re a proactive, resourceful person who loves problem-solving and thrives in a dynamic setting, this is the role for you! 🤩
2. What you´ll be doing
Your day-to-day as an HR Intern
- Ensure the right match between talent and opportunities: Help balance the supply and demand of freelancers in our ecosystem, ensuring liquidity as a key metric. This means understanding how many talents we need at any given time, when to open or close the flow, and maintaining a strong sense of community sentiment. Additionally, you will focus on the post-registration experience, ensuring freelancers feel integrated and engaged within the community.
- Verify talent quality: Assist in the selection and validation of freelancers, ensuring they are experts in their field and align with the philosophy of Shakers.
- Support and accompany users: Guide freelancers through their journey on our platform, helping them with the validation process, answering questions, and ensuring they have a top-tier experience at Shakers. This also includes welcoming them to the office, getting to know them personally, and making sure they feel valued and taken care of—enhancing their overall engagement.
- Innovate and improve processes: Identify patterns, detect opportunities, and contribute to process automation while maintaining high-quality standards and a human touch.
- Drive innovation: Bring proactivity to the table by exploring new ways to innovate within our current processes. Stay up to date with industry trends, discover fresh approaches to talent operations, and introduce ideas that can add value to our ecosystem beyond just efficiency improvements.
3. What we´re looking for
You´re a great fit if you...
- Are currently studying a degree/master related to Human Resources, Psychology, Business, or a similar field.
- Are eager to be part of a fast-growing and tech-driven startup.
- Have strong communication skills and enjoy interacting with people.
- Have a high level of English (both spoken and written).
- Are proactive, organized, and detail-oriented.
- Love learning new things and are ready to take on challenges!
4. What's in it for you?
The salary for this intern position is 600€ monthly.
Why you´ll love working at Shakers 💚
- Be part of a rapidly growing, internationally expanding startup. 🌍
- Have an ambitious professional development plan to help you reach your full potential.
- Enjoy an unbeatable team culture—ask anyone on our team!
- Take advantage of our hybrid full flex methodology: a mix of remote and in-office work, with our office located in the heart of Madrid, Calle Velázquez.
- Perks include wellness programs, gym access, English classes, medical insurance, and more.
At the office... 📍
- Organic fruit
- Free caffeine and theine
5. Our recruitment process
As a startup, we are very agile and we like to see results quickly, which is why prioritize efficiency in our recruitment process.
Our goal is to have you onboard this March, so you can hit the ground running and make an impact from day one!
The Road to Joining Our Team
- Round 1, Cultural Fit: Kick things off with an informal chat with our People & Culture team. Don’t worry—we just want to get to know you better, learn about your goals, hobbies, and more!
- Round 2, Case Study & Technical Skills with Product Team: Join two members of our Product team for a deep dive into a case study. This is your chance to showcase your client management skills and demonstrate how you approach problem-solving.
- Round 3, Meet the Team: Have a conversation with additional team members to further explore your skillset and ensure there's a great cultural fit. This is also your chance to ask questions and see how we collaborate.
- Final check, CEO Chat: Meet Héctor, our CEO! He’s excited to connect with you, talk about Shakers’ future, and discuss your vision and expectations.
More about Shakers
At Shakers we imagine, design, and create the next-generation way of working.
Our vision is to be the leading community and platform in the world that helps companies work with freelance teams through our technology.
We are a 45-person, fast growing startup based in Madrid. It's the place for you if you're looking for a high-performance, very dynamic & technological environment surrounded by ambitious people!
At Shakers, we are obsessed with our values. Half of our bonuses are performance-based, and the other half come from embodying what it means to be a true Shaker!
We all feel like part of a winning team—one that pushes boundaries, challenges the status quo, and moves the needle! We set ambitious goals and seek people who are driven to achieve them.
F1C10 💪🏼
We’re building an environment where fear doesn’t hold us back. Experimentation and learning from failure are part of our DNA. Fail fast, grow faster. Fail 1X, chase 10X. We value risk-takers who aren’t afraid to go big!
We embrace a beginner’s mindset—always evolving, always learning, and always finding new solutions. At Shakers, humility combined with ambition fuels our success, and when we blend the two, the results are extraordinary!
A huge thanks for being interested in Shakers, we'd love to see you soon.
Santa Margalida, ES
Agente de reservas para central de reservas
YouRoom · Santa Margalida, ES
Inglés Docencia Español Negociación Integración de equipos Hablar en público Liderazgo de equipos Gestión del tiempo Medios de comunicación social Clases de repaso
Somos YourHouse y YouRoom. Nos dedicamos al alquiler vacacional y gestión hotelera ¡y queremos que formes parte de nosotros!
Tus tareas:
- Gestión de reservas
- Gestión de cancelaciones
- Atención por teléfono a los clientes
- Atención por teléfono a los propietarios
- Gestión y seguimiento de las reclamaciones e incidencias
- Manejar y gestionar el planning de hoteles y casas vacacionales
- Contestar la mensajería de clientes a través de diferentes canales de comunicación
- Apoyo al departamento de distribución y administración según necesidad
Tus aptitudes:
- Manejas bien el ordenador (Gmail, paquete Office…)
- Tienes experiencia en el ámbito de atención al cliente (central de reservas, recepción…)
- Eres una persona tranquila y tienes un trato amable con el cliente
- Eres una persona organizada y resistente al estrés, sabes mantener la calma
- No te asusta la tecnología (chatbots, programas de gestión…)
- Buen nível de inglés (mínimo B2)
- Eres flexible con tus tareas según necesidad
- Se valoran idiomas como el francés y alemán
Qué puedes esperar si trabajas con nosotros:
- Un gran ambiente de trabajo
- 2 días libres por semana
- Jornada de tarde (máximo hasta las 22.00h y jornada de 8 horas consecutivas)
- 9 meses de trabajo garantizado
- Centro de trabajo: Can Picafort
¿Cómo es el proceso de selección?
- Si tu currículum es apto, nos ponemos en contacto contigo
- Se hace una entrevista por videollamada con la responsable del departamento. En esta llamada se hará una charla general y la prueba del inglés
- Si avanzas en el proceso de selección, se te invitará a una segunda entrevista por videollamada con la responsable de reservas
- Se te comunica por escrito el resultado del proceso
mSoluciona Goya - Ayuda a domicilio
Madrid, ES
Servicio De Interna En Diego De León (Madrid)
mSoluciona Goya - Ayuda a domicilio · Madrid, ES
AGENCIA DE COLOCACIÓN busca INTERNA para atender a una señora prácticamente autónoma, orientada, vive sola, necesita ayuda para aseo, labores domésticas, compra y saber cocinar.
Salario: 1238,59 € netos con las pagas prorrateadas.
Zona: Diego de León.
Requisitos: documentos en regla, poder trabajar con alta, experiencia demostrable en trabajos similares, seriedad y compromiso.
Si cumples los requisitos envía tu currículum a ****** con el asunto Interna Diego de León
HR Intern
Shakers · Madrid, ES
Agile Office
Hi! 👋🏼
At Shakers, we're on the lookout for a Talent Intern to join our Talent squad within the Product team! If you're passionate about talent management, eager to learn, and excited to be part of a fast-growing, tech-driven startup, we want to hear from you! 🚀
1. Team and RoleAs a Talent Intern, you will play a key role in ensuring that our platform maintains the perfect balance between supply and demand. Our mission is to synchronize available projects with the right talent, ensuring that opportunities are accessible to all.
You’ll have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in talent operations, community support, and process automation—all while working in an innovative, high-energy environment. If you’re a proactive, resourceful person who loves problem-solving and thrives in a dynamic setting, this is the role for you! 🤩
Your day-to-day as an HR Intern
- Ensure the right match between talent and opportunities: Help balance the supply and demand of freelancers in our ecosystem, ensuring liquidity as a key metric. This means understanding how many talents we need at any given time, when to open or close the flow, and maintaining a strong sense of community sentiment. Additionally, you will focus on the post-registration experience, ensuring freelancers feel integrated and engaged within the community.
- Verify talent quality: Assist in the selection and validation of freelancers, ensuring they are experts in their field and align with the philosophy of Shakers.
- Support and accompany users: Guide freelancers through their journey on our platform, helping them with the validation process, answering questions, and ensuring they have a top-tier experience at Shakers. This also includes welcoming them to the office, getting to know them personally, and making sure they feel valued and taken care of—enhancing their overall engagement.
- Innovate and improve processes: Identify patterns, detect opportunities, and contribute to process automation while maintaining high-quality standards and a human touch.
- Drive innovation: Bring proactivity to the table by exploring new ways to innovate within our current processes. Stay up to date with industry trends, discover fresh approaches to talent operations, and introduce ideas that can add value to our ecosystem beyond just efficiency improvements.
You´re a great fit if you...
- Are currently studying a degree/master related to Human Resources, Psychology, Business, or a similar field.
- Are eager to be part of a fast-growing and tech-driven startup.
- Have strong communication skills and enjoy interacting with people.
- Have a high level of English (both spoken and written).
- Are proactive, organized, and detail-oriented.
- Love learning new things and are ready to take on challenges!
The salary for this intern position is 600€ monthly.
Why you´ll love working at Shakers 💚
- Be part of a rapidly growing, internationally expanding startup. 🌍
- Have an ambitious professional development plan to help you reach your full potential.
- Enjoy an unbeatable team culture—ask anyone on our team!
- Take advantage of our hybrid full flex methodology: a mix of remote and in-office work, with our office located in the heart of Madrid, Calle Velázquez.
- Perks include wellness programs, gym access, English classes, medical insurance, and more.
At the office... 📍
- Organic fruit
- Free caffeine and theine
As a startup, we are very agile and we like to see results quickly, which is why prioritize efficiency in our recruitment process.
Our goal is to have you onboard this March, so you can hit the ground running and make an impact from day one!
The Road to Joining Our Team
- Round 1, Cultural Fit: Kick things off with an informal chat with our People & Culture team. Don’t worry—we just want to get to know you better, learn about your goals, hobbies, and more!
- Round 2, Case Study & Technical Skills with Product Team: Join two members of our Product team for a deep dive into a case study. This is your chance to showcase your client management skills and demonstrate how you approach problem-solving.
- Round 3, Meet the Team: Have a conversation with additional team members to further explore your skillset and ensure there's a great cultural fit. This is also your chance to ask questions and see how we collaborate.
- Final check, CEO Chat: Meet Héctor, our CEO! He’s excited to connect with you, talk about Shakers’ future, and discuss your vision and expectations.
At Shakers we imagine, design, and create the next-generation way of working.
Our vision is to be the leading community and platform in the world that helps companies work with freelance teams through our technology.
We are a 45-person, fast growing startup based in Madrid. It's the place for you if you're looking for a high-performance, very dynamic & technological environment surrounded by ambitious people!
At Shakers, we are obsessed with our values. Half of our bonuses are performance-based, and the other half come from embodying what it means to be a true Shaker!
We all feel like part of a winning team—one that pushes boundaries, challenges the status quo, and moves the needle! We set ambitious goals and seek people who are driven to achieve them.
F1C10 💪🏼
We’re building an environment where fear doesn’t hold us back. Experimentation and learning from failure are part of our DNA. Fail fast, grow faster. Fail 1X, chase 10X. We value risk-takers who aren’t afraid to go big!
We embrace a beginner’s mindset—always evolving, always learning, and always finding new solutions. At Shakers, humility combined with ambition fuels our success, and when we blend the two, the results are extraordinary!
A huge thanks for being interested in Shakers, we'd love to see you soon.
Math Tutoring - Remote
Math Tutoring - Remote
Outlier · Córdoba, ES
Outlier helps the world’s most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. Are you an experienced Math Expert who would like to lend your expertise to train AI models?
About The Opportunity
- Outlier is looking for talented Math Experts to help train generative artificial intelligence models
- This freelance opportunity is remote and hours are flexible, so you can work whenever is best for you
- Assessing the factuality and relevance of domain-specific text produced by AI models
- Crafting and answering questions related to Math
- Evaluating and ranking domain-specific responses generated by AI models
- A bachelor's or higher degree in Math or a related subject
- Experience working as a Math professional
- Ability to write clearly about concepts related to Math in fluent English and Spanish
- Currently, pay rates for core project work by Math experts in Chile range from $19.5 to $32.5 USD per hour
- Rates vary based on expertise, skills assessment, location, project need, and other factors. For example, higher rates may be offered to PhDs. For non-core work, such as during initial project onboarding or project overtime phases, lower rates may apply. Certain projects offer incentive payments. Please review the payment terms for each project.
This is a 1099 contract opportunity on the Outlier.ai platform. Because this is a freelance opportunity, we do not offer internships, sponsorship, or employment. You must be authorized to work in your country of residence. If you are an international student, you may be able to sign up for Outlier if you are on a visa. You should contact your tax and/or immigration advisor with specific questions regarding your circumstances.
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Barcelona, ES
Tècnic/a de centres educatius per al projecte HENKA
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona · Barcelona, ES
Sobre el projecte
A l’Hospital Sant Joan de Déu busquem un/a Psicòleg/a, Psicopedagog/a o Pedagog/a per unir-te al projecte HENKA: "Creixent en benestar emocional"
📌 IMPORTANT: Aquesta posició no implica atenció directa a pacients. Treballaràs en la planificació, implementació i seguiment de programes educatius i comunitaris amb impacte col·lectiu.
Descobreix més sobre Henka aquí: www.behenka.org
🚀 Les teves responsabilitats
- Dissenyar i implementar formacions innovadores per a mestres i professionals de l’àmbit educatiu.
- Participar en el suport i seguiment als centres educatius que implementin el programa Henka.
- Fomentar la col·laboració amb escoles i equips referents territorials d’arreu del territori.
- Organitzar activitats d’acompanyament, com trobades entre escoles o xerrades per a famílies.
- Col·laborar en la creació d’eines pràctiques per al benestar emocional.
- Donar suport en la implementació del programa a escoles d’altres comunitats autònomes.
💡 Què t'oferim?
- Jornada de 100%.
- Horari a determinar, adaptable.
- Contracte temporal d’un any amb possibilitat de continuïtat.
- Beneficis: possibilitat de teletreball parcial, espai de treball col·laboratiu i enriquidor al costat d’un equip compromès amb la salut mental, participar en un projecte innovador i amb impacte social.
🎯 El perfil que busquem
- Títol en Psicologia, Psicopedagogia o Pedagogia.
- Experiència mínima de 3 anys en gestió de projectes similars.
- Nivell alt de català, castellà i anglès (parlat i escrit).
- Compromís amb els valors institucionals de l'OHSJD.
🌟 Valorem molt positivament
- Formació en Psicologia infantojuvenil o àmbits relacionats.
- Experiència i coneixements en Psicologia Evolutiva, Psicopedagogia o Psicologia General Sanitària.
Uneix-te a HENKA i marca la diferència!
Madrid, ES
Pascual · Madrid, ES
Provincia : Madrid
Nº Vacantes (puestos) : 1
Dentro De Nuestro Área De Internacional y Yogures, En Dependencia De La Responsable De Desarrollo De Negocio y Marketing Internacional, Necesitamos Incorporar a Un/a Brand Manager Cuya Misión Será La De Desarrollar Una Propuesta De Valor Rentable y Sostenible Que Maximice La Aportación De Volumen, Valor, y Reconocimiento De La Marca En Los Países En Los Que Exportamos. Para Ello, Se Encargará De
- Definir y proponer acciones que den contenido al Plan de Marketing y garantizar posteriormente la ejecución del mismo.
- Detectar necesidades de innovación (nuevos productos y/o formatos) con el objetivo de asegurar la máxima adaptación del portfolio a los gustos y necesidades de los consumidores locales de nuestros diferentes países.
- Buscar y proponer, mediante el análisis del mercado, el consumidor local y la estructura de costes, fuentes potenciales de volumen adicional y oportunidades significativas de optimización de la contribución del negocio internacional a la rentabilidad de la Compañía
- Organizar y gestionar a la/s persona/s a su cargo, promoviendo su desarrollo, el trabajo en equipo y la comunicación.
Titulación superior en ADE, Ciencias Económicas, Marketing o similar.
Experiencia sólida en Marketing en empresa de gran consumo.
Inglés nivel mínimo C1.
Alta disponibilidad para viajar a nivel internacional (en torno al 30% de la jornada anual).
Otros idiomas.
Experiencia consolidada como Brand Manager en compañía de gran consumo de alimentación.
Experiencia profesional internacional.
Se ofrece
Si buscas un entorno dinámico y colaborativo donde desarrollar tus habilidades y crecer profesionalmente, la oportunidad de trabajar en proyectos innovadores con impacto directo en la organización, un equipo de trabajo cercano, comprometido y apasionado por la tecnología, ¡queremos conocerte!
¿Qué te ofrecemos?
- Contratación indefinida
- Retribución fija + variable
- Seguro médico
- Retribución flexible
- Flexibilidad horaria
- Modelo de trabajo híbrido
- Jornada intensiva los viernes
- Parking