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0Postdoc Position At The Cpwv Group Of The Chemical Engineering Department Of The University Of [...]
2 feb.UPV/EHU
Araba, ES
Postdoc Position At The Cpwv Group Of The Chemical Engineering Department Of The University Of [...]
UPV/EHU · Araba, ES
Postdoc position at the CPWV group of the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHUThe Catalytic Processes and Waste Valorization (CPWV) research group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is an internationally renowned research group that works in the proposal, progress and innovation of processes of energy and environmental interest.
The aim is to develop, at an international leading level, research lines in Chemical Reaction Engineering that are up-to-date and focused on sustainable development.
This objective involves the training of researchers and technologists, the transmission of knowledge to the international scientific-technological community in the form of publications and collaboration with the industrial sector, on issues that combine academic, technological, social and industrial interest.
The CPWV group belongs to the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology in Leioa.
It is to highlight that the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) occupies the first position in the Chemical Engineering field within the Spanish universities in the Shangai and NTU international rankings (since 2017 and 2013, respectively), as well as prominent positions in the global and European context, with a great contribution of the CPWV group's publications.
In addition, several researchers of our group are included in the Stanford University's list of the World's Top 2% Scientists.
The group is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the research line dealing with thermochemical (pyrolysis, gasification) and thermocatalytic (cracking, reforming) processes for the direct production of H2 and fuels and chemicals from biomass and waste (plastics, sludge, tyres).
Professor Martin Olazar leads this research line, with the collaboration of Gartzen Lopez, Maite Artetxe and Maider Amutio.
A call will be opened for a full-time 2-year position as postdoctoral researcher, starting on February 2025 (flexible date).
We provide a highly dynamic and stimulating work environment with unique professional career development opportunities, including a high scientific output and the possibility of collaboration in several research projects that the group has on topics of high interest and impact.
The candidate should have a PhD in Chemical Engineering and experience in pyrolysis or gasification, as well as in catalytic processes.
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic person, with strong experimental, writing and teamwork skills.
Candidates should have a high written and spoken English level.
Application RequirementsCover letter, covering the motivation of joining our research group and the knowledge and skills that the candidate will bring to the group.Full CV, mentioning education, work experience, publications and research projects.For inquiries, please contact:
Maider Amutio
Chemical Engineering Department
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Apply nowFill out the form below to apply for this position.
Manager de Innovación
31 ene.IZERTIS
Madrid, ES
Manager de Innovación
IZERTIS · Madrid, ES
IoT Agile
Desde Izertis estamos buscando ampliar nuestro equipo de Innovación con un perfil de manager con el objetivo de ayudar a nuestros clientes a alcanzar sus objetivos mediante soluciones innovadoras.
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- Experiencia mínima de 5 años en gestión de proyectos de innovación en el sector tecnológico.
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