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WikipediaDesarrollador Java
NuevaTrileuco Solutions
Zaragoza, ES
Desarrollador Java
Trileuco Solutions · Zaragoza, ES
API Java MongoDB GraphQL REST Spring gRPC Microservices Fintech Kafka DDD
Quieres sumarte a la revolución de la IA?
En Diverger queremos cambiar el mundo del desarrollo de software liderando la adopción de IA generativa en distintas fases del proceso de creación de soluciones.
No nos conformamos con utilizar los servicios comerciales ampliamente conocidos, los cuáles también adoptamos y perfeccionamos su uso, si no que desarrollamos nuestras propias herramientas basadas en IA generativa y que ponemos a disposición de todos nuestros equipos de desarrollo con el fin de acelerar la creación de software.
Somos un equipo formado por más de 100 personas que nos une la pasión, el espíritu de equipo, la determinación y que apostamos por el conocimiento compartido; y al cuál estamos deseosos de añadir más talento que nos acompañe en este camino de transformación del desarrollo de software gracias a la IA generativa.
Si algo también nos define es el gusto por la tecnología y su aplicación.
Existen muchas vías en el mundo del desarrollo de software pero nosotros apostamos por la calidad en todas las fases del proceso.
En Diverger, estamos convencidos de que la tecnología no solo resuelve problemas, sino que redefine posibilidades.
Si eres un apasionado del desarrollo backend, amas los desafíos tecnológicos y te motiva dejar tu huella en proyectos innovadores, este es tu lugar.
¡Necesitamos nuev@s compañer@s Backend Developers que quieran transformar el futuro!¿Cuál será tu objetivo?
Desarrollarás y mantendrás microservicios basados en Java, asegurándote de implementar los mayores entandares de calidad.
¿Cómo lo harás?
Utilizando el siguiente stack tecnológico y enfoques: Java (últimas versiones) Arquitectura Hexagonal, DDD (Domain Driven Designe), patrones de diseño, CI/CD, etc.
Spring Boot Rest y/o GraphQL gRPC y/o Protobuf API first Kafka (comunicaciones asincronas) MongoDB DB2 WebFlux ¿Qué buscamos?
Experiencia en las tecnologías y herramientas antes mencionadas.
Además de: Experiencia en CI/CD para garantizar entregas constantes y sin errores.
Experiencia aplicando las mejores practicas de desarrollo: Clean Code, Solid, DDD, Patrones, etc.
¿Por qué elegir Diverger?
Diverger no es solo una empresa, es un lugar donde las ideas cobran vida y el talento se multiplica.
Ayudamos a grandes empresas a resolver problemas complejos y a innovar en industrias como fintech, e-commerce, salud, banca, retail, logística, etc.
En Diverger encontrarás: Proyectos Tech: Colabora con empresas líderes y construye soluciones que impactan millones de usuarios.
Tecnología de vanguardia: innovación, metodologías avanzadas.
Cultura de excelencia: Nos motiva hacer las cosas bien, siempre, y con propósito.
Diversidad e inclusión: Creemos que las mejores ideas nacen en un entorno diverso y colaborativo.
Crecimiento continuo: Diseñamos rutas personalizadas de aprendizaje para que llegues tan lejos como quieras.
Nuestros beneficios van más allá del estándar: Plan de carrera y revisiones periódicas.
Flexibilidad total: elige trabajar desde donde prefieras (remoto o híbrido) y cuando quieras (respetando los hitos de tu equipo).
Inversión en tu desarrollo profesional: capacitaciones, certificaciones, formaciones de IA y tecnológicas.
Reconocimiento constante: celebramos tus logros individuales y en equipo.
Ambiente colaborativo y divertido: eventos, team building y un equipo que siempre te apoyará.
23 días de vacaciones + 24 y 31 de diciembre si caen en días laborales.
Jornada intensiva los viernes y 3 meses en verano Retribución flexible, para que puedas ahorran en tu declaración de la renta (seguro de salud, transporte, guardería y restaurante) Y más.... ¿Qué significa trabajar en Diverger?
Aquí no serás un simple desarrollador; serás un catalizador del cambio.
Tendrás la libertad de proponer, experimentar y construir, porque valoramos tanto el talento como la actitud.
Si has llegado hasta aquí, te gusta todo lo que has leído y crees que eres la persona perfecta para ayudarnos en este proceso de adopción de la IA en el mundo del desarrollo de software, ¡te estamos esperando!
Y si nos compartes en ****** alguna pieza de código, proyecto personal o tu perfil de github que demuestre lo bueno que eres, lo tendremos muy en cuenta.
En Diverger respiramos un entorno diverso y en el que todas las personas tengan igualdad de condiciones.
Crecemos por nuestro compromiso, nuestra exigencia y nuestra pasión por lo que hacemos sin importar la mochila con la que viajemos.
Porque no entendemos estas prácticas solo como principios, sino como la inercia de nuestra cultura día a día.
Nos aseguramos de crear un entorno en el que cada persona se sienta respetada, orgullosa y valorada por ser quien es y como es.
DIVERGER Thinking S.L, en cumplimiento del artículo 13 del RGPD, le solicita su consentimiento para el tratamiento de sus datos personales, con la finalidad de incluirle en nuestros procesos de selección de personal.
El tratamiento se encuentra legitimado en base a su consentimiento expreso (art 6.1.a) RGPD), que presta mediante su postulación a la candidatura de empleo.
En determinados casos, podrá ser necesario comunicar sus datos personales a nuestro cliente para que valore su candidatura.
Sus datos personales serán conservados durante el plazo de 1 año desde la finalización del proceso de selección.
Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación, portabilidad y a no ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas en ******.
Le informamos igualmente, de que tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la AEPD en caso de considerarlo oportuno.
Analista Pro. COBOL CICS DB2 JCL
21 mar.Incoming Domain
Analista Pro. COBOL CICS DB2 JCL
Incoming Domain · Barcelona, ES
Teletrabajo React API .Net C# Java Python Agile CSS TSQL HTML Scrum Maven Jenkins Linux Angular Docker Kubernetes Ansible Git Android REST Jira Groovy OpenShift Spring iOS Bash jUnit QA MVC Gradle Eclipse Microservices Perl SQL Server
TELETRABAJO para Desarrolladores (AF, AT, AP, PS) en alguna de las siguientes OFERTAS.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Conocimientos de ECLIPSE , LINUX ( bash scripting) , PYTHON
. . . . . . . ( Business Analyst con Conocimientos amplios en CIRBE )
BackEnd. . . . : Indispensable APIs, Spring MVC, API, Maven, GIT, JIRA,
. . . . . . . . . . . . : Docker, Kubernetes, Openshift, JUnit, Nexus, SonarQ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . : Spring Data, Swagger, Agile
. . . . . . . . . . . . : MICROSERVICIOS , SPRINT BOOT ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . : (SVN,GIT) (API Rest,RAML,Springboot,)
. . . . . . . . . . . . : (JIRA,REMEDY,GITLAB)
Mobility. . . . . : IOS, ANDROID
Other . . . . . . : C/C++,VISUAL BASIC
Testing . . . . . : QA, SCRUM,AUTOMATION, MANUAL...
. . . . . . . . . . . .: (MAVEN,GRADLE)(JUNIT,KARMA,JASMINE)
. . . . . . . . . . . . : (PYTHON,JAVA,GROOVY)
. . . . . . . . . . . . : (ADMINISTRACION DE REDES)
TIBCO . . . . . . . : BPM , LINUX
Growth and Marketing Intern
21 mar.Mormedi
Madrid, ES
Growth and Marketing Intern
Mormedi · Madrid, ES
InDesign Spring Google Ads Illustrator Photoshop
We are currently recruiting for spring, summer and fall internships.
If you like a challenge and are keen on shaping the future Mormedi is the right place for you.
- We work across a wide range of industry sectors for leading global brands
- Our projects tend to be challenging and future focused, providing interns an enriching learning experience
- We fluently connect the business / service, digital and physical dimensions to create great customer experiences and innovative value proposals
- We work end to end from strategy to implementation
- We are always keen on welcoming a new member to our international team and make you feel at home at our studio and in Madrid
- Strong understanding of social media platforms (LinkedIn, Instagram, X, etc.)
- Basic knowledge of content planning and scheduling tools
- Familiarity with social media analytics and engagement strategies
- Assistance in Commercial tasks and Events
- Ability to analyze social media performance and key marketing metrics
- Understanding of basic marketing KPIs
- Awareness of digital advertising strategies (Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads)
- Familiarity with design tools like Canva, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
- Team player
- Highly motivated
- Fluent in English, Spanish is a great plus
- Strong writing skills with the ability to adapt to Mormedi's tone of voice
- Experience or interest in writing social media posts, blogs, and marketing materials
- Basic understanding of storytelling for brand engagement
- Ability to conduct research on industry trends, competitors, and emerging opportunities
- Experience organizing and analyzing events
- Ability to manage multiple tasks and support marketing campaigns
- Strong communication and teamwork skills
Fullstack java Developer
21 mar.Axiom Software Solutions
Polonia, ES
Fullstack java Developer
Axiom Software Solutions · Polonia, ES
API Java Agile TSQL Jenkins TDD SOAP Spring
Job Responsibilities / Role
· Responsible for designing, developing, testing, operating and maintaining the new services.
· Design and develop REST/SOAP APIs for pricing services.
· Create responsive back-end as per specifications made by the business teams.
· Take full stack ownership by consistently writing production-ready and testable code.
· Consistently create optimal design adhering to architectural best practices; considering scalability, reliability and performance of systems/contexts affected when defining technical designs.
· Ensure code quality by striving for maximum code coverage and where possible follow TDD approach towards development.
· Review tasks critically and ensure they are appropriately prioritized and sized for incremental delivery. Anticipate and communicate blockers and delays before they require escalation.
· Work closely with partner technology teams and to collaborate effectively.
Technical Skills Required:
· Very deep understanding of Code Java (8) and Spring Boot and Solid understanding of OO principles
· Experience in RESTful API techniques
· Experience in SOAP based services
· Solid understanding of and experience with multi-threading and asynchronous programming
· Experience designing and building api based service oriented or microservice architectures
· Experience in SQL databases
· Good experience building and maintaining EMS communication (Topics and Queues)
· Recent experience with continuous integration and continuous delivery tools like GitHub, Jenkins, UrbanCode, etc.
· Agile development/Software life cycle
Nice to have Skills:
· Rates derivatives product knowledge
· Experience configuring continuous integration and continuous delivery tools
· Recent 2-year experience in banking and financial services
· Knowledge of Unix
Qualities & Skills
· Energetic, motivated and determined
· Pragmatic and results-oriented
· Adaptable to diverse set of technical responsibilities
· Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
· Productive and able to manage time effectively
· Strong written and verbal communication skills
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
Software Engineering Analyst
21 mar.Santander
Madrid, ES
Software Engineering Analyst
Santander · Madrid, ES
API Java Agile Spring TSQL Maven Docker Cloud Coumputing Git TDD AWS
Software Engineering Analyst
Country: Spain
Open Digital Services is a tech company with a unique culture, dedicated to creating innovative products for Santander Group Affiliates. Open Digital Services is part of the Retail & Commercial Division of Santander Group, one of the world´s largest financial institutions and the Eurozone´s leader. We´re committed to being the best Digital Bank with Branches in the industry.
Our mission at ODS is to design and support an advanced digital and omnichannel platform, ensuring the best customer experience using cutting-edge technology. Openbank, our flagship partner, is where we develop our most advanced concepts. Be part of our Best-in-Class tech team and help us create unique value for our customers!
Join us to tackle exciting tech challenges in an agile environment, benefiting from learning, growth, and local and international career opportunities in a modern, diverse setting.
**Mission and responsibilities:**
The Software Engineer translates business requirements into technical specifications for our Java-based cloud core banking solution. As a Senior Software Engineer, we expect you to provide technical insight and direction, use the right development methodologies, and assess areas of improvement within our code by reviewing others.
**What are we looking for in this position?**
- 2-3 years of experience in Java (preferably Java 17 or higher), with excellent core understanding.
- Strong development practices including code reviews, unit testing and regression testing.
- You will work with:
- Java 21
- Spring Framework
- Git
- Maven
- Swagger
- AWS Lambdas
- Docker
- SQL and NO-SQL dbs
- AWS Services in general
- Advanced English Level
- Bachelor´s degree in computer science, telecom engineering, mathematics.
**Nice to have:**
- Experience working on cloud environments.
- Experience in RESTful API architecture patterns and integration design principles.
- Demonstrable experience of applying TDD and BDD development practices.
- Experience with financial systems.
**What do we offer?**
- Immediate incorporation to a dynamic and agile company with a growth and expansion project.
- Working in start-up mode with the support of Grupo Santander.
- Competitive remuneration and attractive benefits package.
- Possibility of growth within the company and the Group.
- Collaboration in international projects and possibility of contact with different countries.
- Excellent work environment, social clubs and frequent events.
Would you like to grow with us? Join our team!
Openbank is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered as equal without paying attention to gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, age, political orientation, union membership nor disability status.
We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build.
If you´re not currently living in Madrid, Bilbao or Valencia and you are open to relocate, we would still love to consider your application.
Medior Fullstack Developer
21 mar.Talan
Málaga, ES
Medior Fullstack Developer
Talan · Málaga, ES
React Javascript Java Agile CSS Bootstrap jQuery HTML Angular Docker Cloud Coumputing Kubernetes Microservices Hibernate Oracle Jira TypeScript OpenShift AWS Spring Big Data Office
Company Description
Why Talan?
For more than 15 years, the Talan Group has been advising companies and administrations, accompanying them and implementing their transformation projects in Europe, America, Africa and Asia.
Our main objective is to support organizations in their journey towards the future. At Talan Spain we make it happen through digital transformation.
We put people at the center, and we rely on collective intelligence, diversity, pragmatism and agility. We believe in environments based on trust, excellence, collaboration, flexibility and respect.
In addition, we rely on cultural, business, agile and technological transformation through Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain and RPAs.
Job Description
Hello! Welcome to the place responsible for developing the technology that improves the lives of 160 million customers around the world!
This job offer is an opportunity not only to join a great company but also to collaborate in projects that have a real impact on society.
We are looking for a Back Developer based in our Málaga office, with at least 3 years of experience in: WebFlux, Hexagonal Architecture React
Let´s get to know each other!
We are undergoing one of the biggest transformations in our history and technology is at the heart of our strategy. Join our team to play a part in one of the most important technological projects for the financial sector in the world.
One of our guiding principles is continuous innovation, working with Agile and DevSecOps methodologies and adopting all the leading market technology to work with the best tech stack.
We are looking for an Analyst III based in our Malaga office, a key team in our technology ecosystem.
This area is responsible for Markets Distribution.
Your main tasks will be:
- Developing effective microservices and integrations with other systems (internal and/or external).
- Providing support focused on the needs of our client.
- Solving technical and functional issues.
You´re sure to fit in if you like technology and are constantly learning about new developments, as well as having an interest in better understanding the risks faced by the our client. In addition to developing your technical skills, you should also be interested in improving your soft skills.
If you think you´ve got what it takes, these are the key skills we´ll be looking for in your CV:
- Advanced degree in computer science or similar studies, which will allow you to have a solid foundation on which to build your development and contribute to your work.
- Technical knowledge in:
- New technologies: WebFlux, hexagonal architecture react, Spring boot, Openshift.
- Technologies: Java, Oracle DB
- Ability to analyze SW components and able to modify SW in case it is required.
- Good command of IT tools (Jira, Office, Github, Dynatrace).
- Language: High English
The following would also be great...
- Technical knowledge in JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React.
js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jquery, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, Spring Data/JPA, Hibernate, GCP, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes
Additional Information
We offer:
- Working as part of an international project.
- Full time permanent contract, if you prefer to be freelance, let´s talk about it!
- Smart Office Pack so you can work comfortably from home
- Training and professional development
- Benefits and perks such as private medical insurance, life insurance, lunch and transportation cards as part of the flexible compensation package
- Possibility to join a multicultural team and work on international projects
Lead Full Stack Developer
21 mar.Axiom Software Solutions
Polonia, ES
Lead Full Stack Developer
Axiom Software Solutions · Polonia, ES
React Java Agile Scrum Cloud Coumputing REST SOAP Spring
Job description
Must be fluent Polish Speaker (only Any EU/Polish citizen or Ukrainian Citizens)
• Lead Software Engineer | 10-15+ years Fullstack in Java, Spring, React Framework, CI&CD, testing tools/frameworks, experience with Cloud Technologies – GCP, Agile development, Good self-organization skills and initiative, Travel industry knowledge as the advantage.
• Accountable to build high-quality working software.
• Collaboratively codes, tests and builds software according to requirements and acceptance criteria.
• Performs meaningful unit testing.
• Supports Technical Product Manager in preparation of requirements for each release.
• Accountable to maintain code quality.
• Provides input to the story prioritization.
• Attends scrum ceremonies.
• Updates status in Rally on a daily basis.
• Continuously works with teams to improve technical practices.
• Attends release planning meetings and technical reviews as needed.
• Provides implementation coverage.
• Provides on-call coverage, following implementation, including warranty support.
• Takes part in the sizing process.
• Designing, Coding, debugging and testing.
• Troubleshooting issues in test and production environments.
• Cooperating with other development teams to deliver new capabilities.
• Innovating to improve application stability and performance.
• Learning business requirements and translating them into implementation details.
• Assists in development of software technical documentation.
• Expertise in: Enterprise Java, Web services (XML, JSON, SOAP, REST) or as stated in Program tech stack requirements.
• Expertise in development and CI tools.
• Solid Unix/Linux knowledge or as stated in Program tech stack requirements.
Senior Java Developer
21 mar.Axiom Software Solutions
Málaga, ES
Senior Java Developer
Axiom Software Solutions · Málaga, ES
Java Python Agile Selenium Maven Microservices Spring Redis Kafka Office
- Ideally capable of going to office a bare minimum of 2 days a week in Malaga.
- Spanish language needed.
- *No security knowledge really needed*
- 5 years+ of application development.
- Decent Java
- Decent Spring / Springboot, Springsecurity y Springcloud
- Decent microservices.
- Knowledge of Agile
- Banking experience
**Nice to have:**
- Maven
- Log4J
- Redis
- Kafka
- Selenium / JMeter
- Fortity / Sonar.
- Python or Node
- Elastic or Dynatrace or OpenTelemetry
- Gherkin
Grupo NS
Desarrollador Senior Java Backend
Grupo NS · Madrid, ES
Teletrabajo Java Kubernetes Spring Microservices Kafka
Desde Grupo NS estamos en búsqueda de Desarrolladores Senior en Java Backend con experiencia en Microservicios para unirse a nuestros diversos proyectos.
Como parte del equipo, serás responsable de:
* Desarrollar y mantener: aplicaciones Backend usando Java y Microservicios.
* Colaborar: con el equipo en la creación de soluciones escalables y eficientes.
* Implementar: tecnologías como Springboot, Kafka y Kubernetes.
* Participar: en la revisión de código y garantizar la calidad del mismo.
* Aprender y evolucionar: dentro de un entorno innovador y profesional.
NS, es una empresa donde se valora tanto el perfil profesional tecnológico de los trabajadores, como el interés y la aptitud que demuestren a la hora de desarrollar nuevos proyectos.
Por ello, requerimos personas constantes, con ganas de evolucionar y aprender
Requisitos mínimos:
* Experiencia: Mínimo 3 años en desarrollo Java y Microservicios.
* Tecnologías requeridas: Java 11/21, Microservicios, Springboot, Kafka, Kubernetes.
* Nivel de inglés B2/C1 (para alguno de los proyectos)
* Trabajo remoto