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0Junior Plant Engineer
28 feb.BA GLASS
Villafranca de los Barros, ES
Junior Plant Engineer
BA GLASS · Villafranca de los Barros, ES
Ingeniería eléctrica Ingeniería Ingeniería mecánica Análisis de causa raíz Mantenimiento preventivo Diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) Resolución de incidencias Gestión de mantenimiento Mejora continua Procesos de fabricación
BA is growing and we need you!
Join our company with more than 5.000 employees and be part of the leading multinational glass packaging company.
At BA we believe in happiness, so we create experiences "by HeART", with Humbleness, Emotion, Ambition, Rigor and Transparency.
We produce more than 10 billion bottles and jars, that are present in the daily lives of all of us. These products are inspired and developed by 5.000 people, in 8 countries, and exported to more than 70 countries worldwide. We are more than a reference supplier based on continuous innovation and internal entrepreneurship.
We are seeking a talented Junior Plant Engineer (m/f) to integrate the Production team.
You are the one if you:
- hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (e.g.: Engineering)
- have a fresh, bold and challenging attitude
- are naturally curious for digitalization and innovation
- would like to work with an international environment
- are fascinated for the manufacturing processes
- have a hands-on attitude
- would like to be part of a moment of changing in a industry 4.0 environment
- are English proficient (other languages will be a plus)
- are willing to travel
What can you expect from this challenge?
- be integrated in areas such as: production, quality or maintenance!
- to support daily operations
- to participate in Continuous Improvement and Industry 4.0 projects
Full-time Position
Are you ready for this challenge? 🚀
We'd love to meet you!