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Madrid, ES
Information Technology Support Technician
Ria Money Transfer · Madrid, ES
The IT Support Technician is responsible to monitor 24x7 all production systems and ensure the highest uptime availability. Also, It’s the person in charge to report, escalate and follow up the system outages, to the proper engineer team NOC team is responsible to start incident call bridges and document incident reports. The team is the first line of contact for any production issue with end users and business. Also, provide support that includes identify and troubleshoot issues related with first level support.
• User´s support: remote and on-site support. (Connect remotely to other computers in the Europe division)
• Microsoft System Administration: basic level.
• Manage Active Directory: create an account, users, groups, and distribution list.
• Exchange: Acknowledge to user email administration
• Give support outside the Madrid division.
• Experience with ticketing system tools (Manage Engine and Jira)
• Phone support for internal users.
• Incident Management (SLA)
• Acknowledge an Infrastructure (basic level)
- High level of English.
- Acknowledge an Infrastructure (Switches, Routers, Servers, Workstation, and Printers)
- • Acknowledge microcomputing.
- • Availability to give On-duty support and overtime.
- • Time flexibility