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0Ph D student opportunity
15 ene.Universidade de Vigo
Vigo, ES
Ph D student opportunity
Universidade de Vigo · Vigo, ES
PhD student to work on marine systems adaptation to climate change
The successful applicant will enroll in the doctorate program Do Mar from Campus do Mar and will be supervised by Dr Elena Ojea (University of Vigo), starting in January 2025. The subsequent multidisciplinary applied research will be related to climate change adaptation in small-scale fisheries, combining natural and social science, including ecological, social and economic components. Moreover, it will have a strong applied focus on coastal-dependent human communities affected by shifts in marine species composition.
Interested candidates in conducting a PhD in the topic, and with great technical, language, and team work skills stay tuned as the call will be launched soon, in the meanwhile you can prepare the required documents (CV, cover letter with the rest of materials following the indications in in this PDF. The position will cover 1-year fellowship to start a PhD project, and we expect the elected PhD student to work on a PhD proposal that will be submitted to competitive grants to assure continuous funding through the whole PhD project.
Once the call is open, if you have any problem our doubt do not hesitate to contact to [email protected] as soon as possible indicating in the subject “PhD student-ATAC project application”. We look forward to reading your applications!