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SR GENES · Madrid, ES
Teletrabajo Estadística Investigación Capacidad de análisis Presentaciones PUENTES Atención al detalle Aptitudes de laboratorio Genética Genómica Genética humana
Summary of the Role
The position of Geneticist plays a crucial role in our organization, focusing on the application of genetic principles to understand, diagnose, and treat various genetic disorders. As a Geneticist, you will be expected to engage in research, provide expert advice, and work closely with other professionals in the healthcare and research sectors. You will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in genetics, assist in patient diagnostics, and help in the development of targeted therapies. Success in this role requires a strong scientific background, attention to detail, and the ability to collaborate across disciplines.
- Conduct genetic research to identify genetic disorders and their associated mechanisms.
- Analyze genetic data and provide insights into patient diagnoses and treatment options.
- Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, including physicians, researchers, and technicians, to provide genetic expertise.
- Develop and implement genetic testing protocols to improve diagnostic accuracy.
- Contribute to the writing of research papers, grant proposals, and reports.
- Stay up-to-date with advancements in genetic science and apply this knowledge to improve clinical outcomes.
How to Succeed in this Role
To succeed as a Geneticist in our organization, a deep understanding of genetics and genomics is essential. Strong analytical skills, the ability to interpret complex genetic data, and attention to detail are key. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, are necessary for collaborating with colleagues and presenting research findings. Furthermore, the ability to stay current with the latest research in genetics and apply these insights to real-world problems is vital for ongoing success in this field.
How the Role Fits into the Organization
The Geneticist is an integral part of our organization, as this role bridges the gap between scientific research and clinical application. By providing expert knowledge in genetics, this position supports the organization’s overall mission of advancing healthcare through innovation and research. The Geneticist’s contributions will not only impact individual patient care but also help drive the development of new therapies and technologies.
- A Ph.D. or Master's degree in Genetics, Genomics, or a related field.
- Strong knowledge of genetic principles, tools, and technologies.
- Experience in genetic analysis, including familiarity with bioinformatics tools.
- Excellent communication skills, both oral and written, to effectively share research findings and collaborate with other professionals.
- Experience in a clinical or research laboratory setting is preferred.
- Ability to stay informed on the latest genetic research and developments.
Auxiliar administrativo
26 feb.Laboratorios Gasset
Granada, La, ES
Auxiliar administrativo
Laboratorios Gasset · Granada, La, ES
Contabilidad Resolución de problemas Outlook Aptitudes de organización Facturacion Atención telefónica Funciones de recepcionista Equipo de oficina Mecanografía Administración general
Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos veterinarios selecciona candidato para incorporar al departamento de Administración y Contabilidad.
La persona seleccionada se encargará de las siguientes funciones:
Atención telefónica:
Soporte telefónico a los usuarios de las aplicaciones informáticas de la compañía.
Seguimiento de las incidencias.
Apoyo a facturación.
Conocimientos financieros
Persona dinámica y con capacidad para trabajar en equipo.
Disponibilidad para trabajar de martes a sábado.
Experiencia mínima de un año en puesto similar.
Tipo de puesto:
Jornada completa
Grado de Técnico Superior en Administración y Finanzas (o superior)
- Auxiliar administrativo: 1 año