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Madrid, ES
Research Assistant Reference: Pej-2023-Ai/Sal-Gl-28744
Investigación Puerta de Hierro · Madrid, ES
Organisation/Company Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro – Segovia de Arana (IDIPHISA)
Research Field Biological sciences » Biology
Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions Bachelor Positions
Country Spain
Application Deadline 28 Mar 2025 - 18:47 (Europe/Madrid)
Type of Contract Temporary
Job Status Full-time
Hours Per Week 37.5
Offer Starting Date 1 Apr 2025
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? European Union / Next Generation EU
Reference Number PEJ-2023-AI/SAL-GL-28744
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer DescriptionThe candidate to be hired with the present contract would join the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Hospital Puerta de Hierro - Segovia de Arana (IDIPHISA) within the Molecular Pathology research group focused on the study of EBV associated lymphomas.
Where to applyE-mail ******
RequirementsResearch Field Biological sciences » Biology
Education Level Bachelor Degree or equivalent
BSc. In biological sciences or similar
Skills and competences to be acquired in this job: Management and creation of clinical databases and human samples.Knowledge in flow cytometry, molecular genetics and Immunohistochemistry methods.Management of multiplex protocols for fluorescence microscopy.Management of scientific databases (Pubmed) and bibliographic references (Zotero, Ref-Manager) for writing publications and projects.Design, technical development and critical analysis of results of scientific experiments.Participation in scientific seminars and meetings.Specific Requirements: Basic Knowledge in bioinformatics, Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics.Previous experience in Biomedical labs.Comply with the requirements of the call for applications, specifically:Younger than 30 years.Provide a certificate from the Public Employment Service certifying unemployment up to the day prior to the date of hiring.Languages: SPANISH Level: Mother TongueENGLISH Level: GoodAdditional InformationWork Location(s)Number of offers available 1
Company/Institute Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro – Segovia de Arana (IDIPHISA)
Country Spain
State/Province Madrid
City Majadahonda
Postal Code 28222