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NuevaSanLucar Company
Puçol, ES
SanLucar Company · Puçol, ES
Your Role Highlights – Your Responsibilities
At SanLucar we believe that innovation is a key point when developing a company and its products. Our R&D department gives added value to our business with work on research into new varieties. The trainee will support the management of all the contractual and logistical documentation that must be carried out in the sale of plant material of protected varieties that SanLucar makes to the nurseries for subsequent sale to the producers. Thus, as the management of collection of royalties applied to these varieties.
In addition, you must update the databases for the control and monitoring of projects / contracts, support in the drafting of presentations and meeting minutes. You will also participate in supporting the team in the use of the IT technologies employed.
Become SanLucarian - What’s in for you?
Your internship will be accompanied by a tutor responsible for your professional training and by a supervisor of internships for the organization in general. You will also receive a personalised training plan and we regularly carry out an evaluation session in which we intend to carry out a personalised follow-up. In addition, we remunerate your activity monthly with 600€ gross. At the end of your stay we will give you a training certificate, including the evaluation. Of course, we can also offer you lots of sunshine, fresh fruits and plenty of opportunities to join our multi-cultural team.
Skills & Knowledges
- You are studying business administration or science (food science and technology, agricultural engineering…) and you are interested in the agricultural sector.
- You are responsible and motivated
- You have already gained some practical experience in R&D
- You are meticulous, open-minded, work independently and enjoy working in a team.
- You have a high level of knowledge in Spanish and preferably also in English; each additional language would be a plus
- You can sign an internship contract through your university or scholarship