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WikipediaUniversidade da Coruña
Ferrol, ES
Research Support Technician 2025/Cp/047
Universidade da Coruña · Ferrol, ES
Python SolidWorks Machine Learning Office
Organisation/Company: University of A Coruña
Research Field: Engineering » Other
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: Bachelor Positions
Country: Spain
Application Deadline: 27 Mar 2025 - 15:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Type of Contract: Permanent
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Offer Starting Date: 1 Apr 2025
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe
Reference Number: 2025/CP/047
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
Offer Description Grant/funding reference: European Project PILLAR-robots (GA101070381)
Job title: PILLAR-robots Purposeful Intrinsically-motivated Lifelong Learning Autonomous Robots
JOB DESCRIPTION: Research Technician for the development of implementations in real robots of the motivational architecture of a cognitive mechanism within the framework of the HORIZON PILLAR-ROBOTS project applied to cases such as edutainment.
TASKS TO BE PERFORMED: Research tasks related to artificial cognitive systems and autonomous robotics and their implementation in real robots.
It entails the development of a motivational and representation system within a cognitive architecture for robots, within the framework of lifelong learning, making the system autonomously generate motivations that guide behavior at every moment, based on its perceptions and experiences acquired in the past.
To do this, and following the philosophy of cognitive robotics, the biological mechanisms of autonomous learning that take place in human beings must be emulated in the robot.
Likewise, prior training in artificial intelligence techniques is required, such as machine learning and computer vision, as well as extensive knowledge of mechatronics, in addition to programming robots in Python language in ROS2 and realistic simulation environments such as Unreal Engine or Mujoco.
EVALUATION CRITERIA (rating out of 15 points): Degree in Mechatronic Engineering, or equivalent. (3 pts.
) Demonstrable professional experience related to hardware technology industries. (1 pt./year) Final degree project related to the activities of the plaza. (2 pts.
) Certified training in Solidworks. (1 pt.
) Certified training in the design and manufacturing of sensors and integrated circuits. (1 pt.
) Selection process WHERE TO APPLY: UDC online services site.
Applications should be addressed to the Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transference, and include the call reference.
DEADLINE: 5 working days from the day following the publication of the call on the official bulletin board of the UDC online services site.
Additional comments Indicate in the CV the tasks carried out in each of the jobs. The court will not evaluate those merits that are not sufficiently documented, nor those presented outside the deadline established for the presentation of applications. If no candidate has a score higher than 10 points, the position may be vacated. A waiting list will be created with the candidates who achieve above 12 points. Support documentation: Copy of national identity document. CV. Responsible declaration that the requirements of the call are fulfilled. *If you are a candidate from abroad Spain, please contact ****** for instructions on how to apply through the official electronic register of the University.
Universidade da Coruña
Ferrol, ES
Research Support Technician 2025/Cp/047
Universidade da Coruña · Ferrol, ES
Python SolidWorks Machine Learning Office
Organisation/Company: University of A Coruña
Research Field: Engineering » Other
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: Bachelor Positions
Country: Spain
Application Deadline: 27 Mar 2025 - 15:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Type of Contract: Permanent
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Offer Starting Date: 1 Apr 2025
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe
Reference Number: 2025/CP/047
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
Offer DescriptionGrant/funding reference: European Project PILLAR-robots (GA101070381)
Job title: PILLAR-robots Purposeful Intrinsically-motivated Lifelong Learning Autonomous Robots
Job DescriptionResearch Technician for the development of implementations in real robots of the motivational architecture of a cognitive mechanism within the framework of the HORIZON PILLAR-ROBOTS project applied to cases such as edutainment.
Tasks to be Performed:Research tasks related to artificial cognitive systems and autonomous robotics and their implementation in real robots.
It entails the development of a motivational and representation system within a cognitive architecture for robots, within the framework of lifelong learning, making the system autonomously generate motivations that guide behavior at every moment, based on its perceptions and experiences acquired in the past.
To do this, and following the philosophy of cognitive robotics, the biological mechanisms of autonomous learning that take place in human beings must be emulated in the robot.
Likewise, prior training in artificial intelligence techniques is required, such as machine learning and computer vision, as well as extensive knowledge of mechatronics, in addition to programming robots in Python language in ROS2 and realistic simulation environments such as Unreal Engine or Mujoco.
Evaluation Criteria (rating out of 15 points):Degree in Mechatronic Engineering, or equivalent.
3 pts.
(0.5 pts./year)Demonstrable professional experience related to hardware technology industries.
1 pt./year (max 2 pts.
)Final degree project related to the activities of the plaza.
2 pts.
(1 pt./year)Certified training in Solidworks.
1 pt.Certified training in the design and manufacturing of sensors and integrated circuits.
1 pt.Selection ProcessWhere to Apply: UDC online services site.
Applications should be addressed to the Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transference, and include the call reference.
Deadline: 5 working days from the day following the publication of the call on the official bulletin board of the UDC online services site.
Additional CommentsIndicate in the CV the tasks carried out in each of the jobs.The court will not evaluate those merits that are not sufficiently documented, nor those presented outside the deadline established for the presentation of applications.If no candidate has a score higher than 10 points, the position may be vacated.A waiting list will be created with the candidates who achieve above 12 points.Support Documentation:Copy of national identity document.CV.Responsible declaration that the requirements of the call are fulfilled.*If you are a candidate from abroad Spain, please contact ****** for instructions on how to apply through the official electronic register of the University.
Universidade da Coruña
Ferrol, ES
Research Support Technician 2025/Cp/047
Universidade da Coruña · Ferrol, ES
Python SolidWorks Machine Learning Office
Organisation/Company: University of A Coruña
Research Field: Engineering » Other
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: Bachelor Positions
Country: Spain
Application Deadline: 27 Mar 2025 - 15:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Type of Contract: Permanent
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Offer Starting Date: 1 Apr 2025
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Horizon Europe
Reference Number: 2025/CP/047
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
Offer DescriptionGrant/funding reference: European Project PILLAR-robots (GA101070381)
Job title: PILLAR-robots Purposeful Intrinsically-motivated Lifelong Learning Autonomous Robots
Job DescriptionResearch Technician for the development of implementations in real robots of the motivational architecture of a cognitive mechanism within the framework of the HORIZON PILLAR-ROBOTS project applied to cases such as edutainment.
Tasks to be performed:Research tasks related to artificial cognitive systems and autonomous robotics and their implementation in real robots.
It entails the development of a motivational and representation system within a cognitive architecture for robots, within the framework of lifelong learning, making the system autonomously generate motivations that guide behavior at every moment, based on its perceptions and experiences acquired in the past.
To do this, and following the philosophy of cognitive robotics, the biological mechanisms of autonomous learning that take place in human beings must be emulated in the robot.
Likewise, prior training in artificial intelligence techniques is required, such as machine learning and computer vision, as well as extensive knowledge of mechatronics, in addition to programming robots in Python language in ROS2 and realistic simulation environments such as Unreal Engine or Mujoco.
Evaluation Criteria (rating out of 15 points):Degree in Mechatronic Engineering, or equivalent. - 3 pts.
(0.5 pts./year)Demonstrable professional experience related to hardware technology industries. - 2 pts.
(1 pt./year)Final degree project related to the activities of the plaza. - 2 pts.
(1 pt./year)Certified training in Solidworks. - 1 pt.Certified training in the design and manufacturing of sensors and integrated circuits. - 1 pt.Selection ProcessWHERE TO APPLY: UDC online services site.
Applications should be addressed to the Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transference, and include the call reference.
DEADLINE: 5 working days from the day following the publication of the call on the official bulletin board of the UDC online services site.
Additional CommentsIndicate in the CV the tasks carried out in each of the jobs.The court will not evaluate those merits that are not sufficiently documented, nor those presented outside the deadline established for the presentation of applications.If no candidate has a score higher than 10 points, the position may be vacated.A waiting list will be created with the candidates who achieve above 12 points.Support Documentation:Copy of national identity document.CV.Responsible declaration that the requirements of the call are fulfilled.*If you are a candidate from abroad Spain, please contact ****** for instructions on how to apply through the official electronic register of the University.
Diseñador mecánico
23 mar.Geniotic
Molina de Segura, ES
Diseñador mecánico
Geniotic · Molina de Segura, ES
Geniotic Solutions, empresa líder en el diseño de instalaciones de robótica industrial y colaborativa busca un diseñador de maquinaria industrial con experiencia en el diseño de maquinaria.
- Realizacion de diseños de maquinaria especial.
- Realizacion de planos de montaje y fabricacion.
- Conomientos de procesos de fabricacion.
- Mejora continua en diseños previos.
- Aportar soluciones de ingenieria y gestion de procesos.
- Experiencia previa en el diseño de maquinaria industrial, preferiblemente en el sector de la automatización
- Conocimientos avanzados en programas de diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD), como SolidWorks o AutoCAD
- Capacidad para trabajar en equipo y comunicarse eficazmente con otros departamentos
- Habilidad para resolver problemas técnicos de forma creativa e innovadora
- Compromiso con los valores de la empresa
- Posibilidad de avanzar profesionalmente y contar con un mentor.
- Plan de desarrollo de carrera personalizado.
- Entorno de trabajo dinámico, colaborativo y creativo.
- Oportunidades de aprendizaje continuo para tu crecimiento.
- ¿Quieres formar parte de un equipo innovador y apasionado por la robótica industrial? ¡Únete a nosotros como Diseñador de Maquinaria industrial y sé parte de nuestra historia de éxito!
Wurzel Group Spain
Astillero, El, ES
Ingeniero de diseño mecánico para fábrica de máquinaria.
Wurzel Group Spain · Astillero, El, ES
SolidWorks Manufactura Diseño Modelado 3D Ingeniería mecánica Diseño de productos Diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) Autodesk Inventor Mecanizado PTC Creo
Posición: Ingeniero de diseño mecánico para fábrica de maquinaria
Referencia: INDIME-WU-W0104-ESP
Lugar de trabajo: Guarnizo, España
Descripción: Importante empresa española dedicada a la construcción de maquinaria rotativa para la fabricación de todo tipo de cables y sectores que el mercado, se encuentra en búsqueda de un Ingeniero de diseño mecánico en Guarnizo en España.
Responsabilidades y funciones principales:
- Diseño de conjuntos de máquinas y su posterior despiece en piezas unitarias que dispongan de todas las indicaciones (tolerancias, acabados, rugosidad, etc…) para que se puedan construir y mecanizar.
- Conlleva estructuras, piezas a diseñar dimensionando basándose en proyectos previos similares bien más pequeño o más grande y adaptando los conjuntos y piezas individuales.
- En los conjuntos hay que incluir muchos tipos de partes comerciales como motores, rodamientos, sistemas de transmisión de correa y poleas, cadenas o engranajes, sistemas de guiado lineal por patines, embragues, frenos, roscas especiales, sistemas de cierre, fijaciones, amortiguadores, bisagras, esquemas con sus componentes neumaticos e hidraulicos como son válvulas, cilindros, etc.
Experiencia en diseño 3D de maquinaria o de mecanismos con sistemas de transmisión: motores, correas, engranajes, guiados lineales, embragues, frenos, partes neumáticas como cilindros e hidráulicas.
Experiencia en diseño en 3D en el software de Solid Edge, Inventor, Solid Works, Catia o similares.
Experiencia: Haber trabajado varios años en un puesto similar.
Estudios: Ingeniero de grado o técnico con especialidad de mecánica.
Idiomas: El inglés no es indispensable pero contar con él sería un plus.
Ofrecemos: Sueldo según la valía profesional.
Diseñador industrial
Bescanó, ES
Diseñador industrial
¡Buscamos Diseñador/a Industrial, Ingeniero/a Industrial o personas con el Grado Superior en Diseño industrial en Girona!
En Tecnodimension, queremos sumar a nuestro equipo de diseño un/a profesional con 3-4 años de experiencia en el sector.
Requisito imprescindible: Residir en Girona ciudad o alrededores. No consideramos candidaturas de otras ubicaciones.
- Manejo de software como AutoCAD, Rhino, SolidWorks o similares
- Experiencia en modelado 3D y CAD
- Creatividad y habilidades técnicas para desarrollar productos innovadores.
Si cumples con los requisitos y vives en Girona, envíanos tu CV a [email protected] o aplica directamente aquí.
Por favor, abstenerse candidatos que no residan en Girona o alrededores.
Ingeniero Electrónico
21 mar.Hidraulica Romyspan
València, ES
Ingeniero Electrónico
Hidraulica Romyspan · València, ES
¡Únete a nuestro equipo!
En Hidráulica Romyspan buscamos ampliar nuestro equipo con un ingenier@ electrónico y de comunicaciones.
Titulaciones deseadas:Grado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática Industrial, Grado en Ingeniería Industrial, Grado en Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones.
Requisitos:No se requiere experiencia.Conocimientos en Industria 4.0.Conocimientos amplios en electrónica.Interpretación y diseño de esquemas electrónicos.Conocimientos básicos en programas de diseño: AutoCAD, SOLIDWORKS, INVENTOR.Se valora conocimiento adicional en software: TIOPORTAL, ARDUINO.Se valorará conocimientos sobre redes de comunicaciones.Manejo de equipos y herramientas de laboratorio para desarrollo de productos.Inglés nivel alto.Incorporación inmediata.Se valorará proactividad y aporte de ideas.
Beneficios:Oportunidades de crecimiento profesional y desarrollo personal.Ambiente de trabajo colaborativo e innovador.Participación en proyectos emocionantes y de vanguardia en la industria.¿Interesado/a en unirte a nuestro equipo?
¡Envíanos tu CV actualizado y únete a esta emocionante aventura tecnológica!
Podéis enviarnos el CV a la cuenta de correo: ******
Ph.D. R&D Mechanical Engineer
21 mar.NanoChronia
Ph.D. R&D Mechanical Engineer
NanoChronia · Tarragona, ES
Teletrabajo Ingeniería eléctrica Programación Aprendizaje automático Desarrollo de productos Ingeniería mecánica Sistemas embebidos Diseño de productos Diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) Investigación y desarrollo (I+D) Procesamiento de señales SolidWorks
Who We Are
At NanoChronia, we specialize in developing and commercializing cutting-edge gas sensor technology. Our mission is to transform breakthrough laboratory innovations into market-ready solutions, ensuring high performance, scalability, and regulatory compliance.
We are seeking a R&D Engineer (Ph.D.) to play a critical role in bringing our sensor technology from the research phase to full commercialization. This position requires a multidisciplinary skill set, including mechanical design, simulations, project management, and industrialization.
What You Will Do
Product Industrialization & Enclosure Design
- Design and develop sensor enclosures and mechanical structures using CAD tools (SolidWorks, Creo, or equivalent).
- Optimize designs for scalability, durability, and regulatory compliance (e.g. ATEX, CE, ISO standards).
- Select appropriate materials and manufacturing processes for robust, cost-effective enclosures.
- Together with the materials scientists develop reactors to scale up the manufacturing process.
- Simulation & Validation
- Perform structural, thermal, and fluid dynamics simulations to optimize product performance.
- Validate mechanical and electronic designs through prototyping and laboratory testing.
- Ensure that the product meets industrial safety and environmental regulations.
Project Management & Commercialization
- Lead the transition from lab-scale prototypes to commercially viable products.
- Collaborate with R&D, manufacturing partners, and regulatory bodies to define production strategies.
- Assist in supply chain development, ensuring manufacturability at scale.
- Manage project timelines, budgets, and risk assessments for product development milestones.
- Collaboration & Documentation
- Work closely with electronic, software, and materials engineers to integrate all system components.
- Prepare technical reports, design documentation, and compliance files.
- Support certification processes to meet industry standards and regulations.
What You Need
- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Applied Physics, or a related field.
- Strong expertise in CAD modeling, enclosure design, and product industrialization.
- Experience with mechanical simulations (FEA, CFD) for validation and optimization.
- Knowledge of manufacturing processes (injection molding, CNC machining, additive manufacturing, etc.).
- Familiarity with regulatory requirements for product certification (e.g., ATEX, CE, ISO 9001, ISO 13485).
- Strong project management skills, with the ability to coordinate multidisciplinary teams.
- Fluent in English (Spanish is a plus).
Work permit and valid residence.
Valuable Experience (Preferred but Not Required)
- Experience bringing hardware products from R&D to commercialization.
- Understanding of sensor technology and gas detection systems.
- Knowledge of thermal management and environmental sealing for enclosures.
- Experience with Lean Manufacturing and DFM/DFA methodologies.
Why Join NanoChronia?
- Competitive salary
- 23 vacation days per year
- 1-day per week remote work & flexible hours.
- Work in a highly innovative R&D environment.
- Location Tarragona.
- Opportunities for professional growth in sensor industrialization and commercialization.
- Collaborative and supportive team environment.
Responsable industrial i+D+i
20 mar.Boss Digital Group
Gijón, ES
Responsable industrial i+D+i
Boss Digital Group · Gijón, ES
🚍 Si te apasiona la ingeniería, la innovación y el desarrollo de nuevos productos, queremos conocerte!
Únete como Responsable Industrial I+D+i de una empresa líder en el sector industrial en Gijón.
Este rol es clave para supervisar la Oficina Técnica y la fabricación de prototipos, coordinando un equipo de ingenieros y operarios.
- Dirigir la Oficina Técnica y el personal de fabricación, asegurando que todos los miembros del equipo trabajen de manera alineada con los objetivos de la empresa.
- Coordinar el desarrollo de nuevos productos, desde la fase de diseño hasta la fabricación de prototipos.
- Fomentar un ambiente de trabajo positivo.
- Título en Ingeniería Técnica o equivalente.
- Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en roles similares, preferentemente en el ámbito de la fabricación o diseño industrial.
- Conocimiento sólido en mecánica, materiales y diseño estructural.
- Experiencia con software de diseño CAD (Autocad, SolidWorks, CATIA) y simulaciones estructurales.
- Capacidades de liderazgo y comunicación, con un enfoque en la motivación y el apoyo al equipo.
- Creatividad.
- Compromiso.
- Inglés a nivel intermedio.
- Formación PRL.
- Entorno de trabajo dinámico y colaborativo donde la innovación es clave.
- Oportunidades de formación y desarrollo profesional continuo.
- Formar parte de un equipo comprometido con la excelencia y la mejora continua.
- Participación en proyectos desafiantes.