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23 mar.Airbus
Madrid, ES
Airbus · Madrid, ES
Job Description
Missions and activities
The Technician is part of the Production Tests Team. Under supervision of the Production Tests Team Leader. The Technician is responsible for the test procedures update and the execution and reporting of the board / equipment level tests.
Tasks Description
- - Test procedures - For each verification test activity conducted at the board / equipment level, test procedures shall be updated describing the test objectives, test configuration and setups, instrumentation step by step description and success criteria. Test procedures are derived of Test Plan prepared by the Technical Manager.
- - Test execution - For the test execution, the Test technician shall prepare several jigs and tooling fixtures. Test execution will be performed in collaboration with test senior technician / test engineer (the first models until the knowledge transfer has been completed). Test execution demands high level of concentration and care to handle and operate the deliverable product. Furthermore, this work has to be done under tight schedules and, very often, customer pressure. Some projects can ask test execution in double shift, during all campaign or partially. Therefore, temporarily, it shall be necessary to work in the evening shift / weekends.
- - Test reporting: After each unit verification activity, a test report shall be submitted. The report shall describe the most significant results, comparision of the measured parameters with requirements or allocations and the degree in which the initial objectives were accomplished.
Disciplined and methodic person with capability to negotiate with diverse teams
Talent Development
Team motivation and performance management.
Stress Management
Persuasion skills
Effective communication
Active listening
Decision making
Education And Background Requirements
Degree in Vocational Training
2 years of testing and reporting in hardware, at component boards, in space, aircrafts, military fields. Skills in handling
This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company’s success, reputation and sustainable growth.
Computadoras, Redes e Ingeniería, SA
Contract Type
Experience Level
Job Family
Test operations
By submitting your CV or application you are consenting to Airbus using and storing information about you for monitoring purposes relating to your application or future employment. This information will only be used by Airbus.
Airbus is committed to achieving workforce diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome all applications irrespective of social and cultural background, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief.
Airbus is, and always has been, committed to equal opportunities for all. As such, we will never ask for any type of monetary exchange in the frame of a recruitment process. Any impersonation of Airbus to do so should be reported to [email protected].
At Airbus, we support you to work, connect and collaborate more easily and flexibly. Wherever possible, we foster flexible working arrangements to stimulate innovative thinking.
Head of Test Facilities
23 mar.Airbus
Madrid, ES
Head of Test Facilities
Airbus · Madrid, ES
Job Description
Airbus Crisa (TSAI) is the organization within Airbus DS - Space Systems in charge of design, development and production of Avionics Equipment for Space applications, both to Airbus DS internal customer and for external customers.
Within Operations and Programs section, Test Operations is the department in charge of flight HW verification either at assembly level or at unit level.
As a member of the Test Operations department and in the role of Facilities Management Team Leader, manages, leads, develops and engage the team to meet time, quality, cost and safety requirements. His/her main activities will be the following in line with Airbus leadership model:
- To manage the different testing teams in the testing facilities, i.e., vibration testing, thermal testing, electromagnetic test, instrumentation.
- Organize daily work with the team anticipating problems and driven improvement solutions ensuring effective communication within the team and key interfaces. Ensuring delivery safely at required date, required quality level and right cost (e.g. manage factors affecting costs: training, tooling, consumables budgets, and outstanding works)
- Ensure operational control by effectively managing workload and resources, developing cross-functional teamworking and applying practical problem solving tools.
- Maintain the operational excellence and ensure the customer (projects) satisfaction by contributing to Operations delivering electronic modules and units on time, on cost, on quality.
- To plan and follow the testing activities according the projects production overall plan with the required quality.
- Regular exchange with the Test Planification Manager and different test team leaders to get update of project schedule.
- Testing facilities cost budgeting and control.
- Materials and means for testing readiness assessment.
- To evaluate the production issues and problems to solve any potential pain point and trace it as lesson learnt.
- To perform the regular performance interviews, i.e., annual TCO, team reviews, compensation.
- To detect and achieve the correct skilling for the team requesting regular trainings.
- To estimate the department budget for further needs.
- To elaborate external testing proposal for third entities.
- To anticipate the likely blocking/pain points to avoid extra costs or extra delays in production.
- To support the internal improvement process within the section.
- Lead improvement process inside operating area, aligned with objectives, giving Lean and Quality tools to achieve solutions and fostering improvement proposals and ensuring budget in line with business cases to implement them.
- Guarantee application of working methods and processes, ensure success of the annual audits (EN9100, ISO14001) and of any other process audits
Disciplined and methodic person with capability to negotiate with diverse teams
Talent Development
Team motivation and performance management.
Stress Management
Persuasion skills
Effective communication
Active listening
Decision making
Education & Background Requirements
University Degree
Languages: English & Spanis
This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company’s success, reputation and sustainable growth.
Computadoras, Redes e Ingeniería, SA
Contract Type
Experience Level
Job Family
By submitting your CV or application you are consenting to Airbus using and storing information about you for monitoring purposes relating to your application or future employment. This information will only be used by Airbus.
Airbus is committed to achieving workforce diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome all applications irrespective of social and cultural background, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief.
Airbus is, and always has been, committed to equal opportunities for all. As such, we will never ask for any type of monetary exchange in the frame of a recruitment process. Any impersonation of Airbus to do so should be reported to [email protected].
At Airbus, we support you to work, connect and collaborate more easily and flexibly. Wherever possible, we foster flexible working arrangements to stimulate innovative thinking.
Cabezas de San Juan, Las, ES
Operario/a mantenimiento Airbus Sevilla
NA · Cabezas de San Juan, Las, ES
¿Te apetece formar parte de unos de los sectores más dinámicos como es el sector aeroportuario? Si la respuesta es sí, no dudes en seguir leyendo.
Más de 2.100 profesionales y operaciones en 8 países Nos dedicamos al transporte y almacenamiento de una amplia gama de graneles líquidos, especialmente productos refinados, químicos/as y bicombustibles, de forma sostenible y eficiente, conscientes de que las actividades que realizamos contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida y al progreso de la sociedad. Contamos con una plantilla de más de 2.100 profesionales y operamos en 8 países: España, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Alemania, Holanda, Panamá, Ecuador y Perú, con una red de oleoductos de más de 6.000 kilómetros, 68 terminales de almacenamiento y 46 instalaciones aeroportuarias, con una capacidad de más de 11 millones de metros cúbicos.
Buscamos personas apasionadas como tú, pudiendo ofrecerte un contrato como Operario/a de mantenimiento en el Aeropuerto de Sevilla.
Realizarás una formación de dos semanas, indicándose en el contrato, y en caso de que necesites desplazarte, las dietas están incluidas. Además, trabajarás con turnos rotativos y mediante cuadrantes, permitiéndote poder disfrutar del resto del día, por lo que si eres una persona que disfruta con nuevos retos, ¡inscríbete a la oferta para que podamos conocerte!
En Exolum estamos comprometidos con el principio de igualdad de oportunidades laborales para todas las personas trabajadoras y con proporcionar a nuestros equipos un entorno laboral libre de discriminación y acoso.
Todas las decisiones de empleo en Exolum se basan en las necesidades, los requisitos del trabajo y las calificaciones individuales, sin distinción de raza, religión o creencias, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad físico/a, mental o sensorial, enfermedad, identidad y/o expresión de género, orientación sexual y estado civil.
Todo nuestro proceso de selección se realiza a través de esta plataforma para garantizar una experiencia fluida y justa para todas las personas que se inscriben a nuestras ofertas.
Las principales tareas que realizarás en tu día a día, aunque ampliaremos información en la entrevista serán:
- Labores de mantenimiento preventivo e incluso correctivo en instalaciones fija
-Mantenimiento electromecánico/a de la instalación
- Trabajo con los PLCs
- Atender posibles incidencias de los sistemas en las pruebas de combustible (válvulas, revisión de caudales, etc.)
- Entrega de los productos a las aeronaves en caso de ser necesarios los suministros.
¿Te apetece formar parte de unos de los sectores más dinámicos como es el sector aeroportuario? Si la respuesta es sí, no dudes en seguir leyendo.
Exolum es una compañía internacional líder en el transporte y almacenamiento de productos petrolíferos en Europa y una de las principales de este sector en el mundo. Gestionan la red de productos refinados más extensa de Europa y ocupan la segunda posición a nivel europeo por volumen de capacidad de almacenamiento y la séptima a nivel mundial.
Buscamos personas apasionadas como tú, pudiendo ofrecerte un contrato como oficial abastecedor en la zona del aeropuerto de Reus.
El carácter del contrato será temporal, entrando directamente en nuestra bolsa para futuros empleos. Realizarás una formación de dos semanas, indicándose en el contrato, y en caso de que necesites desplazarte, las dietas están incluidas. Además, trabajarás con turnos rotativos y mediante cuadrantes, permitiéndote poder disfrutar del resto del día, por lo que si eres una persona que disfruta con nuevos retos, ¡inscríbete a la oferta para que podamos conocerte!
En Adecco creemos en la igualdad de oportunidades y apostamos por el Talento Sin Etiquetas
-Ciclo Formativo Superior (electricidad/electrónico/a, mecánico/a y/o mantenimiento de equipos industriales)
- Valorable estar en posesión del permiso de conducir de la clase E (C1; C)
- Valorable estar en posesión del certificado ADR (básico y cisternas) de mercancías peligrosas
- Valorable estar en posesión del CAP (Certificado de Aptitud Profesional).
- Disponer de residencia próxima al aeropuerto
- Disponibilidad y flexibilidad horaria
- Experiencia previa en funciones similares
-Disponibilidad de incorporación inmediata
-Disponibilidad para realizar turnos rotativos de mañana, tarde y noche de Lunes a Domingo
¿Qué ofrecemos?
Beneficios del puesto:
-Duración del contrato: indefinido.
-Lugar de trabajo: Instalaciones de Airbus en Sevilla
-Salario por convenio
Industrial System Engineer
18 mar.Airbus
Industrial System Engineer
Airbus · Madrid, ES
Teletrabajo Office
Job Description:
An opportunity as an Industrial System Engineer has arisen within the Sustainable Production System & Digital organization.
Sustainable Production System & Digital is part of #AirbusGetafePlant Manufacturing Engineering. Our vision is "to secure the industrial system today and to create the sustainable industrial solution of the future," and we need someone like you!
We share a spirit of teamwork, creativity, integrity, and reliability as our values.
We count on your passion, energy, and motivation to work on the development, maintenance, and continuous improvement of present and future industrial systems.
As part of the industrial ecosystem, you will have the opportunity to develop project management, problem-solving, strategy, and leadership skills.
#AirbusGetafePlant is a specialist in the structural assembly and equipping of HTPs for the A320, A330, and A350 families, as well as the S19 for the A350, using automated and robotic methods. We are experts in dry carbon fiber manufacturing.
The Industrial System Engineer core mission is to predict and improve our Industrial Performance by developing and deploying:
- Lean Industrial System Design to optimize flows and ensure the best industrial footprint
- Industrial Models and Simulations to anticipate, replicate and/or optimize the behavior of the industrial system.
He/she works close to the Industrial Architects, the ISE translates a concept way of working into a real industrial scenario, taking into account: surfaces, activities, technologies, lead times, etc...
to create a suitable and competitive shopfloor for aeronautical activities.
- Conducts and leads the Industrial System Design and Modelling from a concept defined by the Industrial Architects
- Supports Industrialization & Ramp Up projects in Getafe Plant in terms of design, modeling and flow simulation
- Analyzes the potential Industrial Performance of future & current assembly lines through time value calculation and optimization
- Leads Industrial Line Flow Simulation Projects as Digital Twin for Plant activities.
- Key user of 3D software (as 3DExperience for example) for new lay outs, lines simulation & modelling, logistic clashes between elements, ergonomics analysis at station level, performance monitoring of current processes, etc...
- Machine Connectivity Leader at plant level & responsible of the strategy definition, taking into account Maintenance & Operations inputs, meeting central teams to secure budgets
- Participates into innovation technologies deployment in the Industrialization scope & supports potential Airbus digital tools deployment
- Supports Data Analytics projects and processes. Responsible for data management to enable decision making processes, patterns detection, machines availability improvement, early breakdowns warming...
- Takes part in Standard Line Balancing definition during the industrialization phase
- Value Stream Analysis Standard owner & responsible of deployment in new lines
Main Requirements:
- Knowledge and experience in manufacturing engineering.
- University Degree in Engineering
- Knowledge on 3DX
- Knowledge on Anylogic would be a plus
- English negotiation level is a must. Another language would be valuable.
At Airbus we are focused on our employees and their welfare. Take a look at some of our social benefits:
- Vacation days and additional days-off along the year (+35 days off in total).
- Attractive salary and compensation package.
- Hybrid model of working when possible, promoting the work-life balance (40% remote work).
- Collective transport service in some sites.
- Benefits such as health insurance, employee stock options, retirement plan, or study grants.
- On-site facilities (among others): free canteen, kindergarten, medical office.
- Possibility to collaborate in different social and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
- Excellent upskilling opportunities and great development prospects in a multicultural environment.
- Special rates in products & benefits.
Airbus is a leader in designing, manufacturing and delivering aerospace products, services and solutions to customers on a worldwide scale, pioneering sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world.
With around 130,000 employees and as the largest aeronautics and space company in Europe and a worldwide leader, Airbus is at the forefront of the aviation industry, connecting people and places via air and space.
At Airbus, we support you to work, connect and collaborate more easily and flexibly. Wherever possible, we foster flexible working arrangements to stimulate innovative thinking.
Real-Time Software Engineer
14 mar.Airbus
Madrid, ES
Real-Time Software Engineer
Airbus · Madrid, ES
QA Eclipse UML
An opportunity for a Real-Time Software Engineerhas arisen within Airbus Defence and Space, Getafe (Madrid).
Our world is changing. And so are we. From our commitment to zero-carbon flight (#ZEROe) to cleaning up space, sustainability is at the heart of our purpose. So what´s your next change?
Our team, "Products and Solutions" is part of the engineering function in Airbus Defence and Space, designing and developing products, hardware and software, providing connectivity and communications capabilities to our customers. These products are integrated as part of the solutions provided by two out of the three main programme lines in Airbus Defence and Space, Secure Communications in Connected Intelligence, and all military airborne platforms in Military Air Systems (A400M, Eurofighter, C295, etc.)
Be part of the future by making the next generation of high-integrity airborne real-time systems, paving the way for innovation in smart connectivity, distributed networking, and artificial intelligence adoption. You will take part in a high performance team that is involved in the complete lifecycle of the embedded software product, from building the SW requirements, to the final testing and target computer implementation. You should be able to lead and take responsibility on design/architectural decisions, as well as leading the development of specific projects.
TRAVEL REQUIRED: Occasional travel within national and international areas (around 3-day trip).
- Financial rewards: including pay, bonuses and transportation facility.
- Work/life Balance: flexible working around core hours, hybrid working.
- Personal development: personalised development plan, Airbus Leadership University and unlimited access to 10,000+ e-learning courses, internal mobility including international opportunities.
- Work across all the levels of embedded software development according to specific SW standards (SW requirements, SW design, SW coding, SW verification, SW configuration, SW documentation release, SW change management and support to SW QA).
- Partner with product & program managers, system engineers and validation teams to drive software products.
- Participate in the planning and scope for the team projects.
- Support product owners and project managers to deliver high quality software on time.
- Promote innovation across the department.
Required skills and qualifications:
- Educated in software, IT, telecommunication, industrial engineering degree or a related discipline.
- Expertise on real-time and/or embedded software development.
- Expertise on defining SW requirements.
- Expertise on C/C++ and/or Ada programming languages and low-level development.
- Expertise on software verification.
- Fluent level of English and Spanish.
Preferred skills and qualifications:
- Knowledge of SW airworthiness certification processes: DO-178C, EFA Standards.
- Awareness of cyber-security concepts and accreditation processes (Common Criteria).
- Experience on: system & SW design tools (SysML, UML), integrated development environment (GPS, AdaMulti, Eclipse), verification tools (Vector Cast, AdaTest95).
- Interest and ability to conciliate multiple perspectives regarding products, projects and processes.
Many of our staff work flexibly in many different ways, including part-time. Please talk to us at interview about the flexibility you need and we´ll always do our best to accommodate your request.
Please let us know if you need us to make any reasonable adjustments for the selection process - you can share this with your talent acquisition partner if you are invited to interview. Examples may include (but not exclusive to) accessible facilities; auxiliary aids; room layout, etc. Any information disclosed will be treated in the strictest confidence.
At Airbus, we support you to work, connect and collaborate more easily and flexibly. Wherever possible, we foster flexible working arrangements to stimulate innovative thinking
This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company´s success, reputation and sustainable growth.
Full-stack SW developer
12 mar.Airbus
Madrid, ES
Full-stack SW developer
Airbus · Madrid, ES
Javascript Angular Agile CSS HTML QA Office
Within Embedded Software and System Engineering department, the candidate will be involved in software specification, software development & verification for high integrity airborne Real-Time systems. Candidate should be able to lead and to take responsibility on design/architectural decisions as well as leading a specific project development. Projects will consist on embedded software and system developments for A400M, Tankers, C-295, UAVs, H160M & Tiger MkIII helicopters.
- Work at all levels of embedded software development according to specific SW standards (Sw Requirements, Sw Design, Sw Coding, Sw Verification, Sw Configuration, Sw Documentation release, Sw Change Management and Support software QA)
- Derivate Sw requirements from functional requirements and interface definition.
- Participate on requirements technical reviews.
- Partner with Product/Program Managers, System Engineers and Validation to drive software products.
- Participate in the planning and scope for the team projects.
- Support Product Owners and PMs to deliver high quality software on time.
- Commit and deliver high quality software deliverables on time, cost and quality.
- Promote innovation across the department.
- Conceives team structure and constantly seeks opportunities to adjust team structure to maximize agility and efficiency.
We´re looking for candidates with the following skills:
- Educated in a Telecommunication, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering degree or a related discipline.
- Expertise on Javascript, AngularJS, NW.JS, OpenLayers, HTML, CSS.
- Experience on software verification activities.
- Experience on Requirement Management & Requirements Management tools (DOORS).
- Experience on Continuous Development & Continuous Integration activities.
- Experience on Agile Methodologies.
- A plus is experience with Model Based System Engineering.
- A plus is experience on Real-Time Software development aspects.
- A plus is experience on Sw Certification: DO-178B/C
- High level of English and Spanish
Which benefits will you have as Airbus Employee?
At Airbus we are focused on our employees and their welfare. Take a look at some of our social benefits:
- Vacation days and additional days-off along the year.
- Attractive salary.
- Collective transport service in some sites.
- Benefits such as health insurance, employee stock options, retirement plan, or study grants.
- On-site facilities (among others): free canteen, kindergarten, medical office.
- Possibility to collaborate in different social and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
- Excellent upskilling opportunities and great development prospects in a multicultural environment.
- Special rates in products & benefits.
Want to know more about us?
Airbus is a leader in designing, manufacturing and delivering aerospace products, services and solutions to customers on a worldwide scale, pioneering sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world.
With around 130,000 employees and as the largest aeronautics and space company in Europe and a worldwide leader, Airbus is at the forefront of the aviation industry, connecting people and places via air and space.
At Airbus, we support you to work, connect and collaborate more easily and flexibly. Wherever possible, we foster flexible working arrangements to stimulate innovative thinking.
This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company´s success, reputation and sustainable growth.
Airbus Defence and Space SAU
Employment Type:
Experience Level:
Job Family:
Software Engineering
Avionics Mission
11 mar.Airbus
Madrid, ES
Avionics Mission
Airbus · Madrid, ES
Job Description:
At Airbus Defense and Space, the domain ´Integration Test & Analysis´ in Spain is looking for additional staff in the perimeter of Avionics & Mission Systems area supporting Lab & Rig Integration Test activities. The successful applicant will become part of the team based in Getafe (although depending on program workload it may also require support to testing activities during short-mid periods of time in other sites as Madrid/Seville, Manching, etc.).
The scope of responsibility covers from the test requirements gathering and assessment in order to define the integrated tests procedures and test plan; the execution of the tests procedures and final results analysis and reporting.
The tests support covers from development up to certification and qualification of the systems.
As of today, the main customers are the current aircraft programs A330 MRTT, A400M, C295, Eurofighter, SIRTAP, TDMS and Tornado, but in the very near future EuroMale, NGF and FCAS will also be part of it.
We are currently looking for a Test Specialist (mainly devoted to Avionics & Mission), within Integration Test & Analysis scope, for the Spanish perimeter of TADVA at Getafe site, who will help us to prepare, support, execute, analyze and report all related integration test activities on sub-system/system level for avionics and mission integration scope in accordance with the requirements of the program-specific V&V plans in a technical work environment with continuously increasing complexity. If you have a technical background as engineer with testing competences, and also feel comfortable in the technical coordination tasks among test center domains, and relevant design offices, take advantage of this unique opportunity for a very varied, interesting and challenging job.
- Support project coordinators and Test specialists to prepare, execute integration test on ground on the aircraft, support flight test execution and derive required reporting and data analysis.
- Support Test Specialist to prepare the contribution to the Integrated Test Team forum within the scope of the activities.
- Support for development, certification and qualification lab/rig testing activities according to Test Program requirements. Ensure & support appropriate V&V strategy for these activities. Follow-up of test progress.
- Participate in the elaboration of Test planning; Review, optimize and challenge Test Requests.
- Interface with DO, AW and certification authorities, supporting test activities on certification meetings when required, write Certification/Qualification Cards and test plans and Certification/Qualification Test Reports.
- Interface and coordination with Test Integrators, Design Offices, Chief Engineering Office and Program Offices. Provide expertise to system architecture and design definition for Avionics & Mission Systems integration
- Identify, categorize, track and analyse system misbehaviours, providing the detailed information and associated impact to the designer
- Optimize test data analysis methodologies and procedures and manage priorities.
- This position requires identifying the possible risks posed by non-compliance, as well as a commitment to act with integrity, as this is the basis of the success, reputation and sustained growth of the Company
We are looking for candidates with at least 5 years of experience in Integration Testing (RIG/LAB Level) any AVS/MISSION systems, and the following skills and experience:
- Knowledge of Integration & Tests route map
- Highly focused in complying with timescales and milestones
- Open minded to offer new ideas for improving processes and tools.
- Available for travel and be prepared to work in several locations.
- Any official Formation in Integration and Test will be valued
- Technical negotiation level in English and Spanish.
- NATO SECRET will be valued!
At Airbus we are focused on our employees and their welfare. Take a look at some of our social benefits:
- Vacation days plus additional days-off along the year.
- Attractive salary.
- Hybrid model of working when possible, promoting the work-life balance.
- Collective transport service in some sites.
- Benefits such as health insurance, employee stock options, retirement plan, or study grants.
- On-site facilities (among others): free canteen, kindergarten, medical office.
- Possibility to collaborate in different social and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
- Excellent upskilling opportunities and great development prospects in a multicultural environment.
- Special rates in products & benefits.
Airbus is a leader in designing, manufacturing and delivering aerospace products, services and solutions to customers on a worldwide scale, pioneering sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world.
With around 130,000 employees and as the largest aeronautics and space company in Europe and a worldwide leader, Airbus is at the forefront of the aviation industry, connecting people and places via air and space.
At Airbus, we support you to work, connect and collaborate more easily and flexibly. Wherever possible, we foster flexible working arrangements to stimulate innovative thinking.
Sevilla, ES
Network Maintenance technician
Airbus · Sevilla, ES
A vacancy for an A400M MRO Network maintenance B1 or/and B2 technician has arisen within Airbus Defence & Space. As the successful candidate, you will join the MRO Network department (TASRM).
This position is based full-time in MAESE Military Base (Sevilla - Spain), and as such you must be available to work full time in this place.
Working as part of an Airbus D&S Maintenance team within the A400M MRO Network, will include the performance and certification of these tasks, including supervision and certification of unlicensed mechanics tasks.
A department such MRO Network will offer you the opportunity to travel, live and work under other cultures.
This position will require a security clearance or will require being eligible for clearance by the recognized authorities.
Task & accountability:
Your main tasks and responsibilities will include:
• Be responsible for performing and certification of both scheduled and unscheduled tasks previously agreed with the customer by Customer Services.
• SB coming from modifications not performed at FAL or appearing after the delivery of the A/C, and from support asked by the Customer for different kind of repairs or maintenance tasks.
• Manage small groups of non-licensed mechanics in the performance of maintenance activities and coordination and supervision their OJT, if needed
• Be involved in the setting up of working processes and practices.
• Be involved in all aspects of technical support of a new advanced military transport aircraft.
Required skills :
You will have the following skills and experience:
• EMAR Part 66 license (A400M included would be nice to have).
• Experience in MRO on a modern digital aircraft: A380, A350 etc.
• Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
• Ability to work in a multicultural environment.
• Advanced level of Spanish and English.
This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company´s success, reputation and sustainable growth.
Airbus Defence and Space SAU
Employment Type:
Experience Level:
Entry Level
Job Family:
Customer Eng.
&Technical Support&Services
TECHNICAL Data engineer
7 mar.Airbus
Albacete, ES
TECHNICAL Data engineer
Airbus · Albacete, ES
o Follow-Up of the activities related to H60 Technical Data,
o Monitoring and production of customized manuals/ICAs related to national modifications under DOA nr. EASA.21J.090,
o Representation of AHE in international forums, Workshops and dedicated meetings.
o Trigger (ECP/CR/MITB/TN/TE) analysis, validation and incorporation in the technical documentation, complying with specification (ATA100, iSpec2200, S1000D), Guidance Document G051 05-005), Control Plan-Tech Data EI050 05-022, Control Plan Process I-SUP-06-05-01 and Simplified Technical English specification ASD-STE100,
o Contribute to the maintenance concept definition,
o Creation, verification and validation (V&V) of the technical documentation,
o Ensure quality, consistency, completeness and on-time delivery of the technical documentation deliverables related to AHEs designated workshare,
o Provide solutions to customer´s requests with appropriated technical documentation updates,
o Design Office interface (from source data needs definition to the source data collection and analysis to check consistency and completeness),
o Blocking point analysis and resolution (solving issues that could stop the production)
o Follow Up on Subcontractor Issues / Work Packages / Topics, Point of Contact,
o Reporting work progress and escalation of critical issues for arbitration,
o Follow up and reporting of Key Performance Indicators (KPI),
o Global knowledge of workflow on SRM, AMM and SDS manuals environment,
o At least 3-5 years of technical experience in aeronautical sector: especially in Aircraft Maintenance, ILS, Production Engineering, Airframes Design or experience with Warehouse, Procurement and other departments to optimize processes, Knowledge of Windchill and SAP,
o Pure Technical profile. Background in technical problems solving, trouble-shooting, spare definition, maintenance concept
o Communication skills,
o Travelling to suppliers (including AH/AHD),
o Autonomy and Experience in sub-contractor activities management,
o Facilitator skills,
o Quality mindset,
o Solution oriented / Welcome problems,
o Initiative and Proactivity,
o Language skills: Advance of English, French valuable.
o Team spirit,
o Google Suite
o MS Office
o SGML Arbortext Epic, 4DAM
o PTC Isodraw, Mondello
o ICN Toolbox, NIDB
o Webtek
o Windchill/CorePDM
o Fluent in English and Spanish
o French is strongly desirable
This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company´s success, reputation and sustainable growth.
Airbus Helicopters España, SA
Employment Type:
Experience Level:
Job Family:
Technical Data & Publications