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Málaga, ES
Cabin Crew Opportunities (Dubai Based, Relocation Provided)
Emirates · Málaga, ES
Job Purpose
A personality that shines, the ability to adapt to any situation and make people feel at ease. These are a few of the qualities we’re looking for in our cabin crew.
As the face of Emirates, you’ll be the person customers turn to for help and direction when they fly with us, so you need to be friendly, observant and able to provide the right support.
Being a member of the cabin crew is so much more than a service role - safety is our highest priority. You’ll need to lead confidently and take control when it comes to managing aircraft services, security, and safety procedures. This comes from the world-class learning experience our crew receive at our state-of-the-art facility in Dubai.
Qualifications & Experience
Here are some other things we look for in our cabin crew:
- You’ve had more than a year’s experience in hospitality/customer service
- You have a positive attitude and the natural ability to provide excellent service in a team environment, dealing with people from many cultures
- Your minimum qualification is high school graduate (Grade 12)
- You need to be fluent in written and spoken English (ability to speak another language is an advantage)
- You’re at least 160cm tall and can reach 212 cm while standing on tiptoes, to enable you to reach emergency equipment on all aircraft types
- No visible tattoos while you’re in Emirates cabin crew uniform (without covering them with bandages or cosmetics)
- As Emirates cabin crew, you’ll be based in Dubai and will need to meet the UAE's employment visa requirements
Aside from the requirements of the role, you should be determined to always perform to the highest standards, focus on being solution oriented, and be able to manage a demanding work schedule. You should have the ability to deliver an authentic experience to our customers. You’ll be culturally aware and reflect the Emirates personality - professional, empathetic, progressive, visionary and cosmopolitan.
Before clicking the Apply button, please keep the following documents ready to submit with your application:
- Recent CV in English
- Recent photo
Salary & Benefits
Your pay is made up of three components:
- a fixed basic salary,
- an hourly pay for operated flights and
- an overseas meal allowance.
Basic salary = AED 4,430 / month,
Flying Pay = AED 63.75 / hour based on avg. 80-100 hours / month,
Average Total Pay = AED 10,170 / month (~USD 2,770, EUR 2,710 or GBP 2,280).
* These are approximate numbers for Grade II (Economy Class).
Meal allowances for night stops are credited to the salary in arrears the following month.
Hotel accommodation as well as transport to and from the airport is provided by the company.
Barcelona, ES
THE CAMI CREW · Barcelona, ES
¡Únete a nuestro equipo como SEGUNDO/A 40 HORAS!
Únete a nuestro equipo y lleva tu talento culinario al siguiente nivel
En nuestra misión de ofrecer experiencias culinarias únicas, estamos buscando a un profesional apasionado y creativo que quiera destacar en el mundo de la gastronomía. Si la cocina es tu vocación y deseas formar parte de un entorno colaborativo, dinámico y lleno de oportunidades para crecer, ¡este es el lugar para ti!
¿Qué esperamos de ti?
- Tienes experiencia en hostelería y te apasiona ofrecer un servicio excepcional al cliente?
- ¿Eres responsable, con buena presencia y habilidades de comunicación que hacen sentir a cada cliente especial?
- ¿Tienes flexibilidad horaria y estás dispuesto/a a trabajar en turnos seguidos o partidos, incluyendo fines de semana?
Lo Que Te Ofrecemos
En nuestra empresa, nuestro equipo es nuestra mayor fortaleza. Por ello, nos esforzamos en ofrecer las mejores condiciones para que crezcas profesionalmente y te sientas valorado/a:
- Oportunidades de crecimiento profesional, asumiendo responsabilidades de organización y gestión.
- Un entorno laboral inclusivo, dinámico y colaborativo que fomenta el aprendizaje continuo.
- Jornada completa de 40 horas semanales con flexibilidad horaria para adaptarnos a tus necesidades.
- Formar parte de un equipo apasionado, enfocado en brindar una experiencia excepcional a cada cliente.
- Supervisar y garantizar el correcto funcionamiento del servicio de sala.
- Atender a los clientes, asegurando un trato amable y profesional en todo momento.
- Colaborar estrechamente con el equipo para mantener altos estándares de calidad y organización.
- Apoyar en la gestión de turnos y tareas diarias, promoviendo un ambiente de trabajo ordenado y eficiente.
Santander, ES
Cabin Crew Opportunities (Dubai Based, Relocation Provided)
Emirates · Santander, ES
Job Purpose
A personality that shines, the ability to adapt to any situation and make people feel at ease. These are a few of the qualities we’re looking for in our cabin crew.
As the face of Emirates, you’ll be the person customers turn to for help and direction when they fly with us, so you need to be friendly, observant and able to provide the right support.
Being a member of the cabin crew is so much more than a service role - safety is our highest priority. You’ll need to lead confidently and take control when it comes to managing aircraft services, security, and safety procedures. This comes from the world-class learning experience our crew receive at our state-of-the-art facility in Dubai.
Qualifications & Experience
Here are some other things we look for in our cabin crew:
- You’ve had more than a year’s experience in hospitality/customer service
- You have a positive attitude and the natural ability to provide excellent service in a team environment, dealing with people from many cultures
- Your minimum qualification is high school graduate (Grade 12)
- You need to be fluent in written and spoken English (ability to speak another language is an advantage)
- You’re at least 160cm tall and can reach 212 cm while standing on tiptoes, to enable you to reach emergency equipment on all aircraft types
- No visible tattoos while you’re in Emirates cabin crew uniform (without covering them with bandages or cosmetics)
- As Emirates cabin crew, you’ll be based in Dubai and will need to meet the UAE's employment visa requirements
Aside from the requirements of the role, you should be determined to always perform to the highest standards, focus on being solution oriented, and be able to manage a demanding work schedule. You should have the ability to deliver an authentic experience to our customers. You’ll be culturally aware and reflect the Emirates personality - professional, empathetic, progressive, visionary and cosmopolitan.
Before clicking the Apply button, please keep the following documents ready to submit with your application:
- Recent CV in English
- Recent photo
Salary & Benefits
Your pay is made up of three components:
- a fixed basic salary,
- an hourly pay for operated flights and
- an overseas meal allowance.
Basic salary = AED 4,430 / month,
Flying Pay = AED 63.75 / hour based on avg. 80-100 hours / month,
Average Total Pay = AED 10,170 / month (~USD 2,770, EUR 2,710 or GBP 2,280).
* These are approximate numbers for Grade II (Economy Class).
Meal allowances for night stops are credited to the salary in arrears the following month.
Hotel accommodation as well as transport to and from the airport is provided by the company.