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Alcobendas, ES
Eo Project Officer - Local Contract - Satcen/2025/006
eu-LISA · Alcobendas, ES
Status: Open
Opening date: 31 January 2025
Deadline: 24 February 2025, 17:00 (CET)
Department: European Union Satellite Centre
Vacancy Type: Public
Type of Contract: Other contracts
Location: Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain
Target AudienceThe Research, Technology Development and Innovation (RTDI) Unit is responsible for implementing new solutions to enhance SatCen capabilities along the Earth Observation (EO) data value chain. This includes participation in Research and Innovation (R&I) projects within the Horizon Europe programme and cooperative activities with entities such as EC, ESA, EDA, and GEO. One of the key Horizon Europe projects currently ongoing is SDGs-EYES, which is expected to finish in December 2025.
The SatCen is seeking suitable candidates to work as EO Project Officer – Local Staff within the RTDI Unit to implement the actions assigned to the SatCen within SDGs-EYES to ensure the success of the project.
ResponsibilitiesThe daily activities of the EO Project Officer will focus on supporting:
The development of EO data-based solutions aligned with SatCen responsibilities, aiming to expand the SatCen portfolio;The dissemination, communication, and exploitation of project activities/outcomes in relevant events and forums (e.g., GEO);The execution of project activities, including participation in meetings and preparation of suitable papers/documents.The EO Project Officer will also perform any other duties assigned by the Head of RTDI Unit or the Head of Capability Development Division linked to the assigned project.
In this position, you will benefit from working with a team of enthusiastic professionals from all over the European Union in a stimulating multicultural environment.
For more information, please refer to our recruitment page and the vacancy notice of the specific position.
ContactName: SatCen Recruitment Team
Email: ******