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0Exafield Spain
Madrid, ES
International Project Manager / Translator
Exafield Spain · Madrid, ES
Exafield, an international fieldwork company specializing in the medical-pharmaceutical sector in full expansion, with headquarters in France and subsidiaries in the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Mexico and Canada is looking for an International Project Manager and Translator for its Spanish subsidiary in Madrid.
The International Project Manager and Translator will work closely with team members to ensure that all project requirements, deadlines and schedules are met and conform to Exafield's quality standards.
Planning and monitoring of quantitative (online and telephone) and qualitative (telephone and face-to-face) projects to ensure that they are completed time and within budget.
- Coordination with internal and external suppliers to ensure that all parties adhere to project requirements, timelines and schedules
- Reporting to clients on the status of projects (international market research companies)
- Planning, designation and monitoring of suppliers (internal or external)
- Monitoring of progress and implementation of solutions
- Supervision of the internal field department
- Constant updates on the progress of projects
- Conducting a post-project evaluation and identifying successful and unsuccessful elements of the project
- Translation of documents to be used in each project (ENG => SP)
- Proven experience in project management, especially in translation project management
- Experience with international clients
- Meticulous organisation
- Proactivity (being able to anticipate problems and implement solutions)
- Having the ability to prioritise
- Have experience working with deadlines
- Focused on results and objectives
- Troubleshooting
- High level of English is a MUST.