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0Global Business Reports (GBR)
Madrid, ES
Business Journalist with Spanish
Global Business Reports (GBR) · Madrid, ES
GBR is looking to recruit an international REPORTER with Spanish-speaking skills.
The REPORTER will conduct activities including market research, arranging meetings with CEOs/Directors of target companies, interviewing business and governmental personalities, and writing specialized business reports.
Employees travel for 10 months of the year, staying for 2-4 months in each country. We work globally with a focus on the Americas and Africa, but we also cover Europe and Asia.
-Excellent Presentation/Communication skills (confidence to interview CEOs and Directors of leading companies).
-Team working skills (working within small teams in foreign countries).
-A sense of adventure (2-5 month assignments in foreign countries)
-Language skills: native or fluent English and native or fluent Spanish. Any additional languages a plus.
-A good university degree (and work experience is also appreciated).
-Extensive knowledge of international affairs and of business.
-Extensive travel experience and exposure to different cultures.
-A competitive salary with a highly-attractive bonus and commission scheme.
-International medical insurance.
-All travel expenses (flights, accommodation etc) are covered.
Interested? Apply on our career portal, here!
For more information, please visit www.gbreports.com