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0Universidade da Coruña
Madrid, ES
Administrative Technician: 2025/Cp/036
Universidade da Coruña · Madrid, ES
REST Office
Organisation/Company:University of A CoruñaResearch Field:AllResearcher Profile:First Stage Researcher (R1)Positions:Bachelor PositionsCountry:SpainApplication Deadline:17 Mar 2025 - 15:00 (Europe/Madrid)Type of Contract:PermanentJob Status:Full-timeHours Per Week:35Offer Starting Date:1 Apr 2025Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?Erasmus+Reference Number:2025/CP/036Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?NoOffer DescriptionAid reference:Title: European Alliance EMERGEResearch line / Scientific-technical services: Higher education, student and staff mobility, marginalized territories and communitiesOBJECT OF THE CONTRACT:Support in the recruitment and management of international projectsCollaborator in the project tasks as shown:Coordinate the management of the EMERGE projectCoordinate the EMERGE project working group at the UDC.Prepare, together with the project coordinating unit and the alliance, the project management plans, as well as the risk and quality control.Organise and coordinate the technical and economic monitoring tasks of the project at the UDC, according to the project management, quality and risk control plans.Participate in the preparation of documentation for the technical-economic justification of the event and supervise the audits.Coordinate the communication and dissemination actions of the alliance second to the project's dissemination plan.Provide support in the tasks of coordination of the alliance, having to attend coordination meetings with the rest of the members of the alliance and with the European Commission, when required.Preparation of foresight and analysis of internationalisation trends, or other aspects of interest to the alliance and to the UDC's internationalisation strategy.Contribute to the preparation of proposals of the alliance and the Vice-Rectory for Degrees and Internationalization in different calls for European projects.Collaborate with other UDC Vice-Rectories in tasks related to the EMERGE alliance when required.Periodically report to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Degrees and Internationalisation, or other bodies of the University that so request, on the evolution and objectives achieved by the alliance, specifically those affecting the UDC.QUALIFICATIONBachelor's degree, engineering, architecture, degree, diploma, technical engineering or technical architecture.Specific RequirementsOn the end of the deadline for submitting applications and during the term of the contract, applicants must meet and maintain the following requirements:Availability to travel.To have Spanish nationality or any other nationality to which state regulations attribute equal rights in terms of employment effects in the Public Administration.Possess the required qualifications and meet the rest of the requirements indicated in the call.Be sixteen years old and not exceed the maximum age of compulsory retirement.Possess the necessary functional capacity to perform the functions or tasks described in the report that make up the object of the contract.Not have been dismissed through disciplinary proceedings from the service of any Public Administration or from the constitutional bodies of the Autonomous Communities.To accredit level C1 of English, in accordance with the tables of official certificates recognised by the CRUE language boards for the accreditation of foreign languages and their correspondence with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).Non-native Spanish speakers will have to accredit a level of Spanish B2 certified in accordance with MCERL.LanguagesENGLISH Level:ExcellentAdditional InformationEligibility criteriaCOMPETITION SELECTION SCALETRAINING FOR THE JOB (Maximum 20 points)NON-ACADEMIC TRAINING (MAXIMUM 4 POINTS)PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Maximum 40 points)PERSONAL INTERVIEW (Maximum 25 points)In the event of a tie, the highest score obtained in:1.
Professional experience in tasks related to the position offered.2.
Specific training for the performance of the position.3.
Qualification higher than that required in the call.To access the place or opt to be a member of the waiting list, candidates must have a minimum score of 10 points in academic training, 25 points in professional experience and 5 points in section 3.2.Additional commentsVery important: the merits alleged, in order to be assessed, must be accompanied by a copy of the documentation that accredits them, and the professional experience, if applicable, justified with the employment history report and with a copy of the employment contracts or registration as self-employed, together with reports stating the functions carried out in the work activity that is intended to be claimed as merit.Documentation to be submitted:Copy of the identity document.Copy of the access qualification.Copy of the C1 level of English certificate recognized by the CRUE language boards.Curriculum vitae detailing the merits, following the same scheme and concepts as the assessment table, specifying the tasks carried out in each job and its duration.Documents accrediting all the merits alleged.In the case of degrees taken in a language other than Spanish or Galician, the documentation must be accompanied by the corresponding translation and the form for the declaration of equivalence of the average mark of university academic records carried out in foreign centres.Responsible declaration that the requirements of the call are met.Responsible declaration of the veracity of the data contained in the application.If you are a candidate from abroad Spain, please ****** instructions on how to apply through the official electronic register of the University.#J-18808-Ljbffr
Universidade da Coruña
Coruña, A, ES
Research Support Assistant: 2025/Cp/038
Universidade da Coruña · Coruña, A, ES
Biological sciences » Laboratory animal science
Organisation/Company: University of A Coruña
Department: CICA
Research Field: Biological sciences » Laboratory animal science
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: Undergraduate Positions
Country: Spain
Application Deadline: 19 Mar 2025 - 15:00 (Europe/Madrid)
Type of Contract: Permanent
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Horizon Europe - ERC
Reference Number: 851179
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer DescriptionGrant/funding reference: 851179
Job title: Supramolecular engineering of biologically inspired peptide nanostructures - SENSE
Research line / Scientific-technical services: Peptide materials
Centre of Principal Researcher: CICA - Interdisciplinary Center for Chemistry and Biology
Tasks to be performed:Maintenance, care and euthanasia of animals (categories A and B of Order ECC/566/2015), which may include carrying out R&D procedures (category C).General maintenance of the animal facility (cleaning of rooms and materials and stock control and storage of materials).Participation in the implementation of new equipment and infrastructure, as well as in the development and implementation of standardised work protocols and guides for the use of the equipment in the animal facility and for common use at the CICA.Continuous training in the different tasks, especially those related to animal experimentation and the maintenance of the necessary accreditations for said tasks.Technical support in the handling, improvement, maintenance and management of the scientific-technical equipment, the installation of the Animal Experimentation Unit and the rest of the common infrastructures.Training researchers in the use of the scientific and technical equipment of the animal facility and other common facilities of the CICA and providing them with support in their use.Collaboration in coordinating the use of the animal facility and CICA equipment within the framework of seminars, congresses, and workshops, ensuring their proper functioning and availability.Skills/QualificationsThe requirements outlined in the CALL SPECIFICATIONS must be met prior to the deadline for applications.
Qualification: High School, BUP, FP2, Advanced specific vocational training certificate (ASVTC) (those related to life and health sciences are highly recommended).
Specific RequirementsExperience in the development of different animal models in rodents and fish.Specialised training in the field of life and health sciences and more specifically, animal experimentation.Possess or be in a position to obtain accreditation for animal experimentation functions by the competent authority (training for animal experimentation).
The most relevant accreditations for the position are those of categories A, B and C of Order ECC/566/2015, so those already obtained will be especially valued.Experience and training in the use of scientific equipment and different instrumental techniques.Basic level of English.Computer knowledge at user level.
Previous training in the use of animal management software (Anibio).Ability to work in a team, responsibility and initiative.Additional InformationEligibility criteria Academic qualification in areas of life and health sciences (max 5 pts)High School: 2ptsASVTC or FP in relation to life and health sciences: 5ptsASVTC or FP in other fields: 3ptsExperienceExperience in the development of animal models and/or in the management of colonies of genetically modified animals: 0.5 points x month worked (max 15 points)Experience in animal care and handling: 0.5 points x month worked (max 20 points)Experience in the development of clinical techniques (Sample registration, extraction, quantification and storage of DNA, cultures of oncohematological samples and amniotic fluids, FISH and karyotype preparation, cryopreservation, etc.
): 0.5 points x month worked (max 5 points)TrainingTraining for animal experimentation: functions A, B and C (Order ECC/566/2015) (max 15 pts)Specialised complementary training in the field of life and health sciences and, preferably, animal experimentation: 0.1 points x hour (max 10 points)User-level computer skills.
Training in the use of animal management software (Anibio): 0.5 points x hour (max 5 points)Personal interviewPersonal interview with the candidates who obtained the highest scores in the previous sections (maximum 4 candidates).
A minimum cut-off score of 40 points will be required to access the interview).
20 points
Additional commentsIMPORTANT NOTES Submit your CV in the same order and with the same sections as the Criteria and Merit Assessment table (section c).
CVs Sent In a Format Other Than That Specified Here Cannot Be Assessed.Under No Circumstances Will The Same Merit Be Assessed In Two Different Sections.Indicate The Tasks Performed In Each Of The Jobs, As Well As Their Duration.In The Training, It Is Essential To Indicate The Number Of Hours (if Not Indicated, It Will Not Be Assessed).Attach The Supporting Documentation For The Merits Claimed In The CV In Its Entirety, In a Single Pdf Document (merits Not Supported By Documents Cannot Be Assessed).Support Documentation
Copy of national identity document.
Copy of degree certificate.
Responsible declaration that the requirements of the call are fulfilled.
Responsible declaration of the veracity of the data stated in the application.
If you are a candidate from abroad Spain, please contact ****** for instructions on how to apply through the official electronic register of the University.