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0Product Owner
23 mar.B. Braun Group
Barcelona, ES
Product Owner
B. Braun Group · Barcelona, ES
API C# Java Python Agile Azure Scrum Cloud Coumputing Microservices Jira AWS DevOps Kanban
From Barcelona, you will join Germany-based Corporate Start-Up B. Braun New Ventures, which is taking a leading role in the digital transformation of healthcare. With a young and fast-growing team, we develop solutions to automate medical procedures across various business areas. From our Barcelona location, you will be integrated into an international team that collaborates to achieve these goals.
- Act as the bridge between business requirements and development teams, translating business needs into clear technical specifications and user stories
- Collaborate closely with software developers, system architects, and stakeholders to define and prioritize the product backlog
- Ensure Agile methodologies are followed within the teams, facilitating sprint planning, backlog refinement, and iterative delivery
- Work on cloud-based platforms, modern software architectures, and microservices to define and refine technical product roadmaps
- Define key performance indicators and ensure product success through measurable outcomes
- Drive the adoption of best practices in software development, DevOps, and cloud solutions
- Maintain close collaboration with UX designers, software engineers, and data analysts to create highly scalable and efficient solutions
- Communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders, ensuring alignment across teams
- Actively contribute to continuous improvement processes and Agile workflows
- Several years of experience as a Product Owner, Technical Product Manager, or in a similar role within Agile development environments
- Strong technical background in software development, preferably with hands-on experience in programming (e.g., Python, Java, C#, Go, or similar languages)
- Experience with cloud-based platforms such as Microsoft Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud
- Familiarity with microservices architecture, API development, and modern DevOps practices
- Solid understanding of Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban) and experience in backlog management tools (e.g., Jira, Azure DevOps, Confluence)
- Strong analytical mindset with a data-driven approach to decision-making
- Experience working with cross-functional teams, aligning product strategy with business objectives
- Experience in the healthcare industry or a regulated environment is a plus
- Strong communication skills with the ability to translate complex technical topics into clear business language
- Proactive, results-driven, and adaptable to changing priorities
- Passion for technology and continuous learning
- Ability to foster collaboration and engagement in multidisciplinary teams
- Self-motivated and able to manage multiple initiatives simultaneously
- Fluent in English. Spanish and German are a plus
Product Owner - Web
22 mar.Senseis Talent
Barcelona, ES
Product Owner - Web
Senseis Talent · Barcelona, ES
Scrum Agile UX/UI Kanban
Por si no nos conoces, somos Senseis Talent, el partner de recruitment de grandes empresas en España y Europa. Fusionamos la experiencia de RRHH, Hiring Managers y especialistas de diversos sectores para acabar con procesos tradicionales, eternos e ineficaces.
Estamos buscando un Product Owner para unirse directamente al equipo de uno de nuestros clientes. Este rol será clave en la gestión y evolución de la web corporativa, la web visible para clientes y el proceso de booking online, asegurando que estos productos digitales estén alineados con la estrategia de Marketing y Experiencia de Usuario.
Lo que harás
- Gestionar y evolucionar la web corporativa y el proceso de booking online, asegurando una experiencia optimizada para los clientes.
- Trabajar de la mano con el equipo de Marketing, entendiendo sus necesidades y traduciendo sus objetivos en soluciones digitales efectivas.
- Definir y optimizar la estrategia digital de los productos, asegurando coherencia con la identidad de marca y las campañas de marketing.
- Analizar el comportamiento del usuario en la web, identificando oportunidades de mejora en conversión, retención y engagement.
- Priorizar y gestionar la hoja de ruta del producto, alineando las iniciativas con los KPIs de Marketing.
- Colaborar con el equipo de desarrollo para implementar mejoras sin involucrarse en la gestión operativa del equipo técnico.
- 3-5 años de experiencia como Product Owner o Product Manager en proyectos digitales, especialmente en entornos de marketing digital.
- Experiencia en la gestión y optimización de webs corporativas, eCommerce o plataformas de booking online.
- Conocimiento en UX/UI y analítica web, con enfoque en optimización de la conversión (CRO).
- Experiencia trabajando junto a equipos de Marketing, asegurando la correcta alineación entre negocio y tecnología.
- Habilidades de comunicación y negociación para coordinar iniciativas con diferentes stakeholders.
- Familiaridad con metodologías ágiles (Scrum, Kanban) y herramientas de gestión de producto.
- Posibilidad de trabajo híbrido, con asistencia solo 1 día a la oficina.
- Baby Care: Si tienes peques, puedes optar por un cheque guardería. Además, hasta que cumplan 18 años, recibirás una beca al inicio del curso escolar.
- Becas formativas para impulsar tu desarrollo profesional.
- Seguro de salud colectivo, para que estés protegido en todo momento.
- Participa activamente en los proyectos solidarios y de sostenibilidad de la compañía.
- Acceso a una plataforma con videos, clases en vivo y consejos para llevar un estilo de vida más saludable.
- Línea de Apoyo al Empleado (LAP): Un servicio de asesoramiento personal para cualquier tema que necesites tratar.
- Descuentos en ocio, tiendas y establecimientos para que disfrutes de tu tiempo libre.
- Acceso a un amplio catálogo de formación para seguir creciendo.
- Premios nacionales e internacionales para reconocer el talento y esfuerzo de los colaboradores.
- Fruta y café gratuito todos los días para que empieces la jornada con energía.
En Senseis Talent, somos expertos en conectar empresas punteras con los mejores profesionales del mundo digital. Nos especializamos en la selección de talento de alta calidad en sectores disruptivos. Nuestro enfoque es claro: no solo encontramos a los candidatos ideales, sino que garantizamos un ajuste perfecto. Si buscas una oportunidad que te desafíe y te posicione en la vanguardia digital, estás en el lugar correcto. ¡Te ayudamos a dar el siguiente gran paso en tu carrera!
Product Owner de Banca
21 mar.Banco Mediolanum
Barcelona, ES
Product Owner de Banca
Banco Mediolanum · Barcelona, ES
Excel PowerPoint
¿Te gustaría desarrollar tu carrera en el sector financiero? ¿Te encantaría conocer una de las entidades bancarias más importantes a nivel internacional? ¡Si la respuesta es sí, sigue leyendo!
Somos Banco Mediolanum, gestionamos el esfuerzo y las ilusiones de nuestros clientes cuidando de sus finanzas. Para conseguirlo, ofrecemos el mejor tratamiento personalizado, gracias a la figura del Family Banker® y a un servicio de Banca Multicanal, que permite acceder al banco las 24 horas al día, 365 días al año. Es por ello que, por sexto año consecutivo, la consultora Stiga nos sitúa como la entidad bancaria con los clientes más satisfechos del sector. Además, nos situamos en el ranking de los mejores bancos españoles en ratio de solvencia y tenemos más de 43 años de experiencia.
En Banco Mediolanum creemos que apostando por personas con talento y que compartan el valor de la innovación sostenible podemos alcanzar todos nuestros objetivos. Entre todos fomentamos una cultura diversa, orientada a las personas, colaborativa e inclusiva.
Buscamos incorporar un/a Product Owner de Banca para el departamento de Marketing Productos para el desarrollo, gestión y mejora de nuestros productos y servicios bancarios cuyas funciones serán:
- Análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la evolución de las líneas de business.
- Apoyar en la gestión del ciclo de vida de los productos bancarios.
- Realizar investigaciones de mercado y analizar tendencias para identificar oportunidades de mejora o nuevos productos.
- Soporte en actualización y mantenimiento de productos existentes
- Soporte en desarrollo nuevos productos y servicios bancarios: definición de las características y funcionalidades.
- Colaborar con equipos de diseño, marketing y tecnología en el desarrollo de soluciones y lanzamiento de nuevos productos.
- Monitorear métricas clave de los productos (KPIs) y proponer acciones correctivas.
- Título universitario en Administración de Empresas, Economía, Ingeniería Industrial, Finanzas, Marketing, o carreras afines.
- Deseable formación complementaria en Gestión de Productos o Innovación y/o master/post grado en Marketing/Dirección Empresa
- Experiencia mínima de 2 años en áreas relacionadas, como servicios financieros, gestión de productos.
- Valorable experiencia trabajando con equipos multidisciplinarios es un plus.
- Valorable dominio de Inglés e italiano.
- Comprensión avanzada de productos bancarios.
- Conocimientos en análisis de mercado y comportamiento del cliente.
- Dominio intermedio-avanzado de Excel, PowerPoint
- Capacidad para analizar datos y generar insights estratégicos.
- Excelentes habilidades de comunicación escrita y verbal.
- Orientación al cliente y al detalle.
- Elevado nivel de proactividad.
¿Qué ofrecemos?
- Modelo híbrido de trabajo.
- Flexibilidad horaria.
- Retribución flexible.
- Trabajar en una de las entidades financieras más significativas en Europa.
- Posibilidad de crecimiento personal y profesional en una entidad en gran expansión.
- Beneficios sociales amplios (seguro vida, aportación plan pensiones, etc.).
Le informamos que sus datos personales serán tratados por Banco Mediolanum, S.A. para la finalidad del contacto, gestión y valoración de las candidaturas en el proceso de selección que se ha inscrito. Puede ejercer sus derechos de protección de datos mediante un correo electrónico a la dirección [email protected]. Puede consultar toda la información de protección de datos en este enlace.
Banco Sabadell
Barcelona, ES
Digital Product Owner (Barcelona o alrededores)
Banco Sabadell · Barcelona, ES
Somos Banco Sabadell
Banco Sabadell es una de las principales entidades bancarias en España con más de 14.000 personas caracterizadas por nuestra implicación, espíritu de colaboración y dinamismo. Banco Sabadell ofrece sus servicios a más de 11 millones de clientes contando con una posición privilegiada en el segmento de empresas.
Nuestra razón de ser es ayudar a personas y empresas a hacer realidad sus proyectos, anticipándonos y ocupándonos de que tomen las mejores decisiones económicas, a través de nuestros valores: el compromiso, no conformismo, profesionalidad, eficacia, empatía y franqueza.
Y además, lo hacemos mediante una gestión responsable y comprometida con el medio ambiente.
¡Únete a nosotros!
¿Qué estamos buscando?
Buscamos un/una Digital Product Owner (ubicación: Barcelona y alrededores), cuya misión será: Proveer al ámbito de Proyectos Banca Privada, dentro de Banca de Empresas y Red, de productos y servicios bancarios digitales que deben soportar procesos operativos y comerciales en los diferentes canales digitales a disposición de los clientes del Banco Sabadell. Tras la implantación de dichos productos y servicios digitales la principal misión es la mejora continua en el awareness y en el ratio de conversión de los mismos.
Darás cobertura a las siguientes funciones/responsabilidades:
- Recibirás y categorizarás la demanda de operaciones o negocio, asignarla a un programa y designarla al PM que Sabadell Digital ha indicado
- Colaborarás en la definición de los requerimientos, ajustándolos o validándolos/reconduciéndolos según la demanda recibida
- Solicitarás los costes a Sabadell Digital y validarás su justificación
- Recopilarás y validarás los beneficios proporcionados por el ámbito demandante
- Recopilarás los KPI’s del proyecto
- Gestionarás las demandas del mantenimiento evolutivo de negocio
- Seguirás los hitos de los proyectos
- Seguirás el cumplimiento de KPI’s
- Gestionarás los riesgos en los proyectos
- Realizarás informes internos de seguimiento
- Realizarás el seguimiento de la calidad de la capacidad desplegada
Tu lugar de trabajo será: Barcelona y alrededores.
Hablemos del proyecto…
Tus funciones principales serán:
- Recogerás y conocerás los requisitos funcionales y del negocio
- Decidirás qué desarrollar y qué no, job to be done
- Ordenarás y priorizarás el product backlog y hacer que éste sea visible para todo el mundo.
- Definirás el producto mínimo viable (MVP)
- Definirás la estrategia de comunicación
- Definirás los KPI’s, objetivos del proyecto y asegurarás su correcto seguimiento
Funciones adicionales:
- Punto de contacto único entre negocio y cualquier necesidad que éstos requieran de la función tecnológica del Banco.
- Ordenarás y priorizarás el pipeline de iniciativas requeridas por negocio, encajándolo dentro del marco de presupuesto disponible.
- Gestionarás y mantendrás una adecuada relación de servicio con los principales interlocutores de los diversos ámbitos de usuario, asegurando la correcta definición, justificación y priorización de necesidades, y buscando dar cumplimiento a los objetivos de negocio establecidos con el mínimo alcance y complejidad posible.
- Gestión del porfolio de los proyectos informáticos en el ámbito de actuación, participando en los comités de seguimiento que se creen al efecto.
- Supervisarás el seguimiento del desarrollo del proyecto, asegurando su correcto avance según la planificación establecida, y sirviendo como punto de contacto para toma de decisión o escalado ante riesgos, imprevistos o dependencias que puedan impedir el correcto avance de la iniciativa, ofreciendo a los ámbitos de negocio un seguimiento comprensible.
- Gestión de proveedores internos y externos para asegurar la disponibilidad, robustez, seguridad y eficiencia de las soluciones implantadas.
- Ordenarás y priorizarás el pipeline de incidental.
¿Qué valoramos de tu candidatura?
- Que residas en Barcelona o alrededores
- Formación universitaria o en su defecto, máster o postgrado y con experiencia mínima de 2 años en puestos o funciones similares a las descritas en esta vacante
- Experiencia profesional mínima de 2 años como Digital Product Owner
- Experiencia en gestión de proyectos (Web y/o Móvil)
- Experiencia en proyectos ejecutados bajo metodologías agile
- Conocimientos técnicos y comerciales, especialmente de los ámbitos de cobertura de negocio especificados: Banca Privada: Ahorro en Inversión
- Se valorará positivamente: Gestión de equipos, Wealth & Asset Management y Mercados Financieros
- Inglés (Nivel B2)
Banco Sabadell está comprometido en promover ambientes de trabajo en los que se trate con respeto y dignidad a las personas, procurando el desarrollo profesional de la plantilla y garantizando la igualdad de oportunidades en su selección, formación y promoción ofreciendo un entorno de trabajo libre de cualquier discriminación por motivo de género, edad, orientación sexual, religión, etnia o cualquier otra circunstancia personal o social.
Banco Sabadell forma parte de la red de empresas con el distintivo de “Igualdad en la Empresa” otorgado por el Ministerio de Igualdad.
IT Product Owner
19 mar.Nestle
Barcelona, ES
IT Product Owner
Nestle · Barcelona, ES
Azure Cloud Coumputing DevOps
IT Product Owner R&D Sensory Evaluation
Position Snapshot
- Location: Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain)
- Company: Nestlé Global Services Spain (NGSS)
- Stream: IT R&D
- Type of work: Hybrid
- Work Language: English
- Type of contract: Permanent
- +5 years´ experience as IT Product Owner in a product-based IT organization.
The role:
R&D Information Technology (IT) is the stream in Nestlé IT Hub in charge of powering the R&D function with IT capabilities to drive company growth through breakthrough research than can be translated quickly into products and services.
The unique space of Sensory Evaluation for Nestlé involves Research & Development in Nestlé Product Technology Centers, as well Technical & Production in Nestlé Factories. It is integrated with multiple systems, such as SAP Quality Management, Consumer Product Testing on a functional side. As an IT Product Owner, you will ensure adequate deploy, sustain and evolve of the applications in this scope.
What you´ll do:
As an IT Product Owner R&D Sensory Evaluation you will:
- Ensure secure and reliable operation, as well as cost-effective maintenance.
- Drive adoption and usage to increase value.
- Support the R&D Sensory IT Product Manager to translate the R&D and Operations strategy to a consolidated Evolve roadmap from multiple stakeholders inputs.
- Capture user insights to feed the Evolve roadmap.
- Contribute to the prioritization of the Evolve roadmap backlog with the R&D stakeholders.
- For in-house built applications, liaise with the development team(s) to ensure delivery of the Evolve roadmap.
- For third-party applications, influence the vendor(s) roadmap to fit the strategy.
We offer you:
We offer more than just a job. We put people first and inspire you to become the best version of yourself.
- Great benefits including competitive salary and a comprehensive social benefits package. We have one of the most competitive pension plans on the market, as well as flexible remuneration with tax advantages: health insurance, restaurant card, mobility plan, etc.
- Personal and professional growth through ongoing training and constant career opportunities reflecting our conviction that people are our most important asset.
- Hybrid working environment with flexible working scheme. Our state-of-the-art campus is dog friendly and equipped with a medical center, canteen and areas to co-create network and chill!
- Recreation activities such as yoga, Zumba, etc. and a wide range of volunteering activities.
Minimum qualifications:
- Bachelor degree in Computer Science or similar.
- +5 years´ experience as IT Product Owner in a product-based IT organization.
- Experience with Azure DevOps and Service Now, particularly with Application Portfolio Management (APM).
- Strong Cloud understanding.
- Result focus, with proven track record of taking ownership and successfully delivering results in a dynamic environment.
- Effective communication and stakeholder management skills at different levels, and in a global, virtual teams.
- Data-driven decision making, ensuring accuracy and reliability of data.
- Fluent in English, both written and spoken.
Bonus Points If You:
- Have experience in food or other industries that have their own sensory evaluation test team and products.
About the IT Hub
We are a team of IT professionals from many countries and diverse backgrounds, each with unique missions and challenges in the biggest health, nutrition and wellness company of the world. We innovate every day through forward-looking technologies to create opportunities for Nestlé´s digital challenges with our consumers, customers and at the workplace. We collaborate with our business partners around the world to deliver standardized, integrated technology products and services to create tangible business value.
About Nestlé
We are Nestlé, the largest food and beverage company. We are 308,000 employees strong driven by the purpose of enhancing the quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. Our values are rooted in respect: respect for ourselves, respect for others, respect for diversity and respect for our future. With more than CHF 91.4 billion sales in 2018, we have an expansive presence with 413 factories in more than 85 countries.
IT Product Owner SAP S/4 Hana
17 mar.Nestle
Barcelona, ES
IT Product Owner SAP S/4 Hana
Nestle · Barcelona, ES
Azure DevOps
Position Snapshot
- Location: Esplugues de Llobregat
- Company: Nestlé Global Services Spain
- Stream: IT Finance&Control and Legal
- Type of work: Hybrid
- Work Language: Hybrid
- Type of contract: Permanent
- +8 years´ experience in IT roles as Product Owner, Project Manager or Business Analyst, ideally in SAP environment.
The role:
We are looking for an IT Finance Product Owner to join our global IT finance team within the group reporting and financial consolidation product team.
At Nestlé, IT Product Owners manage the entire product lifecycle, from conception to delivery, ensuring alignment with the company´s strategic objectives under the guidance of the Product Manager. We seek an experienced professional with a strong IT background in finance and data integration, especially with SAP technologies, to help us deliver the latest technologies to better serve our business partners.
What you´ll do:
You will lead the deployment of cutting-edge technologies to enhance our financial reporting and consolidation processes. Collaborating with business partners, you will understand their needs and translate them into effective IT solutions.
You will drive the design, testing, and deployment of global IS/IT solutions, own and prioritize the product backlog items, and establish and maintain a product roadmap.
Additionally, you will consistently optimize application costs, define and own acceptance criteria, ensure compliance with Nestlé´s security policies, and build support strategies for the product.
You will also define and implement the retirement strategy of older applications in the context of digital transformation and report to the Product Manager, supporting them in the overall strategy of the product.
We offer you:
We offer more than just a job. We put people first and inspire you to become the best version of yourself.
- Great benefits including competitive salary and a comprehensive social benefits package. We have one of the most competitive pension plans on the market, as well as flexible remuneration with tax advantages: health insurance, restaurant card, mobility plan, etc.
- Personal and professional growth through ongoing training and constant career opportunities reflecting our conviction that people are our most important asset.
- Hybrid working environment with flexible working scheme. Our state-of-the-art campus is dog friendly and equipped with a medical center, canteen and areas to co-create network and chill!
- Recreation activities such as yoga, Zumba, etc. and a wide range of volunteering activities.
Minimum qualifications:
- Master´s degree in Computer Science, IT or Scientific background.
- +8 years´ experience in IT roles as Product Owner, Project Manager or Business Analyst, ideally in SAP environment.
- Experience in SAP environment: SAP S/4 HANA, ECC, SAP Financial Consolidation.
- SAP Financial Consolidation experience would be a great plus.
- Strong management skills, used to lead a team direct or indirectly.
- Team player and effective communicator, used to work in international environments.
- Stakeholders management skills at all levels.
- Fluent in English.
- Bonus Points If You:
- Experience using tools such as ServiceNow, and Azure DevOps or similar.
- Experience with SAP financial modules or other Financial Consolidation modules such as SAP ECCS, BCS or BPC.
About the IT Hub
We are a team of IT professionals from many countries and diverse backgrounds, each with unique missions and challenges in the biggest health, nutrition and wellness company of the world. We innovate every day through forward-looking technologies to create opportunities for Nestlé´s digital challenges with our consumers, customers and at the workplace. We collaborate with our business partners around the world to deliver standardized, integrated technology products and services to create tangible business value.
About Nestlé
We are Nestlé, the largest food and beverage company. We are 308,000 employees strong driven by the purpose of enhancing the quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. Our values are rooted in respect: respect for ourselves, respect for others, respect for diversity and respect for our future. Want to learn more?
IT Regional Product Owner
17 mar.Nestle
Barcelona, ES
IT Regional Product Owner
Nestle · Barcelona, ES
Agile Azure Scrum Power BI Machine Learning
We are looking for a IT Regional Product Owner to be part of our IT Analytics, Data and Integration stream, and who will report to Zone Europe Regional Manager for ADI stream.
Position Snapshot
- Location: Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona.
- Type of Contract: Permanent.
- Stream: IT Analytics, Data and Integration.
- Type of work: Hybrid.
- Work Language: Fluent Business English.
About the IT Hub at Nestlé
We are a multicultural and diverse team of IT professionals driving the biggest IT operations landscape of the FMCG industry, and a Digital Transformation at scale. We work with leading technologies and top external partners to provide solutions to enable Nestlé to engage with millions of consumers and customers worldwide. We transform how we use data with machine learning, advanced Analytics, and introduce automation to drive Industry 4.0 opportunities.
We look for people who are curious, courageous, innovative, collaborative, and passionate about new technologies. If this is you and you want to make an impact globally, join us and there will be no limits to your career.
Position Summary:
Join our team as a dynamic and driven Regional Product Owner EUR, where you´ll spearhead exciting data and analytics projects within the fast-paced world of operations-focusing on supply chain and manufacturing! In this pivotal role, you´ll harness the power of data to enhance and streamline procurement, supply chain management, and manufacturing processes, driving innovation and efficiency. If you have a passion for data, deep experience in these areas or related IT roles, and want to make a tangible impact, this opportunity is for you! Ready to lead the charge? Let´s make operations smarter together!:
What you´ll do
- Lead impactful data and analytics projects in supply chain, procurement, and manufacturing at Nestlé.
- Promote Nestlé´s global data foundations to markets and above market entities to drive usage and adoption
- Partner with markets and above market entities to analyse and document business requirements, challenges, and opportunities.
- Partner with Product Managers, Business Analysts, and tech teams to understand and address identified data and analytics needs and opportunities.
- Co-ordinate and facilitate creation of data products for both standard reporting and advanced machine learning use cases as per zone priorities.
- Work with external and internalpartners to deliver data products using the latest tools like SAP BW, Azure, Snowflake, and PowerBI.
- Take on various roles such as Scrum Master, Project Lead, or Lead Solution Designer while working in agile and waterfall methodologies.
- Ensure compliance with data security and design standards in your data models.
- In collaboration with the Global Product Managers/Owners establish the required documentation to facilitate the deployment, adoption, and sustainability of data products.
- Support the deployment of Data Governance across the zone & markets
- Assist Product Managers through the entire product lifecycle, from new product launch to retirement.
We offer more than just a job. We put people first and inspire you to become the best version of yourself.
- Great benefits including competitive salary and a comprehensive social benefits package. We have one of the most competitive pension plans on the market, as well as flexible remuneration with tax advantages: health insurance, restaurant card, mobility plan, etc.
- Personal and professional growth through ongoing training and constant career opportunities reflecting our conviction that people are our most important asset.
- Hybrid working environment with flexible working scheme. Our state-of-the-art campus is dog friendly and equipped with a medical center, canteen and areas to co-create network and chill!
- Recreation activities such as yoga, Zumba, etc. and a wide range of volunteering activities.
Minimum qualifications:
- Bachelor´s or Master´s degree in computer science, engineering, maths, finance, statistics, or related field.
- Autonomous and proactive, building relationships across IT and business teams.
- 10+ years experience in working with data and analytics, likely from a developer background.
- Ready to move from hands-on development to leading and coaching teams to deliver scalable solutions.
- Proven track record in delivering analytics products using SAP-BW, Azure, Snowflake, and modern front-end tools like PowerBI and SAP SAC.
- Project management experience with dispersed teams, using both agile/DevOps and waterfall methodologies.
About the IT Hub
At Nestlé IT, we are a diverse, global team of IT professionals in the biggest health, nutrition and wellness company of the world. We strive to create an environment where people are valued for who they are. We innovate every day through future ready technologies to create opportunities for Nestlé to delight consumers, customers and employees alike. We collaborate with partners around the world to deliver tangible value at global scale. We continuously work to develop our people to be future ready.
About Nestlé
We are Nestlé, the largest food and beverage company in the world, with a presence in more than 185 countries. With net sales of CHF 94.
4 billion in 2022, the company has over 291,000 employees and 418 factories in 85 countries. Our values are based on respect: respect for ourselves, respect for others, respect for diversity, and respect for our future. Nestlé is dedicated to offering high-quality food and beverage products and services that contribute to the nutrition, health, and well-being of people, pets, and the planet. Additionally, it is committed to being a leading company in sustainability and achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Want to learn more?
Data Product Owner
19 feb.Michael Page
Data Product Owner
Michael Page · Barcelona, ES
Teletrabajo TSQL Azure Cloud Coumputing Jira AWS Machine Learning Power BI
- Opportunity to lead cutting-edge cloud data projects with a focus on Azure.
- Work in a dynamic, international environment with strong collaboration across LA
¿Dónde vas a trabajar?
The Client is a global leader in insurance and financial services, known for its strong commitment to digital transformation and data-driven decision-making. With operations in over 70 countries, Allianz is shaping the future of insurance through innovative cloud-based data solutions. By joining this team, you will be part of a company that values technological advancement, collaboration, and professional growth.
- Lead a regional team across LATAM (Colombia, Brazil, Portugal) to deliver high-quality data solutions.
- Manage backlog, prioritize requirements, and ensure alignment with business objectives.
- Oversee Azure-based data projects, including Data Factory, Synapse Analytics, Data Lake Storage, and SQL Database.
- Optimize data processing and analytics workflows using Azure Stream Analytics, Power BI, and Machine Learning.
- Implement CI/CD automation with GitHub and manage project tracking via Jira.
- Ensure data quality, scalability, and efficiency in cloud solutions.
¿A quién buscamos (H/M/D)?
- Strong technical background in data engineering and cloud platforms (Azure, AWS).
- Experience in data pipeline management, infrastructure automation, and stakeholder collaboration.
- Skilled in SQL, Power BI, and Azure Functions.
- Ability to lead teams, manage high-volume operations, and adapt to a fast-paced environment.
¿Cuáles son tus beneficios?
- Competitive salary + bonus.
- Opportunity to work with international teams and cutting-edge cloud technology.
- Career growth and ongoing training in cloud data solutions.
- Flexible and remote-friendly work environment.