Translational research group in childhood cancer, haematopoietic transplantation and cell therapyOrganisation/Company:IdiPAZDepartment:Translational research group in childhood cancer, haematopoietic transplantation and cell therapyResearch...
Translational research group in childhood cancer, haematopoietic transplantation and cell therapyOrganisation/Company:IdiPAZDepartment:Translational research group in childhood cancer, haematopoietic transplantation and cell therapyResearch Field:Biological sciences » BiologyOther Researcher Profile:Other Profession PositionsCountry:SpainApplication Deadline:25 Mar 2025 - 23:00 (Europe/Brussels)Type of Contract:PermanentJob Status:Full-timeHours Per Week:37.50 hoursOffer Starting Date:28 Mar 2025Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?Not funded by a EU programmeReference Number:RD24/0004APMIs the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?NoOffer DescriptionIdiPAZ seeks a Higher Level Laboratory Technician with experience in experimentation with immunosuppressed murine models to join the research project RD24/0014/0024 funded by the ISCIII and directed by Dr. Antonio Pérez Martínez, Head of the Paediatric Haematology-Oncology Service and director of the translational research group in childhood cancer, haematopoietic transplantation and cell therapy at IdiPAZ.RequirementsThe successful candidate will perform the following functions:Technical support to the group's researchers.Work on cell culture.Processing of patient blood samples and analysis/phenotyping by flow cytometry.Database maintenance.Organisation and logistics of the laboratory, inventory maintenance.Ordering.Training of trainees in basic cell and molecular biology techniques.Experimentation with murine models: implantation of patient-derived tumours, subcutaneous and intramuscular injection of cell lines for the study of tumour development and administration of treatments.Specific Requirements:Previous accredited experience in experimentation with immunosuppressed murine models.
Experimental Animal Handling Training (Role A, B and C) is required.Previous work experience in molecular biology/molecular oncology and cell therapy laboratories.A high level of spoken and written English would be an asset.Certificate of a minimum degree of disability equal to or higher than 33% would be an advantage.Languages:ENGLISH Level GoodYears of Research Experience:1 - 4Additional InformationIndefinite-term employment contract for scientific and technical activities.Professional category of Higher Level Laboratory Technician, Group IV, Area 2, according to the collective bargaining agreement.Full time of 37.5 hours per week.Gross annual salary: €18.500Private matters: 6 working days per year.Vacation: 22 working days per year.December 24 and 31 are non-business days.Selection ProcessThe selection process will consist of two phases and the following scale will be applied, out of a maximum of 10 points:Training and curricular merits: 6 points.Personal interview: 4 pointsIn the event that two or more candidates match the values and needs of the institution and meet the conditions required for the post, the candidate with a certificate attesting to a minimum degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent shall prevail.Where to applyE-mail: ****** LocationCompany/Institute:Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario La PazCountry:SpainState/Province:MadridCity:MadridPostal Code:28046Street:Paseo Castellana 261#J-18808-Ljbffr
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