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WikipediaDesarrollador Java
NuevaTrileuco Solutions
Zaragoza, ES
Desarrollador Java
Trileuco Solutions · Zaragoza, ES
API Java MongoDB GraphQL REST Spring gRPC Microservices Fintech Kafka DDD
Quieres sumarte a la revolución de la IA?
En Diverger queremos cambiar el mundo del desarrollo de software liderando la adopción de IA generativa en distintas fases del proceso de creación de soluciones.
No nos conformamos con utilizar los servicios comerciales ampliamente conocidos, los cuáles también adoptamos y perfeccionamos su uso, si no que desarrollamos nuestras propias herramientas basadas en IA generativa y que ponemos a disposición de todos nuestros equipos de desarrollo con el fin de acelerar la creación de software.
Somos un equipo formado por más de 100 personas que nos une la pasión, el espíritu de equipo, la determinación y que apostamos por el conocimiento compartido; y al cuál estamos deseosos de añadir más talento que nos acompañe en este camino de transformación del desarrollo de software gracias a la IA generativa.
Si algo también nos define es el gusto por la tecnología y su aplicación.
Existen muchas vías en el mundo del desarrollo de software pero nosotros apostamos por la calidad en todas las fases del proceso.
En Diverger, estamos convencidos de que la tecnología no solo resuelve problemas, sino que redefine posibilidades.
Si eres un apasionado del desarrollo backend, amas los desafíos tecnológicos y te motiva dejar tu huella en proyectos innovadores, este es tu lugar.
¡Necesitamos nuev@s compañer@s Backend Developers que quieran transformar el futuro!¿Cuál será tu objetivo?
Desarrollarás y mantendrás microservicios basados en Java, asegurándote de implementar los mayores entandares de calidad.
¿Cómo lo harás?
Utilizando el siguiente stack tecnológico y enfoques: Java (últimas versiones) Arquitectura Hexagonal, DDD (Domain Driven Designe), patrones de diseño, CI/CD, etc.
Spring Boot Rest y/o GraphQL gRPC y/o Protobuf API first Kafka (comunicaciones asincronas) MongoDB DB2 WebFlux ¿Qué buscamos?
Experiencia en las tecnologías y herramientas antes mencionadas.
Además de: Experiencia en CI/CD para garantizar entregas constantes y sin errores.
Experiencia aplicando las mejores practicas de desarrollo: Clean Code, Solid, DDD, Patrones, etc.
¿Por qué elegir Diverger?
Diverger no es solo una empresa, es un lugar donde las ideas cobran vida y el talento se multiplica.
Ayudamos a grandes empresas a resolver problemas complejos y a innovar en industrias como fintech, e-commerce, salud, banca, retail, logística, etc.
En Diverger encontrarás: Proyectos Tech: Colabora con empresas líderes y construye soluciones que impactan millones de usuarios.
Tecnología de vanguardia: innovación, metodologías avanzadas.
Cultura de excelencia: Nos motiva hacer las cosas bien, siempre, y con propósito.
Diversidad e inclusión: Creemos que las mejores ideas nacen en un entorno diverso y colaborativo.
Crecimiento continuo: Diseñamos rutas personalizadas de aprendizaje para que llegues tan lejos como quieras.
Nuestros beneficios van más allá del estándar: Plan de carrera y revisiones periódicas.
Flexibilidad total: elige trabajar desde donde prefieras (remoto o híbrido) y cuando quieras (respetando los hitos de tu equipo).
Inversión en tu desarrollo profesional: capacitaciones, certificaciones, formaciones de IA y tecnológicas.
Reconocimiento constante: celebramos tus logros individuales y en equipo.
Ambiente colaborativo y divertido: eventos, team building y un equipo que siempre te apoyará.
23 días de vacaciones + 24 y 31 de diciembre si caen en días laborales.
Jornada intensiva los viernes y 3 meses en verano Retribución flexible, para que puedas ahorran en tu declaración de la renta (seguro de salud, transporte, guardería y restaurante) Y más.... ¿Qué significa trabajar en Diverger?
Aquí no serás un simple desarrollador; serás un catalizador del cambio.
Tendrás la libertad de proponer, experimentar y construir, porque valoramos tanto el talento como la actitud.
Si has llegado hasta aquí, te gusta todo lo que has leído y crees que eres la persona perfecta para ayudarnos en este proceso de adopción de la IA en el mundo del desarrollo de software, ¡te estamos esperando!
Y si nos compartes en ****** alguna pieza de código, proyecto personal o tu perfil de github que demuestre lo bueno que eres, lo tendremos muy en cuenta.
En Diverger respiramos un entorno diverso y en el que todas las personas tengan igualdad de condiciones.
Crecemos por nuestro compromiso, nuestra exigencia y nuestra pasión por lo que hacemos sin importar la mochila con la que viajemos.
Porque no entendemos estas prácticas solo como principios, sino como la inercia de nuestra cultura día a día.
Nos aseguramos de crear un entorno en el que cada persona se sienta respetada, orgullosa y valorada por ser quien es y como es.
DIVERGER Thinking S.L, en cumplimiento del artículo 13 del RGPD, le solicita su consentimiento para el tratamiento de sus datos personales, con la finalidad de incluirle en nuestros procesos de selección de personal.
El tratamiento se encuentra legitimado en base a su consentimiento expreso (art 6.1.a) RGPD), que presta mediante su postulación a la candidatura de empleo.
En determinados casos, podrá ser necesario comunicar sus datos personales a nuestro cliente para que valore su candidatura.
Sus datos personales serán conservados durante el plazo de 1 año desde la finalización del proceso de selección.
Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación, portabilidad y a no ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas en ******.
Le informamos igualmente, de que tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la AEPD en caso de considerarlo oportuno.
Torrejón de Ardoz, ES
Administrativo/a Contable
ARQUIMEA · Torrejón de Ardoz, ES
ERP Excel Fintech Office
ARQUIMEA, somos una empresa tecnológica que opera a nivel global y ofrece soluciones y productos innovadores en sectores muy exigentes.
Nuestros sectores de actividad son Aeroespacial, Defensa y Seguridad, Big Science, Biotecnología y Fintech.
En estos momentos, estamos buscando un/a Administrativo/a Contable, con el objetivo de dar soporte administrativo y contable en el departamento financiero de la compañía.
Funciones principales:
- Registro y contabilización de facturas.
- Conciliaciones bancarias.
- Conciliaciones de cuentas proveedores y clientes.
- Revisión y actualización diaria de bancos y tesorería.
- Previsión de pagos.
- Cierre contable mensual y anual.
- Gestión tareas administrativas relacionadas con el departamento financiero.
- Gestión de documentación.
- CFGS – Administración y Gestión. Especialización en contabilidad.
- Mínimo 2-3 años de experiencia en las tareas anteriormente descritas.
- Nivel avanzado en Ms Office, especialmente Excel (muy alto).
- Muy valorable nivel de inglés nivel B2.
- Muy valorable conocimiento ERP Netsuite.
- Muy valorable experiencia previa en entorno multiempresa.
Buscamos personas curiosas, creativas, tenaces y colaboradoras, con ganas de hacer cosas y sin miedo a afrontar retos para contribuir a mejorar la sociedad en la que vivimos.
Think Big, Do the Job & Enjoy Life
En ARQUIMEA valoramos la diversidad y la inclusión. No discriminamos por motivos de raza, color, religión, género, orientación sexual, identidad de género, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad u otros factores protegidos por la ley. Todos los candidatos serán considerados en igualdad de condiciones en base a sus habilidades y experiencia.
Business Controller (Fintech)
21 mar.Dineo Crédito
Business Controller (Fintech)
Dineo Crédito · Málaga, ES
Teletrabajo Contabilidad Elaboración de presupuestos Capacidad de análisis Flujo de efectivo Elaboración de informes financieros Estándares informes financieros internacionales (IFRS) Pronóstico Contabilidad de gestión Control interno Control de empresas TSQL Excel Fintech Power BI Tableau
En Dineo Crédito💚, empresa colaboradora de Cash Converters♻️, empresa del sector de los micropréstamos, buscamos que se una al equipo un Business Controller para nuestro equipazo de negocio.
Somos la única entidad financiera de micropréstamos que damos mano a mano 🤝, y en el acto, dinero en efectivo a través de nuestros 73 puntos de venta📍, localizados en las Tiendas de Cash Converters, disponibles para usuarios no digitales💻.
Dineo también cubre las necesidades del mercado digital a través de su plataforma online, lo que permite a los usuarios solicitar, extender o pagar sus micropréstamos en cualquier momento que lo necesiten.
En Dineo Crédito S.L estamos comprometidos con la igualdad de oportunidades, y por eso, implementamos procesos de selección no discriminatorios que favorezcan la diversidad y la inclusión.
Tu día a día será... 🚀
- Elaborar y hacer seguimiento de presupuestos anuales y mensuales.
- Supervisar el cumplimiento de los objetivos comerciales y de rentabilidad, identificando posibles desviaciones y proponiendo acciones correctivas.
- Evaluar business cases: analizar iniciativas de negocio, priorizando las que tienen la mejor relación coste-rentabilidad.
- Participar en la proyección de ingresos y costos, estableciendo protocolos de revisión basados en los resultados actuales.
- Apoyar en la creación y mantenimiento de modelos predictivos para decisiones estratégicas.
- Realizar backtesting de modelos y validar hipótesis para mejorar la precisión de las estimaciones financieras.
- Utilizar QlikSense (u otras herramientas de BI similares) para la extracción y tratamiento de datos financieros.
- Coordinar con equipos multifuncionales (Comercial, Marketing, etc.) para la elaboración de paneles de control y asegurar la coherencia de la información.
- Mantener un diálogo continuo con proveedores para controlar y optimizar los gastos operativos.
¿Qué debes aportar tú? 🎓
- Grado en Economía, Administración y Dirección de Empresas.
- Experiencia en la elaboración de presupuestos y análisis financiero.
- Dominio avanzado de Excel: fórmulas, tablas dinámicas, macros (deseable).
- Conocimientos de estadística aplicada y nociones de modelización financiera.
- Experiencia en herramientas de BI: QlikSense, Power BI o Tableau.
- Conocimientos básicos de SQL (deseable).
- Valorable un nivel intermedio de inglés.
- Habilidades de análisis, interpretación de datos y propuesta de mejoras.
- Capacidad de organización y planificación para gestionar múltiples proyectos simultáneamente.
- Proactividad y aprendizaje rápido para optimizar procesos y mantenerte actualizado/a.
Se valorará positivamente:
- Conocimiento básico en modelos de control de gestión: Forecast, reporting, controlling, etc.
- Conocimientos en metodologías de data governance o interés en formarse en ello.
- Orientación a la mejora continua: búsqueda de automatización de procesos y optimización de flujos de trabajo.
- Formación o experiencia previa en finanzas corporativas, contabilidad de costes u otras áreas afines.
¿Qué tenemos nosotrxs para ti?
- WFA- Política Work From Anywhere/ Teletrabajo.
- Contrato indefinido ♾.
- 23 días laborables de vacaciones + el día de tu cumpleaños 🎂.
- Horario verano (julio y agosto de 8 a 15h) y todos los viernes🌞.
- Horario flexible ⌛.
- Trabajar con metodologías Ágiles🌌.
- Seguro médico privado🩺.
- Todo el café y refrescos gratis que quieras🥤☕.
- Fruta en la oficina 🍊🍌, diferentes infusiones...
- Formación tanto interna como externa💗.
- Plan de carrera🚀.
- Mucho más...
Customer Success Director
21 mar.Planet
Madrid, ES
Customer Success Director
Planet · Madrid, ES
TSQL Fintech Power BI Salesforce Tableau Office
About Us
Planet is a leading technology company transforming payments by putting customer experience first.
We offer integrated solutions that include payment processing, VAT refunds, dynamic currency conversion, and management services for merchants in the Retail and Hospitality sectors worldwide.
In recent years, we have experienced significant growth, expanding our services and global presence.
With strong private equity investors, Advent International and Eurazeo, we have the financial capital and expertise to grow our capabilities and reach through acquisitions.
Our mission is to create a world of connected commerce where payments are simple, secure, and seamless, enabling our partners to deliver exceptional experiences to their customers.
Role Overview
The primary objective of the Customer Success Team is to build relationships with our SME accounts, leading to improved customer lifespan and increased potential of upsell and cross-sell opportunities. The Customer Success Team Leader will lead a team of customer success managers and team leads, overseeing processes and metrics directly related to portfolio growth, customer retention, churn prevention and customer satisfaction.
The Customer Success Director is responsible for full cycle planning and execution through the Customer Success team. They implement data-led strategies to retain customers via pro-active outbound communication with the target base, and oversee the team’s execution of both inbound and outbound activities. These include ad hoc and “always on” commercial outbound campaigns, tracking and reporting on progress, and iterating strategies based on campaign success. This team will also be responsible for inbound customer calls and requests for commercial and non-operations purposes, where customer success managers will be expected to engage with customers before, during, and after the request is successfully executed for that customer.
What You Will Do
- Team management: Build and scale a high-performing team, with focus on prioritising workloads based on data insights and requirements, championing employee development and maintaining an inclusive work environment.
- Metric tracking: Use CRM tools to monitor relevant customer retention, growth and churn metrics, and prepare and present regular reports on customer retention and portfolio trends to senior management.
- Internal collaboration: Work closely with internal teams such as tech, product, operations, other sales teams and executive leadership in order to create clear cross-department process flows to boost customer satisfaction.
- Contract renewals: Coordinate process for tracking customer contract terms and coordinating renewals and contract negotiation to maximise customer retention.
- Inbound commercial requests: Organise team capacity to cover inbound customer calls and requests for commercial and non-operations purposes, where customer success managers will be expected to engage with customers before, during, and after therequest is successfully executed for that customer.
- Outbound Commercial campaigns: Implement targeted commercial campaigns (e.g.,win-back offers, cross-sell, upsell, etc.), working closely with Go-To-Market team and Marketing.
- Churn analysis: Set-up and oversee process to capture and analyse customer churn reasons, including an off boarding process and checklist and off boarding interviews.
- Churn reduction: Plan customer-oriented churn reduction strategies based on data-driven insights and monitor team execution.
- Proven experience in Customer Success or Mass Account Management role, ideally in a Payments or Fintech environment. Relevant courses / training desired but not required.
- Experience in building and leading a high-performing team.
- Commercially oriented, strong analytical skills and goal-oriented mindset, with experience in devising and executing go-to-market models.
- Strong analytical skills with experience in data analysis tools (e.g., SQL, Tableau, PowerBI) as well as experience in using CRM tools (e.g. Salesforce)
- Excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to manage multiple priorities effectively.
- Ability to influence cross-functionally, in a matrix organisation
- Passion for building strong customer relationships and fostering customer loyalty.
- Desired experience working with international internal stakeholders and customers.
Planet is an equal opportunity employer where diversity is valued, and all employment is decided based on qualifications, merit, and business need.
Come and grow your career in the most exciting, fast paced technology market, with a business that delivers feel-good connected commerce. We would love to hear from you – Apply now.
At Planet, we embrace a hybrid work model, with three days a week in the office.
Reasonable accommodations may be made in order to allow for an individual to perform the essential functions of this role successfully.
Data Engineer - Fintech
20 mar.Ebury
Madrid, ES
Data Engineer - Fintech
Ebury · Madrid, ES
API Python TSQL Cloud Coumputing REST Fintech Big Data Office
Ebury is a leading global fintech company that empowers businesses to trade and grow internationally. It offers a comprehensive suite of products, including international payments and collections, FX risk management, trade finance, and API integrations. Founded in 2009 by Juan Lobato and Salvador García, Ebury is one of the fastest-growing global fintechs, with over 1,700 employees and 38 offices in more than 25 countries.
**Data Engineer - Fintech**
*Madrid Office - Hybrid: 4 days in the office, 1 day working from home*
Join Our Data Team at Ebury Madrid Office.
Ebury´s strategic growth plan would not be possible without our Data team and we are seeking a Data Engineer to join our Data Engineering team!
Our data mission is to develop and maintain Ebury´s Data Warehouse and serve it to the whole company, where Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Analytics Engineers and Data Analysts work collaboratively to:
- Build ETLs and data pipelines to serve data in our platform
- Provide clean, transformed data ready for analysis and used by our BI tool
- Develop department and project specific data models and serve these to teams across the company to drive decision making
- Automate end solutions so we can all spend time on high-value analysis rather than running data extracts
**What we offer:**
- Competitive salary and benefits package
- Discretionary bonus based on performance
- Continued personal development through training and certification
- We are Open Source friendly, following Open Source principles in our internal projects and encouraging contributions to external projects
- Be mentored by one of our outstanding performance team members along a 30/60/90 plan designed only for you
- Participate in data modelling reviews and discussions to validate the model´s accuracy, completeness, and alignment with business objectives
- Design, develop, deploy and maintain ELT/ETL data pipelines from a variety of data sources (transactional databases, REST APIs, file-based endpoints)
- Serve hands-on delivery of data models using solid software engineering practices (eg. version control, testing, CI/CD)
- Manage overall pipeline orchestration using Airflow (hosted in Cloud Composer), as well as execution using GCP hosted services such as Container Registry, Artifact Registry, Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, and GKE
- Work on reducing technical debt by addressing code that is outdated, inefficient, or no longer aligned with best practices or business needs
- Collaborate with team members to reinforce best practices across the platform, encouraging a shared commitment to quality
- Help to implement data governance policies, including data quality standards, data access control, and data classification
- Identify opportunities to optimise and refine existing processes
**About you:**
- 3+ years of data/analytics engineering experience building, maintaining & optimising data pipelines & ETL processes on big data environments
- Proficiency in Python, SQL and Airflow
- Knowledge of software engineering practices in data (SDLC, RFC...)
- Stay informed about the latest developments and industry standards in Data
- Fluency in English
If you´re excited about this job opportunity but your background doesn´t match exactly the requirements in the job description, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other positions we have.
**About Us**
Ebury is a FinTech success story, positioned among the fastest-growing international companies in its sector.
Founded in 2009, we are headquartered in London and have more than 1,700 staff with a presence in more than 25 countries worldwide. Cultural diversity is part of what makes Ebury a special place to be. From Sao Paulo to Dubai, Bucharest to Toronto, we enjoy sharing team experiences and celebrating success across the Ebury family.
Hard work pays off: in 2019, Ebury received a £350 million investment from Banco Santander and has won internationally recognised awards including Financial Times: 1000 Europe´s Fastest-Growing Companies.
None of this would have been possible without our proudest achievement: our great people. Enthusiastic, innovative and collaborative teams, always ready to disrupt and revolutionise the fast-paced FinTech sector.
We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation. At Ebury, you can be whoever you want to be and still feel a sense of belonging no matter your story because we want you and your uniqueness to help write our future.
Principal Software Engineer
20 mar.Ebury
Madrid, ES
Principal Software Engineer
Ebury · Madrid, ES
API Python Jenkins Microservices Fintech Terraform Office
Ebury is a leading global fintech company that empowers businesses to trade and grow internationally. It offers a comprehensive suite of products, including international payments and collections, FX risk management, trade finance, and API integrations. Founded in 2009 by Juan Lobato and Salvador García, Ebury is one of the fastest-growing global fintechs, with over 1,700 employees and 38 offices in more than 25 countries.
**Principal Software Engineer - Trade Engine**
Ebury Madrid Office - Hybrid: 4 days in the office, 1 day working from home
**The Role:**
The Trade Engine Engineering team at Ebury is seeking a highly experienced Principal Engineer to lead critical initiatives and drive architectural excellence within our team. As a key member of our distributed team spanning South America and Europe, you will be responsible for the strategic development and optimization of our multi-currency accounting system and foreign currency exchange platform. Your expertise will be instrumental in shaping the future of our platform and ensuring we deliver a best-in-class FX experience for our clients and operational teams.
As a Principal Python Engineer, you will provide technical leadership, mentor senior engineers, and define the architectural direction of our core systems. Your deep technical knowledge and strategic vision will be essential to our continued innovation and growth. We value collaboration and commitment, and operate within a distributed setup where effective teamwork is key.
**What we offer:**
- Competitive salary and benefits package
- Discretionary bonus based on performance
- Continued personal development through training and certification
- We are Open Source friendly, following Open Source principles in our internal projects and encouraging contributions to external projects
- Define and drive the architectural vision for our FX platform, ensuring scalability, reliability, security, and performance.
- Lead the design and review of complex system architectures, establishing best practices and standards for software development.
- Drive Ebury-wide initiatives and collaborate with product management, design, and operations to align engineering priorities with business objectives.
- Make strategic technology decisions regarding project timelines, resource allocation, and technology adoption, contributing to the overall growth strategy of the engineering team.
**About You:**
- Extensive professional programming experience (ideally 10+ years) in developing intricate software systems is essential. Proficiency in multiple programming paradigms and languages is preferred, with particular emphasis on Python (our current primary backend language).
- Proven track record of leading architectural design and implementation for large-scale systems.
- Deep understanding of distributed system concepts, microservices architecture, and cloud-based technologies to effectively contribute to cloud-native applications.
- Strong understanding of how finance and technology work together is a major plus. The ideal candidate will possess expertise in liquidity and pricing infrastructure, cash flow management and reconciliation, ledger and financial tracking, and currency risk mitigation within the context of a company like Ebury.
- Expertise in establishing standard APIs, integrating monitoring and alerting services, and seamlessly integrating with external systems to build and manage services.
- Demonstrated leadership experience in guiding engineering teams through high-impact projects, fostering a collaborative and innovative team culture.
- Ability to work with and understand existing code, propose and implement improvements to reduce tech debt and enhance workflow efficiency.
- Strong commitment to code quality, testing (unit, integration, end-to-end), and CI/CD pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, Terraform).
- Excellent communication skills in English, both written and spoken, as you will collaborate with colleagues from different countries.
If you´re excited about this job opportunity but your background doesn´t match exactly the requirements in the job description, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other positions we have.
**About Us**
Ebury is a FinTech success story, positioned among the fastest-growing international companies in its sector.
Founded in 2009, we are headquartered in London and have more than 1700 staff with a presence in more than 25 countries worldwide. Cultural diversity is part of what makes Ebury a special place to be. From Sao Paulo to Dubai, Bucharest to Toronto, we enjoy sharing team experiences and celebrating success across the Ebury family.
Hard work pays off: in 2019, Ebury received a £350 million investment from Banco Santander and has won internationally recognised awards including Financial Times: 1000 Europe´s Fastest-Growing Companies.
None of this would have been possible without our proudest achievement: our great people. Enthusiastic, innovative and collaborative teams, always ready to disrupt and revolutionise the fast-paced FinTech sector.
We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation. At Ebury, you can be whoever you want to be and still feel a sense of belonging no matter your story because we want you and your uniqueness to help write our future.
Senior Salesforce Engineer
20 mar.Ebury
Málaga, ES
Senior Salesforce Engineer
Ebury · Málaga, ES
API Jenkins Cloud Coumputing Git REST SOAP Fintech Salesforce Office
Ebury is a leading global fintech company that empowers businesses to trade and grow internationally. It offers a comprehensive suite of products, including international payments and collections, FX risk management, trade finance, and API integrations. Founded in 2009 by Juan Lobato and Salvador García, Ebury is one of the fastest-growing global fintechs, with over 1,700 employees and 38 offices in more than 25 countries.
**Senior Salesforce Engineer**
Malaga Office - Hybrid: 4 days in the office, 1 day working from home
We are looking for a skilled Senior Software Engineer to join our CRM team. In this position, you will play a vital role in designing and implementing Ebury´s Salesforce solutions for CRM, focusing on developing stronger, compliant applications that help eliminate barriers to clients´ finances and enable global business operations.
**What we offer:**
- Competitive salary and benefits package
- Discretionary bonus based on performance
- Continued personal development through training and certification
- We are Open Source friendly, following Open Source principles in our internal projects and encouraging contributions to external projects
- Develop features using Apex, Lightning Web Components (LWC), Flows, and general Salesforce platform configuration.
- Integrate Salesforce with external systems using REST and SOAP APIs.
- Work with Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Pardot, and AI tools to optimize financial processes.
- Contribute to Salesforce strategy in the financial sector, ensuring scalability and performance.
- Manage source code using Git, including branching, merging, and pull requests.
- Maintain and improve CI/CD processes via Jenkins and sfdx.
- Support acceptance testing to address, respond to functional queries and make any appropriate configuration updates related to these queries.
- Collaborate with the Product Team with respect to product requirements and testing outputs.
We are looking for versatile professionals, who like joining a dynamic Fintech environment, working with internal scalable projects, and being part of a development team.
**About you**
- Minimum of 3 years of experience in Salesforce development.
- Strong business analysis skills, business process and requirements analysis - experience in eliciting and analysing business requirements and following the process through to final delivery.
- Ability to effectively prioritize and escalate issues as required.
- Good attention to detail, organized, and results-oriented.
- Proficient analytical and solution skills.
- Strong interpersonal skills and team player mentality.
- Good written and verbal communication skills, including fluency in English.
**About Us**
Ebury is a FinTech success story, positioned among the fastest-growing international companies in its sector.
Founded in 2009, we are headquartered in London and have more than 1700 staff with a presence in more than 25 countries worldwide. Cultural diversity is part of what makes Ebury a special place to be. From Sao Paulo to Dubai, Bucharest to Toronto, we enjoy sharing team experiences and celebrating success across the Ebury family.
Hard work pays off: in 2019, Ebury received a £350 million investment from Banco Santander and has won internationally recognised awards including Financial Times: 1000 Europe´s Fastest-Growing Companies.
None of this would have been possible without our proudest achievement: our great people. Enthusiastic, innovative, and collaborative teams, always ready to disrupt and revolutionise the fast-paced FinTech sector.
We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation. At Ebury, you can be whoever you want to be and still feel a sense of belonging no matter your story because we want you and your uniqueness to help write our future.
KPMG España
Consultor/a Senior Risk & Regulatory
KPMG España · Madrid, ES
Teletrabajo TSQL Fintech
¿Te defines por tu talento y tu visión?
Entonces, tú también puedes marcar la diferencia. Únete a un entorno profesional que contribuye a la transformación de empresas y sociedad. Alcanza tus metas, supera tus límites y únete a una firma que va más allá de los servicios profesionales.
Porque marcar la diferencia no es solo algo que decimos. Es lo que hacemos.
Desarrolla tu carrera con nosotros.
¿Qué hacemos?
Desde el equipo de Financial Services Consulting llevamos a cabo la búsqueda de soluciones innovadoras que permitan a las entidades financieras alcanzar la excelencia en la transformación de sus áreas de gestión, ya sean de negocio, de riesgos, financieras, operativas o tecnológicas; adaptándolas a nuevos entornos innovadores y cada vez más competitivos.
Buscamos a personas que sean proactivas, con muchas ganas de aprender, crecer y aportar valor al cliente y al equipo. Profesionales decididos a liderar el cambio, mediante la transformación e innovación, y acompañados de nuestros expertos.
¿En qué tipo de proyectos participarías?
- Analizar novedades normativas de interés y su impacto en nuestros clientes de referencia (bancos, aseguradoras y gestoras de activos).
- Elaborar y/o validar modelos de riesgo financieros (crédito, mercado, liquidez, etc.) y extra-financieros (operacional, cumplimiento, reputacional, ESG, etc.).
- Realizar levantamiento de procesos y proponer soluciones para mejorar la eficiencia operativa
- Definir mapas de riesgo y KPIs de medición y reporting
- Definir y elaborar documentación de gobierno (políticas, procedimientos, etc.) y reporting (informes de seguimiento, ICAAP, etc.)
- Diseñar e implementar estrategias de transformación funcional y tecnológica
- Participar en oficinas de gestión de proyecto (PMO) para coordinar a los equipos de trabajo y asegurar la calidad y los tiempos de los entregables.
- Incorporar criterios ESG en los procesos de gestión y toma de decisiones de los clientes
- Analizar viabilidad en el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de negocio (neobanca, Fintech, Insurtech, criptomonedas, etc.)
- Ayudar a elaborar y defender propuestas comerciales.
¿Qué buscamos?
- Graduados/as en ADE, Derecho y ADE, Económicas.
- Se requiere experiencia, de al menos dos años, en las funciones descritas.
- Nivel de inglés mínimo B2.
¿Qué otras aptitudes ayudarían en este rol?
- Máster/Posgrado de especialización.
- Capacidad analítica y de resolución de problemas, habilidad para trabajar en equipo y por objetivos, y buenas habilidades comunicativas. Iniciativa, flexibilidad y compromiso profesional.
- Conocimientos en programación (SAS, SQL, Visual Basic).
- Experiencia previa en ámbitos relacionados con la innovación y el desarrollo en la gestión estratégica y analítica de procesos de riesgos, financieros, tecnológicos o de negocio.
- Certificaciones específicas, como Lean, formación BME, etc
¿Qué valor añadido te podemos aportar?
- Un gran ambiente de trabajo, tanto dentro como fuera de la oficina
- Oportunidades internacionales y red de contactos global
- Formacióncontinuay plan de carrera a tu medida
- Salario competitivo y plan de remuneración flexible
- 31 días laborables de vacaciones
- La tarde de tu cumpleaños libre
- Flexibilidad y posibilidad de teletrabajo
- Acceso a Kteam, nuestra plataforma de bienestar, servicios, solidaridad y promociones
- Los beneficios pueden variar para programas de becas y/o prácticas
Nuestro compromiso en KPMG es promover ambientes de trabajo en los que se trate con respeto y dignidad a las personas, garantizando la igualdad de oportunidades en su selección, formación y promoción ofreciendo un entorno de trabajo libre de cualquier discriminación por motivo de género, edad, discapacidad, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, religión, etnia, estado civil o cualquier otra circunstancia personal o social. Y es que cada persona tiene un valor único y especial que aportar a la firma.
Nuestros valores marcan la diferencia. Marca la diferencia, impulsa tu talento.
Business Development Manager EMEA
Unlimit · Madrid, ES
Teletrabajo Fintech
About Unlimit
Founded in 2009, Unlimit is a global fintech company that offers a large portfolio of financial services, including payment processing, banking as a service (BaaS), and an on&off-ramp fiat solution for crypto, DeFi, and GameFi. The company’s mission is to deliver solutions that eliminate financial borders, enabling businesses to operate both locally and internationally with ease across Europe, the UK, LATAM, APAC, India, and Africa. Unlimit has 700 employees across 16 offices and five continents, including London, Singapore, São Paulo, Hong Kong, and Mexico. For further information, please visit: www.unlimit.com.
About The Job
As a member of the Unlimit Business Development Team, you will be responsible
for driving your own pipeline, seek out opportunities in the market and support the
ongoing commercial growth strategy of the organization.
What You’ll Do:- Bring new business: Build a pipeline of new potential partners and close
- Be a Brand Ambassador for Unlimit as we establish a position in the market
- Collaborate with the wider business to ensure you have a thorough
Who you are:- Industry master – you are a seasoned executive experienced in certain
- Hunter, not farmer – you need to hunt out new clients and be creative as you
- Negotiation – excellent negotiation skills a yes always begins with a no
- Passionate – love what you do every day and have a ferocity to win
- Commercially Driven – have a goal-oriented attitude
- Organized – we need someone who is methodical and organized – planning is
What we offer:
- Attractive monthly salary paid in line with experience
- Vacation, sick, and paid holidays
- Full-time: 5/2 (Saturday and Sunday days off)
- A team of top international professionals to learn from
Unlimit is an equal opportunity employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief.