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Madrid, ES
Solution Application Infrastructure
Santander · Madrid, ES
Agile Azure Cloud Coumputing Kubernetes Ansible AWS DevOps Terraform
Solution Application, Infrastructure & Data Architecture Specialist
Country: Spain
iHola! Has llegado al sitio donde se desarrolla la tecnología que mejora la vida de 160 millones de clientes en todo el mundo.
Esta oferta de empleo es la oportunidad no sólo de incorporarte a una gran empresa, sino de colaborar en proyectos que tienen un impacto real en la sociedad.
Buscamos un/a DevOps de plataforma para nuestras oficinas de Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) con al menos 5 años de experiencia en entornos Cloud pública (Principalmente AWS y Azure)
Lo primero es conocernos
Estamos viviendo una de las mayores transformaciones de nuestra historia y la tecnología es el centro de la estrategia. Uniéndote a nuestro equipo formarás parte de uno de los proyectos tecnológicos más importantes del sector financiero en el mundo.
Uno de nuestros principios es la innovación continua, trabajando con metodologías Agile y DevSecOps y adoptando las tecnologías más top del mercado para trabajar con el mejor stack tecnológico.
Hemos recibido la distinción "Top Employer" a nivel España, Europa y Global por sexto año consecutivo y formamos parte de las 25 mejores empresas del mundo para trabajar. Nos enorgullece ser una organización donde hay igualdad de oportunidades y estamos formando un equipo dinámico y proactivo. Solo queremos que traigas buen rollo, compromiso con el desarrollo de tecnología puntera y que compartas nuestros valores, nos da igual de dónde vengas o a dónde vayas
Cómo será tu día a día
Estamos buscando un/a DevOps de plataforma para de Plataforma de SDS Payments, un equipo clave de nuestro ecosistema tecnológico.
Nuestro trabajo consiste en gestionar el entorno multi-región y multi-cloud de la plataforma de Pagos, manteniendo la infraestructura cross que ofrece servicio a todos nuestros productos que soportan una producción crítica.
Estas serán tus principales tareas:
- Crear y mantener repositorios de Github y GitHub Actions para el despliegue de la infraestructura (CI/CD)
- Trabajar en el diseño de soluciones de arquitectura en cloud Azure y AWS
- Networking y arquitectura de networking
- Administración de redes de Azure Cloud y AWS de la Landing Zone.
- Despliegues automatizados con Ansible , Terraform vía Github.
- Gestión de módulos de Terraform para el despliegue de los Proyectos.
Qué esperamos de ti
Seguro que encajas en el equipo si te gusta la tecnología, quieres entender los riesgos a los que se enfrenta el Banco, aprendes constantemente de nuevas tecnologías y si además de desarrollar tus skills técnicos, también te preocupas de mejorar tus soft skills.
Si tienes el espíritu, estos son los conocimientos indispensables que miraremos en tu CV:
- Cloud Azure y AWS
- Kubernetes
- Infraestructura y Redes
- Ansible y Terraform
- Gestión de equipos
- Soporte productivo
Sería genial si además...
- Conocimiento previo en entornos multi-región y multi-cloud.
- Conocimientos de instalación y mantenimiento de plataforma de APIs Apigee
- Conocimiento en APIs y OAuth
- Conocimiento de políticas y herramientas del grupo Santander
- Inglés intermedio
iCómo es la experiencia Be Tech!
- Modelo híbrido de trabajo (teletrabajas unos días y otros te juntas con tu equipo en la ofi).
- Flexibilidad horaria para entrar y salir.
- Posibilidad de viajar (colaboración con países) y colaborar con equipos de esos países.
- Oportunidades internacionales para desarrollarte en diferentes unidades y países.
- Formación continua en temas técnicos e innovadores para siempre estar al día y poder desarrollar tu trabajo.
- Plan de carrera para que crezcas profesionalmente y veas recompensado tu esfuerzo y trabajo.
- Salario y bonus muy competitivo.
- Beneficios financieros (tipos de interés especiales para préstamos, condiciones bancarias preferentes, plan de pensiones, seguro de vida, etc.)
- Beneficios sociales.
¿Y ahora?
Si te suena bien lo que has leído, te va a gustar más lo que encontrarás dentro. ´Te unes al equipo?
Network Architect Azure
21 mar.Axiom Software Solutions
London, ES
Network Architect Azure
Axiom Software Solutions · London, ES
Python Azure Cloud Coumputing AWS PowerShell Bash Terraform
Job role: Network Architect Azure
Location: London
Type: Permanent
Client: Mphasis
**Tech stack and languages**
Tech Stack: CloudFlare, Checkpoint, Palo Alto, F5 Load Balancers, MPLS, SD-WAN
Languages: PowerShell, Python, Bash
**Relevant Technologies & Tools**
Networking & Security: CloudFlare, Cisco (CCNP level), Checkpoint (CCSA), Palo Alto Networks, F5 Load Balancers
Cloud Platforms: Microsoft Azure (Azure Networking, AZ-700 certification level)
Networking Protocols & Architecture: MPLS, SD-WAN, VPNs, Zero Trust Network Access
Tools: Wireshark, Microsoft Visio, Terraform
**Must have qualifications**
Microsoft Azure (AZ-700 level), MPLS, SD-WAN, VPNs, Zero Trust Architecture, Cisco (CCNP), Checkpoint (CCSA)
**Nice to have qualifications**
Terraform, Visio, Wireshark, COBIT, additional cloud certification (e.g., AWS Certified Network Specialty)
Network Architect (Azure)
Madrid, ES
Infrastructure Automation Engineer
Santander · Madrid, ES
Python Agile TSQL Azure Cloud Coumputing Ansible Oracle OpenShift AWS DevOps PostgreSQL Terraform
Infrastructure Automation Engineer - Santander Digital Services
Country: Spain
iHola! Has llegado al sitio donde se desarrolla la tecnología que mejora la vida de 160 millones de clientes en todo el mundo.
Esta oferta de empleo es la oportunidad no sólo de incorporarte a una gran empresa, sino de colaborar en proyectos que tienen un impacto real en la sociedad.
Buscamos un/a Infrastructure Automation Engineer para nuestras oficinas de Boadilla del Monte.
Lo primero es conocernos
Estamos viviendo una de las mayores transformaciones de nuestra historia y la tecnología es el centro de la estrategia. Uniéndote a nuestro equipo formarás parte de uno de los proyectos tecnológicos más importantes del sector financiero en el mundo.
Uno de nuestros principios es la innovación continua, trabajando con metodologías Agile y DevSecOps y adoptando las tecnologías más top del mercado para trabajar con el mejor stack tecnológico.
Hemos recibido la distinción "Top Employer" a nivel España, Europa y Global por sexto año consecutivo y formamos parte de las 25 mejores empresas del mundo para trabajar. Nos enorgullece ser una organización donde hay igualdad de oportunidades y estamos formando un equipo dinámico y proactivo. Solo queremos que traigas buen rollo, compromiso con el desarrollo de tecnología puntera y que compartas nuestros valores, nos da igual de dónde vengas o a dónde vayas.
Cómo será tu día a día
Estamos buscando un/a Infrastructure Automation Engineer para el equipo de Middleware Automation Platform (MAP), un equipo clave de nuestro ecosistema tecnológico.
Nuestro trabajo consiste en proveer las herramientas y automatismos que permitan a los equipos DevOps y otros equipos técnicos la ejecución de forma autónoma de sus tareas de plataforma (mantenimiento, administración, aprovisionamiento, etc.).
Estas serán tus principales tareas:
- Desarrollar y gestionar nuevos proyectos de automatización desde la idea inicial hasta su validación y puesta en producción.
- Instalación, configuración, mantenimiento y soporte de las herramientas de automatización.
- Desarrollar y gestionar mejoras en procesos existentes aplicando automatismos como medio para la optimización.
- Supervisar instalaciones, resolución de problemas, mantenimientos y testing sobre todo el ciclo de vida del proceso de desarrollo y mantenimiento de automatismos.
- Proveer soporte técnico a otras áreas en el desarrollo de sus automatismos ayudando en las investigaciones, entendiendo sus procesos y proporcionando soporte en el diseño de sus automatismos.
- Trabajar estrechamente con otros compañeros de equipo con el objetivo de alcanzar los objetivos establecidos para el área.
Qué esperamos de ti
Seguro que encajas en el equipo si te gusta la tecnología, quieres entender los riesgos a los que se enfrenta el Banco, aprendes constantemente de nuevas tecnologías y si además de desarrollar tus skills técnicos, también te preocupas de mejorar tus soft skills.
Si tienes el espíritu, estos son los conocimientos indispensables que miraremos en tu CV:
- Experiencia en lenguajes de programación Ansible y Python.
- Experiencia en sistemas UNIX.
- Experiencia manteniendo aplicaciones/productos en entornos productivos.
- Experiencia ejecutando automatismos en entornos productivos.
- Altos conocimientos sobre todo el conjunto del ecosistema de IT Middleware (hardware, redes, bases de datos & aplicaciones).
- Conocimientos de arquitectura de infraestructura.
- Habilidades para la resolución de problemas.
- Inglés hablado y escrito.
- Experiencia trabajando en metodologías Agiles.
Sería genial si además...
- Gestión de Riesgos y Proyectos.
- Experiencia con bases de datos SQL (Oracle, PostgreSQL).
- Tecnologías Cloud (Azure, AWS, OpenShift).
- Herramientas de gestión de infraestructura como código (Terraform).
- Experiencia con herramientas de automatización (Rundeck, Ansible Automation Platform).
- Capacidad de adaptación y desarrollo de habilidades en nuevas tecnologías.
iCómo es la experiencia Be Tech!
- Modelo híbrido de trabajo (teletrabajas unos días y otros te juntas con tu equipo en la ofi).
- Flexibilidad horaria para entrar y salir.
- Posibilidad de viajar (colaboración con países) y colaborar con equipos de esos países.
- Oportunidades internacionales para desarrollarte en diferentes unidades y países.
- Formación continua en temas técnicos e innovadores para siempre estar al día y poder desarrollar tu trabajo.
- Plan de carrera para que crezcas profesionalmente y veas recompensado tu esfuerzo y trabajo.
- Salario y bonus muy competitivo.
- Beneficios financieros (tipos de interés especiales para préstamos, condiciones bancarias preferentes, plan de pensiones, seguro de vida, etc.).
- Beneficios sociales.
¿Y ahora?
Si te suena bien lo que has leído, te va a gustar más lo que encontrarás dentro
Madrid, ES
Solution Application Infrastructure
Santander · Madrid, ES
Agile Azure Cloud Coumputing Kubernetes Ansible AWS DevOps Terraform
I_Solution Application, Infrastructure & Data Architecture Specialist
Country: Spain
iHola! Has llegado al sitio donde se desarrolla la tecnología que mejora la vida de 160 millones de clientes en todo el mundo.
Esta oferta de empleo es la oportunidad no sólo de incorporarte a una gran empresa, sino de colaborar en proyectos que tienen un impacto real en la sociedad.
Buscamos un/a Technical Lead DevOps para nuestras oficinas de Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) con al menos 5 años de experiencia en entornos Cloud y gestión de equipos DevOps.
Lo primero es conocernos
Estamos viviendo una de las mayores transformaciones de nuestra historia y la tecnología es el centro de la estrategia. Uniéndote a nuestro equipo formarás parte de uno de los proyectos tecnológicos más importantes del sector financiero en el mundo.
Uno de nuestros principios es la innovación continua, trabajando con metodologías Agile y DevSecOps y adoptando las tecnologías más top del mercado para trabajar con el mejor stack tecnológico.
Hemos recibido la distinción "Top Employer" a nivel España, Europa y Global por sexto año consecutivo y formamos parte de las 25 mejores empresas del mundo para trabajar. Nos enorgullece ser una organización donde hay igualdad de oportunidades y estamos formando un equipo dinámico y proactivo. Solo queremos que traigas buen rollo, compromiso con el desarrollo de tecnología puntera y que compartas nuestros valores; nos da igual de dónde vengas o a dónde vayas.
Cómo será tu día a día
Estamos buscando un/a Technical Lead DevOps para el área de Delivery & APIs de SDS Payments, un equipo clave de nuestro ecosistema tecnológico.
Nuestro trabajo consiste en gestionar el entorno multi-región y multi-cloud de la plataforma de Pagos, manteniendo la infraestructura y producto de la herramienta de APIs y portales públicos.
Estas serán tus principales tareas:
- Planificación y seguimiento de tareas del equipo DevOps
- Análisis y propuestas de soluciones de arquitectura e integraciones en Cloud (Azure y AWS)
- Apoyo al equipo y clientes en la resolución de problemas e incidencias
- Automatización de despliegues (CI/CD) con SW como Ansible y Terraform
- Despliegue, mantenimiento y gestión de Plataforma de APIs (Apigee)
- Propuesta de mejoras en la infraestructura, además de detección, análisis y solución de deuda técnica
- Soporte 24/7 productivo
Qué esperamos de ti
Seguro que encajas en el equipo si te gusta la tecnología, quieres entender los riesgos a los que se enfrenta el Banco, aprendes constantemente de nuevas tecnologías y si además de desarrollar tus skills técnicos, también te preocupas de mejorar tus soft skills.
Si tienes el espíritu, estos son los conocimientos indispensables que miraremos en tu CV:
- Cloud Azure y AWS
- Kubernetes
- Infraestructura y Redes
- Ansible y Terraform
- Gestión de equipos
- Soporte productivo
Sería genial si además:
- Conocimiento previo en entornos multi-región y multi-cloud.
- Conocimientos de instalación y mantenimiento de plataforma de APIs Apigee.
- Conocimiento en APIs y OAuth.
- Conocimiento de políticas y herramientas del grupo Santander.
- Inglés intermedio.
iCómo es la experiencia Be Tech!
- Modelo híbrido de trabajo (teletrabajas unos días y otros te juntas con tu equipo en la ofi).
- Flexibilidad horaria para entrar y salir.
- Posibilidad de viajar (colaboración con países) y colaborar con equipos de esos países.
- Oportunidades internacionales para desarrollarte en diferentes unidades y países.
- Formación continua en temas técnicos e innovadores para siempre estar al día y poder desarrollar tu trabajo.
- Plan de carrera para que crezcas profesionalmente y veas recompensado tu esfuerzo y trabajo.
- Salario y bonus muy competitivo.
- Beneficios financieros (tipos de interés especiales para préstamos, condiciones bancarias preferentes, plan de pensiones, seguro de vida, etc.)
- Beneficios sociales.
¿Y ahora?
Si te suena bien lo que has leído, te va a gustar más lo que encontrarás dentro. ´Te unes al equipo?
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Madrid, ES
Senior Fullstack (React+Next+Node)
Cognizant Technology Solutions · Madrid, ES
React Javascript Node.js Cloud Coumputing GraphQL Redux Terraform SEO
Senior Fullstack (React+Next+Node) Developer
English and Spanish Required / Madrid-based
Are you one of those Fullstack Engineerswho loves to learn from and teach your colleagues, push yourself to the limit, and take part in very demanding projects with the latest technology?
At Cognizant Spain we have got the Team that you´ll want to be part of: great colleagues to count on, continuous training, and interesting projects!
We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Software Engineer to join our dynamic team. You would ideally have expertise in React JS, Node JS, Next JS, and Google Cloud Services. This role requires proficiency in English and Spanish and offers a hybrid work model.
Why choose us? - HIGH QUALITY PROJECTS. You will take part in demanding international projects. Show us what you´re made of!
- LATEST TECHNOLOGIES. We know you love the fascinating world of JavaScript, which is why you´ll continue to grow in this field.
- LEARNING. Your current knowledge is never enough, is it? You´ll have access to learning platforms that will train you to become an expert or even start learning one of those skills you know you´ve been wanting to study.
- TEAMWORK. This team will always be there for you! We know you´re tough and have a "no task too small" attitude, but you´ll always have a talented teammate to count on if you need to!
- INTERNATIONAL TEAM. If you stand out among your peers because you´ve got great English communication skills, you´ll be able to put that to good use! If it´s not your strongest suit, don´t worry! Here´s where you can improve it by working alongside teams distributed all around the world.
- CAREER PLAN. It is a fact, here you´ll grow in every direction: vertically towards gaining more responsibilities and increasing in category, and horizontally towards learning new technologies and becoming an expert in your business.
Other benefits that you´ll find:
- Restaurant tickets for every working day!
- Permanent contract: you are here to grow with us!
- Referral program: it´s time to bring your colleagues to an awesome team and get rewarded for it!
- Salary and bonuses: it´s a matter of reaching an agreement. We´ll discuss it on our first call!
What will make you successful in this position? - Having strong experience in React JS, Next JS, and ideally Node JS.
- Having strong understanding of testing strategies and tools like Jest Cypress or Playwright.
- Having experience with modern frontend build tools and state management libraries (Redux Zustand Recoil).
- Having familiarity with design tokens and UI consistency best practices.
- Having knowledge of performance optimization techniques (lazy loading code splitting asset management).
- Having understanding of accessibility best practices (WCAG compliance).
- Having experience with GitHub Actions for CI/CD automation.
- Having knowledge of Terraform and Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
- Having familiarity with performance monitoring and debugging tools.
- Having Full-stack experience (Node.js GraphQL) is a plus.
What will be your mission? - Develop and maintain React/Next.js applications with a focus on performance and scalability.
- Implement different rendering strategies to balance performance and SEO.
- Ensure high code quality through unit integration and end-to-end testing (Jest React Testing Library Cypress etc.).
- Collaborate with backend engineers, designers, and product managers.
- Improve CI/CD pipelines (experience with GitHub Actions is a plus).
- Optimize applications for performance and accessibility.
To sum up!
Apply to this position if you want to continue being a successful Fullstack Developer surrounded by a healthy and trendy environment!
The Cognizant community:
We are a high caliber team who appreciate and support one another. Our people uphold an energetic, collaborative and inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive.
- Cognizant is a global community with more than 300,000 associates around the world.
- We don´t just dream of a better way - we make it happen.
- We take care of our people, clients, company, communities and climate by doing what´s right.
- We foster an innovative environment where you can build the career path that´s right for you.
About us:
Cognizant is one of the world´s leading professional services companies, transforming clients´ business, operating, and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build, and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant (a member of the NASDAQ-100 and one of Forbes World´s Best Employers 2024) is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world.
Principal Software Engineer
20 mar.Ebury
Madrid, ES
Principal Software Engineer
Ebury · Madrid, ES
API Python Jenkins Microservices Fintech Terraform Office
Ebury is a leading global fintech company that empowers businesses to trade and grow internationally. It offers a comprehensive suite of products, including international payments and collections, FX risk management, trade finance, and API integrations. Founded in 2009 by Juan Lobato and Salvador García, Ebury is one of the fastest-growing global fintechs, with over 1,700 employees and 38 offices in more than 25 countries.
**Principal Software Engineer - Trade Engine**
Ebury Madrid Office - Hybrid: 4 days in the office, 1 day working from home
**The Role:**
The Trade Engine Engineering team at Ebury is seeking a highly experienced Principal Engineer to lead critical initiatives and drive architectural excellence within our team. As a key member of our distributed team spanning South America and Europe, you will be responsible for the strategic development and optimization of our multi-currency accounting system and foreign currency exchange platform. Your expertise will be instrumental in shaping the future of our platform and ensuring we deliver a best-in-class FX experience for our clients and operational teams.
As a Principal Python Engineer, you will provide technical leadership, mentor senior engineers, and define the architectural direction of our core systems. Your deep technical knowledge and strategic vision will be essential to our continued innovation and growth. We value collaboration and commitment, and operate within a distributed setup where effective teamwork is key.
**What we offer:**
- Competitive salary and benefits package
- Discretionary bonus based on performance
- Continued personal development through training and certification
- We are Open Source friendly, following Open Source principles in our internal projects and encouraging contributions to external projects
- Define and drive the architectural vision for our FX platform, ensuring scalability, reliability, security, and performance.
- Lead the design and review of complex system architectures, establishing best practices and standards for software development.
- Drive Ebury-wide initiatives and collaborate with product management, design, and operations to align engineering priorities with business objectives.
- Make strategic technology decisions regarding project timelines, resource allocation, and technology adoption, contributing to the overall growth strategy of the engineering team.
**About You:**
- Extensive professional programming experience (ideally 10+ years) in developing intricate software systems is essential. Proficiency in multiple programming paradigms and languages is preferred, with particular emphasis on Python (our current primary backend language).
- Proven track record of leading architectural design and implementation for large-scale systems.
- Deep understanding of distributed system concepts, microservices architecture, and cloud-based technologies to effectively contribute to cloud-native applications.
- Strong understanding of how finance and technology work together is a major plus. The ideal candidate will possess expertise in liquidity and pricing infrastructure, cash flow management and reconciliation, ledger and financial tracking, and currency risk mitigation within the context of a company like Ebury.
- Expertise in establishing standard APIs, integrating monitoring and alerting services, and seamlessly integrating with external systems to build and manage services.
- Demonstrated leadership experience in guiding engineering teams through high-impact projects, fostering a collaborative and innovative team culture.
- Ability to work with and understand existing code, propose and implement improvements to reduce tech debt and enhance workflow efficiency.
- Strong commitment to code quality, testing (unit, integration, end-to-end), and CI/CD pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, Terraform).
- Excellent communication skills in English, both written and spoken, as you will collaborate with colleagues from different countries.
If you´re excited about this job opportunity but your background doesn´t match exactly the requirements in the job description, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other positions we have.
**About Us**
Ebury is a FinTech success story, positioned among the fastest-growing international companies in its sector.
Founded in 2009, we are headquartered in London and have more than 1700 staff with a presence in more than 25 countries worldwide. Cultural diversity is part of what makes Ebury a special place to be. From Sao Paulo to Dubai, Bucharest to Toronto, we enjoy sharing team experiences and celebrating success across the Ebury family.
Hard work pays off: in 2019, Ebury received a £350 million investment from Banco Santander and has won internationally recognised awards including Financial Times: 1000 Europe´s Fastest-Growing Companies.
None of this would have been possible without our proudest achievement: our great people. Enthusiastic, innovative and collaborative teams, always ready to disrupt and revolutionise the fast-paced FinTech sector.
We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation. At Ebury, you can be whoever you want to be and still feel a sense of belonging no matter your story because we want you and your uniqueness to help write our future.
Software Engineer - Fintech
19 mar.Ebury
Madrid, ES
Software Engineer - Fintech
Ebury · Madrid, ES
API Python OOP Jenkins Fintech Terraform LESS Office
Ebury is a leading global fintech company that empowers businesses to trade and grow internationally. It offers a comprehensive suite of products, including international payments and collections, FX risk management, trade finance, and API integrations. Founded in 2009 by Juan Lobato and Salvador García, Ebury is one of the fastest-growing global fintechs, with over 1,700 employees and 38 offices in more than 25 countries.
**Software Engineer - Trade Engine - Python Developer**
Ebury Madrid Office - Hybrid: 4 days in the office, 1 day working from home
**The Role:**
The Trade Engine Engineering team at Ebury is seeking an experienced Software Engineer. As part of our diverse team spread across South America and Europe, the successful candidate will be entrusted with the development and optimisation of our multi-currency accounting system and exchange of foreign currencies. You´ll be required to make significant contributions to our platform as we continually aim to bring it to the next level and deliver the best FX experience for our clients and operational teams.
**What we offer:**
- Competitive salary and benefits package
- Discretionary bonus based on performance
- Continued personal development through training and certification
- We are Open Source friendly, following Open Source principles in our internal projects and encouraging contributions to external projects
- Contribute to the development of the next iteration of our FX platform´s services, collaborating both in the development and delivery of new products but also in the improvement and automation of existing ones.
- Collaborate with your team members and engineering leaders to design new services and components using our Request For Comments (RFC) process.
- Coach and mentor less experienced team members, positively changing the trajectory of the team to increase the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the team.
- Lead product initiatives from discovery to delivery, working closely with the product and operational teams to ensure everyone is on the same page.
- In line with our ´You build it, you own it´ philosophy, we expect you to take full ownership of the products you build, embracing both their development and ongoing maintenance.
**About You:**
- You have extensive experience in developing complex software systems. We mainly work with Python, but it is also ok if you are more comfortable with other OOP languages.
- Since you will work side by side with colleagues from different countries, you will be able to communicate clearly and concisely your ideas in English, both written and spoken.
- You are adept at both constructing and managing services. As such, you should have proficiency in establishing standard APIs, incorporating monitoring systems and alerting services, along with a strong expertise in integrating external systems.
- You are not afraid of legacy code, being able to keep it running and make improvement proposals once you are comfortable with the workflows, so that we can reduce our technical debt backlog.
- Quality is important to us, we expect your code to be testable and well covered with unit and integration tests. We use CI Jenkins pipelines and terraform for the deployment of services and infrastructure. From time to time, you might need to contribute to it.
If you´re excited about this job opportunity but your background doesn´t match exactly the requirements in the job description, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate for this or other positions we have.
**About Us**
Ebury is a FinTech success story, positioned among the fastest-growing international companies in its sector.
Founded in 2009, we are headquartered in London and have more than 1700 staff with a presence in more than 25 countries worldwide. Cultural diversity is part of what makes Ebury a special place to be. From Sao Paulo to Dubai, Bucharest to Toronto, we enjoy sharing team experiences and celebrating success across the Ebury family.
Hard work pays off: in 2019, Ebury received a £350 million investment from Banco Santander and has won internationally recognised awards including Financial Times: 1000 Europe´s Fastest-Growing Companies.
None of this would have been possible without our proudest achievement: our great people. Enthusiastic, innovative and collaborative teams, always ready to disrupt and revolutionise the fast-paced FinTech sector.
We believe in inclusion. We stand against discrimination in all forms and have no tolerance for the intolerance of differences that makes us a modern and successful organisation. At Ebury, you can be whoever you want to be and still feel a sense of belonging no matter your story because we want you and your uniqueness to help write our future.
Senior DevOps Engineer AWS
19 mar.Bitpanda
Barcelona, ES
Senior DevOps Engineer AWS
Bitpanda · Barcelona, ES
MySQL MongoDB Python NoSQL Docker Cloud Coumputing AWS DevOps PostgreSQL Redis Go Terraform Kafka
Who we are
We simplify wealth creation. Founded in 2014 in Vienna, Austria by Eric Demuth, Paul Klanschek and Christian Trummer, we´re here to help people trust themselves enough to build their financial freedom - for now and the future. Our user-friendly, trade-everything platform empowers both first-time investors and seasoned experts to invest in the cryptocurrencies, crypto indices, stocks*, precious metals and commodities* they want - with any sized budget, 24/7. Our global team works across different cultures and time zones, bringing our products to more than 6 million customers, making us one of Europe´s safest and most secure platforms that powers modern investing.
Headquartered in Austria but operating across Europe, our products are built by fast-moving, talented, "roll-up-your-sleeves-and-make-it-happen" kind of people. It´s these diverse perspectives and innovative minds operating as ONE TEAM that keep Bitpanda at the cutting edge of our industry. So if you´re someone who thinks big, moves fast and wants to make an impact right from day one, then get ready to join our industry-changing team. Let´s go!
Your mission
Join Bitpanda´s dynamic team to drive the evolution of our cutting-edge infrastructure, ensuring seamless scalability and high performance. Empower millions of users by leveraging the latest technologies and your DevOps expertise to create innovative solutions.
What you´ll do
- Develop and enhance our infrastructure using AWS, EKS, Istio, ArgoCD, Terraform Cloud and Confluent Cloud.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to improve systems and develop new features.
- Monitor, upgrade, and automate systems to guarantee stability, security, and high performance using tools like Datadog, Opsgenie and AI.
- Enhance our Terraform codebase and CI/CD pipelines to support rapid feature delivery.
- Architect and implement scalable solutions for complex technical challenges.
- Drive automation and infrastructure as code practices to streamline operations.
Who you are
- Over 6 years of experience with Expertise in AWS-based infrastructure (EC2, RDS, EKS, KMS etc.).
- Minimum of 3 years of experience with Docker, Kubernetes/EKS and Terraform.
- Proficiency in CI/CD tools such as GitLab CI/CD, and some experience with ArgoCD.
- Experience in Python, Golang, Kafka is preferred.
- Experience with relational and NoSQL databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL on Aurora/RDS, MongoDB, DynamoDB, and Redis.
- Enthusiastic about new technologies and able to build strong relationships across various engineering squads.
What´s in it for you
- We´re proud of our flexible working model that includes 2 days (minimum) working from the local Hub, plus 60 Work From Anywhere days annually
- Total compensation package including participation in our Bitpanda stock option plan
- Competitive benefits programs and policies shaped by our flexibility-first philosophy
- Exclusive premiums when trading on Bitpanda
- Company-wide and team events - both in-person and virtually!
- Bitpanda swag to keep you living the brand
And, above all, the opportunity to learn and grow as part of Bitpanda´s incredible journey towards being Europe´s future #1 investment platform.
Bitpanda is committed to fostering a fair and equal environment based on trust and mutual respect. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is paramount to our success and we are committed to building a team that represents a wide variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills.
Security Insight Data Engineer
18 mar.Swiss Re
Madrid, ES
Security Insight Data Engineer
Swiss Re · Madrid, ES
C# MySQL Python Agile TSQL Azure Jenkins Docker Cloud Coumputing Kubernetes Oracle Hadoop AWS PowerShell R DevOps Terraform Spark SQL Server
We are seeking a skilled and motivated Data Engineer with a DevOps background to join our Security Insights Team., You will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the infrastructure that supports data analysis and reporting activities. Additionally, you will collaborate closely with data scientists, analysts, and other team members to ensure smooth data operations, optimize data pipelines, and facilitate the delivery of useful insights.
Join our team of cybersecurity professionals and help Swiss Re to fulfil its mission in making the world more resilient.
About the team
The Security Team is the focal point for all security activities across Swiss Re. We are responsible for cybersecurity engineering and operations, governance, risk and compliance. We define, monitor and advance the company´s security strategy. We are looking for a self-starter who is happy to challenge the status quo of existing processes - aiming towards improving their efficiency and developing the solutions supporting them.
As part of the Security Insights team, you will be responsible for enabling the Security team to make data driven decisions, by providing dashboards and insights.
In your role, you will...
- Build and manage robust data infrastructure, including data storage, processing, transformation, and visualization tools, using the Azure cloud-based platform and related technologies (such as Terraform)
- Implement and maintain CI/CD practices for data applications and infrastructure, automating deployment, testing, and monitoring processes
- Collaborate with data analysts, and business stakeholders to understand their requirements and provide technical support to enable seamless data access, transformation, and analysis
- Optimize data processing and ETL workflows, continuously monitoring and improving their performance, reliability, and scalability
- Ensure data security and quality standards are upheld throughout the data lifecycle, implementing appropriate data governance processes and best practices
Your qualifications
Nobody is perfect and meets 100% of our requirements. If you, however, meet some of the criteria below and are curious about the world of cyber security and data insights, we´ll be more than happy to meet you!
What we need from you:
- Experience with data engineering frameworks (e.g., Synapse, Databricks, Apache Spark, Hadoop).
- Experience with automation tools and technologies such as Terraform
- Experience with relational databases (e.g., SQL server, Oracle, SQL, MySQL)
- Proficiency in any programming language, examples include SQL, Python, PowerShell, C#, and R
- Experience with CI/CD pipelines and tools such as Azure Dev-ops, Jenkins or GitLab
- Good communication skills in spoken and written English
- Understanding of technologies related to information security, vulnerability management, and Identity & Access Management
- Relevant work experience as a DevOps Engineer or similar role
- Experience with other cloud platforms such as AWS and GCP
- Experience with containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes
- Experience with Agile and DevOps methodologies
We provide feedback to all candidates. If you have not heard from us, please check your spam folder.
For Spain, the base salary range for this position is between [EUR 41,000] and [EUR 69,000] (for a full-time role). The specific salary offered considers:
the requirements, scope, complexity and responsibilities of the role,
the applicant´s own profile including education/qualifications, expertise, specialisation, skills and experience.
In addition to your base salary, Swiss Re offers an attractive performance-based variable compensation component, designed to recognise your achievements. Further you will enjoy a variety of global and location specific benefits.
Eligibility may vary depending on the terms of Swiss Re policies and your employment contract.