Are you passionate about everything related to climate change and its regulation? Do you want to work in a dynamic and international environment? Then our RENADE team wants to hear from you! We are a growing team responsible for supporting the...
Are you passionate about everything related to climate change and its regulation? Do you want to work in a dynamic and international environment? Then our RENADE team wants to hear from you!
We are a growing team responsible for supporting the National Administrator of the Spanish Area of the European Union Registry. Our goal is, by managing this Registry, to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately to achieve the net zero target for these types of emissions. As an intern, you will have the opportunity to collaborate within the team in the daily tasks and administration of the department and learn more about the regulation and innitatives to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions, sustainability and climate change.
Join us and invest in a sustainable future, fighting against climate change. Don't hesitate and apply now!
What You Will Do
Help with the organisation of physical and digital documentation. Organise the suitcase
Collaborate in the contact with clients through our helpdesk service
Help to manage billing
Support for the management of other administrative and daily tasks
What You Bring
You are studying a bachelor or master degree in Law, Business administration, environmental sciences or international relations
High interest to learn more about climate change topic and its regulations
Fluent in English and Spanish, both verbal and written, to interact with international clients
Knowledge of other languages will be positively valued: French, German, Chinese, etc
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office 365 enviroment and Excel. Knowledge of Power BI or other similar tools will be valued
High social and communication skills with an attention to detail mindset and willingness to learn new concepts
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